Chapter 5: Wei Ying and Xue Yang secret!!

Wei Ying wondered why he woke up in his 10 years old body, whereas he was sleeping with his husband?

Just when he was confused he heard a dog bark, looking up he saw three big dogs with sharp teeth were approaching him, in panic he cried out for help but he had forgotten there was no one to help him. His husband was not there with him, he was waiting for the dog to attack him when he was scooped up in a warm embrace. Opening his eyes he saw a young man with an indifferent face. Wei ying knows that his height and small body makes him look younger than his actual age and he was sure the younger man had mistaken him for a 5 or 7 year old child. When he was brought into an inn, Wei Ying pretended to fall asleep.

After he was put on the bed the younger man left.

That gave him time to think through, although he wanted to leave and find the Yunmeng Jiang clan, he was too young and he did not have evidence to show he was Wei Wuxian. In the past he was brought in by Jiang fengmian but it resulted in tragedy. Before he could even think again he was interrupted by the younger man opening the door. The younger man brought with himself another child. That child seems to be having a fever! Coming close he was shocked to see it was Xue Yang!

In conflict, Wei Ying helped the younger man to take care of Xue Yang. By the way the youth asked his name and his parents too.

Then once the youth finished taking care of Xue Yang, he went to bring food. He and Xue Yang were changed into new clothes and fed with warm food. Then they were given two choices: either follow the youth or stay at another place. Well for Wei Ying he wanted to follow the youth and travel around, it seems the same for Xue Yang. Then Wei Ying gained an older brother, he will miss Jiang Cheng and Jiang Yanling.

With that they followed Shen Jiu, his older brother's name is Shen Jiu to a forest. There they found a hidden manor full of familiar faces. It was a shelter for children and adults, that Wei Ying didn't think of doing, he did save Wen's but not the children on the street or the adults with tragic lives. He thought his brother might be a righteous and noble cultivator when Jiu-ge showed him that there is gray in black and white. About that made Wei ying like Shen Jiu, the fact that his gege weren't blind as other cultivators. He was even taught by his gege about the knowledge he thought he knew but from another perspective. He was also praised by his gege for his hard work. Then he even learned the scholar style of his gege, Jiu-ge was strict when it comes to their study.

Wei Ying even felt that his Jiu-ge resembles Jiang Cheng. So Wei Ying sometimes wonders if Jiang Cheng did not hate him but just angry at the fact he left Jiang Cheng and went to the Lan sect.

So he asked Jiu-ge about it and was enlightened by the wise words said by his jiu-ge. "A-Ying, from what you said you don't understand a character from the book right?"

Wei ying nodded his head, saw Jiu-ge pouring tea. "A-Ying, no that character actually did not hate his sworn brother but instead was angry that his sworn brother who promised to him that he will always be at his side left him. A-ying no one likes when their only family also leaves them. From what you told me then that character is a stundera and he seems to care deeply for his family, although can have difficulty showing it. While he often reprimands and yells at his sworn brother, he also expresses horror and anger at the idea of his sworn brother being hurt. Wei ying always remembers that even sworn brother's hide the sacrifices they made for each other. For Example, a man gave up his golden core to his sworn, what if that man also made sacrifices that involve why his core was destroyed?"

The last words of Jiu-ge made Wei ying in deep thoughts.

With no answer for why Jiang Cheng's core was destroyed, Wei Ying was lost in thought. So with a lot of mystery he traveled around the world with Xue Yang-didi and Jiu-ge.

Wei ying likes his gege's lesson's because what Jiu-ge teached was gray morally. He even got close to Xue Yang, and Wei Ying was sure that Xue Yang also had his past memories.


Xue Yang didn't know if heaven was playing a joke on him when he woke up from a harsh hit. He had thought he would be sent to the underworld but instead he was reborn and what was worse was that he had to come back when he was 10 years old.

That was the beginning of his misery in his past life, so he thought in this life he seems to have no choice but to repeat the same tragedy as his past life. That was what he was thinking when the two bastards suddenly stopped hitting him and started shouting, as if another person had come. Then he smelled blood scent and the sound of body falling, he could hear a faint footstep, a cultivator -Xue Yang's mind told him. As the footsteps near him, Xue Yang stiffened up thinking of what this cultivator wanted, when he was brought into a warm embrace and soft pattings on his back guiding him to sleep.

When he woke up the first thing he saw was the face of Wei Wuxian, he was startled into jumping up. He observed his surroundings and came to the conclusion that he was in an inn.

He also had noticed that Wei Wuxian was a child like him. Wearing dirty clothes just like him, an orphan, how ironic. Lost in thought, Xue Yang did not notice Wei Wuxian had sat on the bed as he stared at him. Because of the heated look directed at him Xue Yang was dragged out from his thoughts. "What?"

"You have your previous life memories?" Wei Wuxian had asked him, and he also had given away that Wei Wuxian also remembers his past life memory. Just as he was about to answer the door was opened. A young man with green emerald eyes and white and green robed youth walked in. "Hmm you are awake?"

