
The piercing wail hurt my ears as I squeezed Zoë's hand. We were in the back of the ambulance because none of us could just drive her while we were intoxicated.

"Fainting is caused by lack of oxygen. She was probably talking too much while she was drinking." Someone who looked like a nurse explained to us.

"Don't worry, she should be fine, we'll just put on an oxygen mask."

"Good. We don't want anything to happen to her." I said, forcing a smile.


"C'mon man, really?" A soaked Miles looked at Ansel with a frown on his face.

We were in the hospital, and I was in the chair next to Zoë while the nurse got the oxygen mask.

Ansel, who was rolling around on the floor clutching his stomach in a fit of laughs, rolled his eyes.

"Don't be so dramatic, I only spilled a bit of my water on you." He said, chuckling.

"Sorry guys, only 2 of you in here at a time." The nurse said, a look of wary on her face.

Miles and Ansel exited the room as the nurse put a oxygen mask on Zoë's face.

Theo, who was standing across from me, made his way there to the nurse.

"Thank you." He said, smiling.

"No worries. She might need to stay overnight in order for the oxygen to restore back to her normal levels, but after that, she's free to go home and rest for a bit. No more drinking for her." She said, winking and making her way out.

I felt a warm pair of hands feel my waist and rough stubble graze my cheek. I looked up to see Theo.

"You can rest if you want." I said to him, looking at his eyes. He had purple circles under them and his eyelids were drooping.

"You need to rest as well." He said, touching my cheek. "You look exhausted."

Thinking about it, I was exhausted and needed to rest. Theo sat in the chair that was big enough for the both of us on the other side of the room and I sat next to him, spreading my legs out and leaving my head on his chest.

When we were both comfortable. We lay there, I closed my eyes, and felt a pair of lips kiss my forehead as I smile to myself.


hiiii xx

i know this chaptyed is sort of lame but I just needed something for a filler and I didnt think i mentioned Zoë enough soo..

