Chapter 6: Visiting Cang Qiong mountain sect.

Shen Jiu decided it was time for his two little brothers to meet their uncle, uncle-inlaw and their shibo.

So he brought his brother to the Cang Qiong sect, they were sitting inside a carriage as it headed towards the Cang Qiong sect through the forest. Wei Ying and Xue Yang were currently studying, Wei Ying practicing his writing style while Xue Yang playing Guzheng.

Shen Jiu sipped his newly brought tea, it was a dried strawberry tea.

Shen Jiu glanced at the mischievous duo, he felt the time pass by very quickly the two brats he took in became healthy brats. If he is right then they are about 14 years old? It seems the time to throw them out for their own path is coming near. Shen Jiu narrowed his eyes, disliking the idea of letting the two go on their own. But remembering that he couldn't keep them with himself after all a diamond needs to be sharpened. Prephas after they become 15, letting them spread their wings to their destiny. It seems he only has half a year until his didis leave his side.

Feeling the carriage stopped Shen Jiu let the mischievous duo clean themselves. Meeting an elder they can't be dirty and unsightly. Lest his uncle throw cups of tea at them.

Shen Jiu got out of the carriage and saw his uncle and shixiong standing in front of the sect gate. With a small smile Shen Jiu walked towards the overprotective duo forgetting his little brothers. Wei Ying and Xue Yang definitely weren't jealous because two strangers got their big brother's attention and even if they were, they wouldn't show it on their faces. Can't afford to disgrace their Jiu-ge's teaching.

"Uncle! Wen-shixiong!" Shen Jiu called out as he came near them. He never expected that his shifu would turn out to be his uncle from his mother's side. The revelation explained the somewhat warm yet strict attitude his shifu had towards him. Shen Jiu had always wondered why his shifu favored him more than his shixiong in his past life. Despite being talented and hardworking, He Mingxin wasn't one to show favoritism just for that reason. Both Shen Jiu and Wen Yi were talented and diligent, yet Shen Jiu received more favor from He Mingxin.

Don't get wrong Wen Yi never got jealous because he was also busy with spoiling his adorable shidi. And with Shen Jiu being their shifu's favorite gave Wen Yi freedom to sneak out or slack off his duties. If Shen Jiu was a good student then Wen Yi was a slacker, of course that is only his shifu and he knew of. Can't offer to damage his image as a head disciple and role model for his Jiu-shidi.

"Jiu'er/Jiu-di" Both He Mingxin and Wen Yi called out warmly as they welcomed Shen Jiu.

Shen Jiu received a hug from both his uncle and shixiong, Wei Ying and Xue Yang after cleaning themselve up, Wei Ying stood on Shen Jiu's right side, and Xue Yang on the left. They stood silently, waiting for Shen Jiu to introduce them to the two strangers.

"Uncle, Shixiong, these two are my adopted brothers! Xue Yang and Wei Ying!" Shen Jiu announced. Placing his left hand on Xue Yang's back, he gently pushed him forward while doing the same with Wei Ying.

"My name is He Mingxin, the peak lord of Qing Jing peak and uncle of the three of you. This one standing beside this master is Wen Yi, the head disciple of this master." He Mingxin said to two children standing beside his nephew. "You two should call me uncle and that one standing beside this master, call him whatever you want." He Mingxin said the last sentence with a carefree attitude, making Wen Yi look at him with an offended face.

"How can you say that! They should call me shibo or gege! I'm Jiu'er's big brother!!" Wen Yi exclaimed, He Mingxin almost facepalmed at his head disciples' undignified behavior. Stupid disciple!

"Greeting uncle and Wen-shibo." the kiddos hadn't forgotten their manners that were taught by Shen Jiu, if it was in their past life Wei Ying might just casually greet people while Xue Yang definitely won't even attempt to show basic greetings to others. But in this life they were taught by Shen jiu to show the manner of a scholar. It was a nightmare, if they missed one thing then they would have to begin from the beginning. So it had become a habit because of their 100 times of practicing it.

