The Regular Show

Twilight wakes up and heads to the map room with her journal and other books she found about Portals, reading about it Spike walks in a few hours later. By the time Spike walks in, Twilight was about to fly away. "Wait Twilight, where are you going?" Spike runs up to her before she flies any further. "I'm going back to that cave where thag portal is and write more in my journal." Twilight stands on the balcony rails, "Are you going in it?" Spike asks. "Well yes, I am actually." Twilight stands tall and mighty as she proudly says it. "Well i'm coming with you!" Spike hops onto Twilight's back.

As the pair arrive at the cave, Twilight into the portal, with her horn she uses it as light then the tip of her hoof touches the wall and the portal activates. A golden spiral then emerges with another world, not like the one before. But a modern city with a park in the middle. Twilight and Spike walks in, and the portal closes, Twilight and Spike screamed as a magical rainbows filled the void into another gateway.

Twilight and Spike woke up inside the bushes, but there was no portal around. Twilight first thought that the portal closed up and that there was no way to get back home. Thankfully her magic works, not even her teleportation magic works and not a single magic radiated near them. Twilight and Spike then walked around the park, "Oh my gosh is that a pony and dragon?" A women whispers to the man next to her. More indistinct whispers can be heard around. "Spike, we've seen people but their style is completely different." Twilight looks around with her head down, Spike agrees and hugs Twilight tightly and curls her wings around him to protect.

Skips was by the bushes trimming and heard whispers, due to curiosity he turned around and saw a unfamiliar stranger. "A purple pony and a dragon riding on them?" Skips gets up and walks up to them. Twilight then stands tall and firm, as the tall yeti approaches them. "My name is Skips and I work here, who are you?" He looks down at them. Spike puts his head down as Twilight explains who she is. "A Princess from another world? Well i've seen all kinds of crazy things, come with me i'm sure my friends can help." Skips leads the way to the house. "Oh thank you so much." Twilight politely thanking Skips.
