
I wake up to big eyes staring at me in the face.

"Gahh!" I jump back, hitting Theo in the face.

Theo grunted, lifting his head.

The big brown eyes blinked and moved back. Eventually realizing it was Zoë, Theo and I went back to our normal positions.

"You guys are so cute!" Zoë said, looking at us, holding both of her hands to her face.

Theo snaked an arm around my waist. "We know," He said, puffing out his chest.

I laughed.

"How are you feeling?" I said, touching Zoë's forehead.

"I'm fine. Miles and Ansel are helping me steal food from the hospital's cafeteria and then we're good to go." She said, laughing.

"C'mon guys, can we not have one party without anyone ending up in the hospital?" I say, nudging Theo in the ribs.

Ansel chuckles, "2 down, many more to go."

Theo rolls his eyes, and gets up, leaving me slumped in the chair.

I groaned lazily.

"C'mon, let's go it's already 10," He said, looking at his watch and stretching.


"You got it? R-E-S-T." Theo said, finishing his lecture to Zoë.

We had dropped off her stuff at her apartment and were getting ready to go.

"Yeah, yeah I got it, but I can't if you don't leave!" Zoë said laughing.

"Okay, we're leaving," Theo said, putting his hand in mine.

"Bye, Zoë!" I called out as we closed the crimson-coloured door.

"Let's be productive today," Theo said, scratching the back of his head.

"Okay, what were you thinking?" I said, out of curiosity.

"I need to find another place to stay and all mystuff is at Ruth's." He said, matter-of-factly.

"Theo, you don't need to stay anywhere else." I said.

"Filming's over so you can stay at mine," I said, walking to the elevator.

"Shai, I've been crowding your space lately," He said, walking with me.

"It's okay, Theo. I'd rather spend my time in my place with the person I love than alone." I said, stepping into the elevator and pressing the button.

"If you're sure.." He said, unsurely.

"Oh, I'm definitely sure." I said, kissing his cheek.

"Thanks, Shai. I love you." He said, cupping my head into his hands.

"It's okay." I said, as the elevator made a DING sound.

"Alright, we just have to make our way to Ruth's and get a couple boxes. " Theo said.

"You can stay in the car if you need to," Theo said, smiling warily as he started the car.

"No, it's okay." I said, with all the confidence in me.

I stared ahead, ready to face Ruth once again, as the car engine came to life.


heyy guys x

this one's longer than the usual.

finally made 1K! Love you guys and thanks xxx

will update again next week x