Shen Jiu's uncle and shixiong warmly welcomed Xue Yang and Wei Ying. The atmosphere lightened as introductions were made, and soon, they found themselves engaged in casual conversation. They made their way to the Qing Jing peak, not knowing there was someone standing not far away from them with a shocked face. Obviously it was Qi Qingqi, she just came back from her errand, then saw Shen Qingqiu standing with He Mingxin and Wen Qingyi the new head disciple of the Qing Jing peak. Who would have thought that in this life Wen Yi would become the head disciple instead of Shen Qingqiu.

Over time she and her other martial sibling also had been enlightened by the truth of how they were wrong about Shen Jiu, it took some time for them to admit their wrongdoings.

She had to inform others about Shen Qingqiu's arrival, but first she will apologize and make amends. Qi Qingqi had grown some cell brain; she would not inform Shen Jiu's arrival without his permission because she had a feeling that others would cause problems for Shen Jiu. There are three people she was going to tell and that was Qian Qinghui, Bai Qingping and Li Qinghan. To be honest she didn't have to do that because Shen Jiu was going to meet them even without her intervention.


"Jiu'er, how long are you planning to stay here? Is Tianlang-Jun also around?" He Mingxin inquired as he observed Shen Jiu pouring tea for him.

"I'll be here for a few months before continuing my journey. Tianlang is occupied with work in the demon realm, so he won't be able to come for another month or so," Shen Jiu responded. He turned to glance at Wen Yi playing with Xue Yang and Wei Ying.

"I see. What about my two little nephews?" He Mingxin asked.

Shen Jiu met his uncle's gaze before replying, "They're almost 15 years old. It's time for them to leave and face their own destinies."

He Mingxin nodded in agreement, understanding Shen Jiu's desire for the two children to find their own paths rather than blindly following him. Shen Jiu should well-aware of Wei Ying's potential in demonic cultivation, and He Mingxin respected his nephew's decision.

Sipping his tea, He Mingxin contemplated which demonic cultivation manual would suit Wei Ying. As for Xue Yang, he recognized the talent for poison in the young cultivator. He found it intriguing, especially with the poisonous needles hidden in Xue Yang sleeves.

Observing Jiu'er's choices, He Mingxin noted the two-faced nature of his little nephews Shen Jiu had accepted. "You've chosen interesting youngsters, Jiu'er," he remarked with a chuckle. "But as long as you're safe, I won't question your decisions."

"Jiu-ge, look, I made a bamboo flute!" Wei Ying's enthusiastic voice interrupted their conversation. Shen Jiu inspected the flute, noting the spiritual power within. He Mingxin also recognized its quality and praised Wei Ying's craftsmanship.

Xue Yang, not to be outdone, displayed the needles he crafted from a cherry blossom tree. Shen Jiu, although slightly exasperated by Xue Yang's obsession with making needles, couldn't help but rub the top of his head. "Two of them are quite the talented pair," Wen Yi remarked with a smile.

He Mingxin, once again surprised by the talents of his little nephews, laughed joyously. "You two certainly know how to impress. Here," he said, beckoning the youngsters and handing them a jade flute and needles made from 1000-year-old wood. "For your exceptional skills. Keep honing them."

Wei Ying and Xue Yang exchanged excited glances before expressing their gratitude. Shen Jiu watched with a fond smile, appreciating the familial atmosphere that had enveloped them.

"Thank you, Uncle He!" Both younger boys exclaimed before running off towards Wen Yi who was already waiting for them at the door. The three of them already got so close that He Mingxin's instinct was screaming at him. These three will cause a lot of headaches to other peak lords and sect.

"Thank you, Uncle He!" Both younger boys exclaimed before darting off towards Wen Yi, who was already waiting for them at the door. The three of them had grown so close that He Mingxin's instinct was screaming at him. These three would undoubtedly cause a lot of headaches for other peak lords and sects.

He Mingxin couldn't help but chuckle as he watched them leave. It was a familiar feeling — a sense of mischief and potential chaos that often accompanied a group of talented individuals. "Jiu'er," he called, turning his attention back to Shen Jiu, "you've gathered quite the lively group around you."

Shen Jiu sighed, a mix of exasperation and fondness in his expression. "They're a handful, Uncle. But I wouldn't have it any other way."

He Mingxin patted Shen Jiu's shoulder. "Just remember, when they do cause trouble, you have an old uncle who can smooth things over. Now, tell me more about your journey."

The uncle and nephew duo reminisced about the past.

Somewhere in the Qing Jing Peak, students were studying peacefully until loud laughter shattered the tranquil atmosphere. Startled, the disciples turned their attention toward the source, only to find their shixiong laughing heartily with two handsome youngsters, each holding a wine jar—wait, what?

Confusion spread among the students. Their usually composed shixiong was not only laughing uproariously but was also indulging in wine with these unfamiliar youths. Whispers of astonishment and curiosity filled the air.

"What's happening? Why are they drinking with shixiong?"

"Who are those brats, and why are they making our shixiong laugh like that?"

The unexpected scene ignited a buzz of questions and speculation among the Qing Jing Peak disciples. Little did they know that this lively encounter was just the beginning of a series of unpredictable events.

Shen Yuan, among the onlooking disciples, felt a strange familiarity with the two youngsters laughing alongside his shixiong. It was as if he had seen them somewhere before. Ever since he arrived in this world, everything felt off. Shen Qingqiu, the supposed villain, was nowhere to be found, and the head disciple was an unfamiliar figure, someone not mentioned in the book he had read. Shocked to discover he had transmigrated into a trashy novel, Shen Yuan struggled initially, but with the help of the system, he managed to adapt. After all, humans were creatures capable of rapid adjustment.

Shen Yuan's perception of Shen Qingqiu underwent a significant shift as he uncovered the truth. Through chance encounters with Liu Qingge and Mu Qingfang, and notably, the revelation that the book's author, Shang Qinghua, had also transmigrated, Shen Yuan seized the opportunity to delve into the mysteries of Shen Jiu's past. By questioning Shang Qinghua, he unraveled the untold backstory of Shen Qingqiu, gaining a deeper understanding of the character.

Shen Yuan's anger surged to the point where he felt the urge to strangle Shang Qinghua. The realization that he had been harboring resentment towards an innocent, or maybe not so innocent, man hit him hard. The frustration peaked with the question of why Shang Qinghua hadn't published Shen Jiu's backstory, leaving Shen Yuan bewildered and furious.

So the kind Shen Yuan turned blind eye to the suffering of some of the head disciples, it's too bad that Shang Qinghua wasn't included!

He didn't reveal Li Qinghan's deeds towards the head disciples, feeling they somehow deserved it. (He won't admit that he also took part in it!)

Shen Yuan wondered where Shen Jiu went. While he had a genuine desire to meet him, there was also a sense of relief in the possibility that Shen Jiu might not be around. After all, it seemed better for Shen Jiu to avoid this place and retain his freedom, avoiding the fate of confinement described in the book.


Wei Ying and Wen Yi locked eyes, both realizing there was only one jar of wine.

"Wei-di, how about you show some respect and hand it over to me?" Wen Yi suggested with a mischievous grin.

"Wen-ge, isn't it customary for the older ones to give way to the younger ones?" Wei Ying countered, a playful glint in his eyes.

"Come on, Wen-ge, don't be so stingy. Share a little with your dear Wei-di," Wei Ying coax, his grin widening.

Wen Yi chuckled, "Wei-di, you're not that much younger. I think it's time you learn to respect your elders."

Xue Yang couldn't help but roll his eyes. "Why make it complicated? Just buy more wine!"

The unexpected suggestion from Xue Yang stunned the drunken duo. They both turned their heads towards him with bright, appreciative expressions.

"Yang'er! Good job!" Wei Ying exclaimed, giving Xue Yang a playful pat on the back. Xue Yang controlled his eye roll as the three of them left to buy more wine. Xue Yang wasn't sure if they were allowed to drink but the wine duo had already buyed and started to drink before he could stop them. 'Hmm! I guess I should prepare some snacks for the upcoming drama.'


Shen Jiu's radar of the troublemaker Wei Ying was going off like crazy, which made him stand up from the seat he sat on.

"What's wrong?" He Mingxin inquired, seeing his nephew suddenly stand up."Uncle, I have a bad feeling about A-Ying and Wen-dage together!" Shen Jiu expressed with a troubled face. His memories of Wen Yi's past shenanigans lingered, and when combined with Wei Ying's own mischievous nature

He Mingxin's face darkened slightly, together with Shen Jiu they left to find the trios who were causing some trouble.


Qi Qingqi arrived at Ling Guang peak. Just as she was about to step inside she hesitated, remembering Li Qinghan's indifferent face towards them.

Li Qinghan saw Qi Qingqi standing in front of the gate of his peak. He had just returned from buying materials, and the first thing his eyes saw was something a waste of oxygen. What a bother, this girl does she have nothing to do? Why is she here? His eyes were dirty because of looking at something uncleared!

He wasn't patient like Bai Qingping, in reality Bai Qingping also wasn't patient enough to deal with their other martial siblings but because of alcohol he could face them longer than necessary.

Li Qinghan could tolerate Liu Qingge and Shang Qinghua because it seems only Liu Qingge feels guilty about everything he did, but that didn't mean Li Qinghan forgave him or anything. As for Shang Qinghua he wasn't even part of it. Li Qinghan actually approved his betrayal after thinking about the situation Shang Qinghua was in the past and felt he had the right to do that.

"What can I help you with?" Li Qinghan politely asked, startling Qi Qingqi from her inner struggle.

"Ah, Li-Shidi! " Qi Qingqi exclaimed seeing who startled her, the anger that was rising in her diminished seeing Li Qinghan. Qi Qingqi did not have a death wish, offending this smiling tiger in front of her will make her double unlucky. She still remembers that day she had offended this Shidi in front of her. Consequences almost took her life.

Li Qinghan raised his eyebrows at her as if he wanted her to be gone! Seeing the impatience in his eyes, Qi Qingqi finally realized she had not answered his question! "Ahaha! Li-shidi, this shixiong was only here to deliver a message!"

Li Qinghan nodded his head and signaled her to continue. That made Qi Qingqi lament at the fact, who is the senior here, not wanting to suffer under this shidi of hers. "Shen Qingqiu is here! I saw him together with He-Shibo and Wen-shixiong!"

Li Qinghan was taken back by the news, but he didn't show it on his face, silently, he gestured for Qi QIngqi to leave.

Qi Qingqi: "....."

Seeing her not move, Li Qinghan put down the hand he was gesturing with, turned around left for Zhui Xian peak. He had a piece of happy news to deliver to Bai Qingping, ensuring that he could be reassured about Shen Jiu's whereabouts.

Absent-mindedly, Li Qinghan arrived at his destination, Zhui Xian Peak. Ignoring the disciples who greeted him, he made his way towards Bai Qingping's dorm. Unbeknownst to him, he walked right past Bai Qingping, completely ignoring the presence of Bai Qingping. The unintentional oversight left Bai Qingping perplexed, wondering about the cause of Li Qinghan's distracted state.


Shen Jiu didn't know whether to laugh or cry, looking at the scene in front of him; Wei Ying and Wen Yi surrounded by wine jars, at the side Xue Yang? What is he even doing with those needles?? And What is that peculiar liquid inside the wine jar -why was it green and why were needles floating in it? The two seemed to be on a drinking spree!

Beside Shen Jiu, He Mingxin let out a defeated sigh.

'It has finally happened. Wen Yi's hard-earned reputation as a diligent student has been shattered. How troublesome!' He Mingxin thought helplessly.

"This! Uncle, what should we do?" Shen Jiu questioned, He Mingxin just shrugged his shoulders.

"Jiu-ge!" Xue Yang called out as he walked towards Shen Jiu. Unlike the others, Xue Yang wasn't drunk; he had skillfully avoided the alcoholic duo's attempts to offer him wine. But then he was bored, until he remembered the new needles made out from the 1000 years old wood. And the point is he hadn't soaked it in poison!

Looking at the brightly smiling Xue Yang, Shen Jiu stiffened as he recalled the last time Xue Yang smiled like that, was someone bound to suffer, and he swore he heard poor Wei Ying's scream for help.

While Xue Yang remained oblivious to Shen Jiu's reaction, He Mingxin noticed the subtle change in Shen Jiu's demeanor. Much to his amusement, He Mingxin observed that the liquid inside the wine jar was no ordinary drink—it was a deadly poison made from snake venom, specifically the venom of Heavenly snake demons, along with a mixture of poisonous herbs. How interesting, he thought

"a-Yang, how did this happen?" He Mingxin asked, while gesturing at Wei Ying and Wen Yi.

What happened was that the three of them were just sitting and chatting when the alcoholic duo started to become emotional about Shen Jiu. Then two of them decided it was a good idea to buy wine to calm down. As for why Xue Yang hadn't stopped them, it was quite simple—he had a different agenda: buying herbs for his beloved needles. Because of that he failed to stop them, not that he had any intention of intervening as he conveniently turned a blind eye to the duo's excursion to the winery. He chose not to voice that fact aloud, nor would he admit to it if questioned.

"Tell Wen Yi to come to this master once he wakes up, together with Wei Ying!" He Mingxin instructed as he left, making sure to take Shen Jiu away with him. Xue Yang understood that his uncle had left the two troublemakers for him to take care of until they woke up. It seemed that handling the aftermath of the duo's antics had become Xue Yang's responsibility.

Resigned to his fate, Xue Yang glanced at the passed-out duo and let out an annoyed sigh.

Returning to his spot, he took out needles, a jar, and some herbs, which would be needed when the passed out duo wake's up. A mischievous grin crept across his face as he laughed aloud: 'Hehehehe!' Wei Ying and Wen Yi shivered, while Shen Jiu grabbed He Mingxins sleeves and couldn't help but tighten his grip upon hearing Xue Yang's ominous laughter emanating from the room he had just exited.

Shen Jiu lit a candle for the duo who were destined to suffer under Xue Yang's care.

While Shen Jiu worried about the safety of the passed-out duo. Li Qinghan was actually drinking tea with Bai Qingping, a tea - with an alcoholic. Bai Qingping, still waiting for Li Qinghan to return from his momentary lapse into thought, wondered when Li Qinghan would finally join him back on Earth.


Shen Qingqiu is back.

Shen-ge is back, not Shen Yuan!?

Qi Qingqi said Shen Jiu was seen together with He-shibo and Wen-shixiong.

"Ahhhhhhh!" Li Qinghan finally comprehended what Qi Qingqi had told him. He suddenly shot up from his seat, his eyes wide with realization, and he grabbed at his hair in shock.

Scaring Bai Qingping, who was sitting across from him, Li Qinghan's sudden outburst startled him. "What's wrong? Why are you screaming?" Bai Qingping inquired, unsure of the cause behind Li Qinghan's reaction.

"Shen Jiu is here!! He is back!" Li Qinghan exclaimed excitedly. Bai Qingping's brain suddenly stopped working for a moment.

"What did you say!!! Are you for real?" Bai Qingping asked, his entire body shaking with excitement. Li Qinghan repeatedly nodded his head. "Yes! Qi Qingqi saw him together with He-shibo and Wen-shixiong."

Seeing doubt on Bai Qingping's face, Li Qinghan indifferently said, "She should know better than to provoke me."

"Right!" Bai Qingping had forgotten the person in front of him was a smiling tiger.

"Have you informed Qian Qinghua about it?" Bai Qingping inquired. Although he wanted to go and meet Shen Jiu immediately, he had to be careful not to let others know about it, lest they disturb Shen Jiu's peaceful time.

Li Qinghan shook his head. Bai Qingping stood up from his seat and dragged Li Qinghan. "What are you waiting for? Let's go! We have to share this joyful news with Qian Qinghua!"

They left the Zui Xian peak, and flew towards Ming Yin peak.

Wei Ying felt something very thin stabbing his arms, and it was a very familiar sensation, akin to Xue Yang's needles....... in disbelief, Wei Ying opened his eyes to find Xue Yang smiling at him.