"Come eat." He said as he put food on the table then the youth left to take bath, both he and Wei Wuxian went to the table and took their seats and started eating. Everything could wait but food couldn't, what was interesting was that on the table there was food they liked to eat. In the middle of gobbling down on the food the youth returned with wet hair, and some scent of blood, Xue Yang could smell it even if the youth tried to get rid of it before he came back as a former murderer. Xue Yang was very sure that the youth thought of them as children . That is why he was not that careful.

Xue Yang did not hesitate to choose to leave with the youth.

Just what he had not expected was that he would earn an older brother. While following Shen Jiu, Xue Yang learned many dangerous things. Unlike We Wuxian, it took Xue Yang some time to acknowledge Shen Jiu as his brother. And that was when Jiu-ge showed him why flowers are red. And had given him everything Jiu-ge knew and that knowledge was enough to bring down the whole sect! Jiu-ge showed him how the world wasn't only white and black.

More importantly Jiu-ge is aware of his murderous behavior when he deals with slavery or enemy but never once Jiu-ge looked at him in disgust or fear but only disdain at his dirty clothes.

That made him want to laugh, really his Jiu-ge was such a clean freak.

When he witnessed how Jiu-ge gave shelter to those poor children and adults, Xue Yang's forgotten dream came to surface. Under Jiu-ge's teaching Xue Yang learned everything from beginning to end. By now his writing, music and drawing skills have become master lvl. It was the easiest way for him to learn that in his past life. Xue Yang didn't know until that day he got praised by Jiu-ge that he actually wanted to be praised and acknowledged.

Xue Yang hadn't really expected his gege to be a street rat like him. 'I mean who would have guessed that this elegant young master was actually a slave?'

When he learned Jiu-ge's past, he was very angry and wanted to take revenge for his big brother! But was told by Jiu-ge that he already got his revenge. Brunt down the mansion he said, murder every man in the mansion he told. Saved the womens and the young miss at that he smiled before it turned to pain and sadness, later the young miss who his gege spared brought him down to tragedy. Karma! He said.

His gene's martial siblings turned their backs on him. He indifferently said then with a warm tone he told his other two martial siblings tried their best but was shot down by the society.

Why did he not meet this person earlier so he could protect him from all this misery!!!

Now Xue Yang was very sure that his gege can somehow look into the future but there is a price to pay.

Xue Yang spiritually called Wei Ying out as they supported their gege to his room. His drunken gege was too defenseless.

He had let the cat out of the bag.

But that is okey, Xue Yang will protect this secret in his grave and will prevent his gege to drinking too much! If there is someone who knows too much, Xue Yang's needles aren't just for show. Also that demon! How long is he going to stalk us? Xue Yang came out of the inn, looking in a certain direction he called out. "You two should come out ba."

Ah did he forget to say there were two? Not one? Ah, in the name of whatever good he forgot to use a plural noun(silently he facepalmed ). But hey at least Jiu-ge didn't hear that otherwise he would have to spend hours studying stupid grammar(again)!

"As expected of master Shen's brother!" If it was in the past Xue Yang might have been offended but now he was proud to be expected like his brother.

Xue Yang observed the two demons in front of himself for a moment before coming to the conclusion that the demon in front of him was heavenly demons. If he guessed right then one of them should be Tianlang-jun and another is Zhuzhi Lang? "May this one know why are you two following us?"

Two demons in question looked at him in surprise, that made Xue Yang almost roll his eyes but remembering his gege's teach he held back as it's disrespectful behavior towards powerful people and lest he offend them. Xue Yang of course knew why the duo was surprised at his attitude considering that he wasn't that respectful. Stalkers

"Ah you see this one beside me is my nephew." Tianlang-jun said as he pointed at Zhuzhi ling standing beside him. Xue Yang raised his brow as if to asking and? "He was saved by your older brother!"

Hearing Tianlang-Jin's cheerful voice reminded Xue Yang of a certain someone who is currently eavesdropping. Xue Yang massaged between his brows. "If you are already here why don't you also come out?"

The demons did not say anything nor showed any emotion when Wei Wuxian came out from where he was hiding. "Hehehehe, Yang-di is as fast as always! Worthy of Jiu-ge's praise."

Xue Yang rolled his eyes this time. "Ying-ge should stop slacking off, if you don't want to get caught while eavesdropping!"

Wei Wuxian just smiled at him with the expression of I'm too young for study. Really they aren't that young thank you! 10 years old kiddos pretending to be a 7 years old child? Ha what a joke! Pei.

"Why's this guy just following us instead of meeting Jiu-ge?" Wei Wuxian asked innocently, tilting his head like a curious kid. Despite his childlike appearance, the demon duo didn't underestimate him. They knew how fast these two could switch faces. When Shen Jiu was around, they played the cute and innocent act, but the moment he looked away, their true selves emerged. Wei Wuxian might not be as cold-hearted as Xue Yang, but he got brutal when someone threatened him or his brothers. Optimism defined him. Xue Yang, though, was on another level: ruthless, not batting an eye when taking down enemies (the same goes with Wei Wuxian too; what dangerous children! ), using tricky moves, and being a pro with poison, especially those needles of his. The dance between innocence and danger in front of Shen Jiu added a whole new layer to their dynamic.

"We didn't know how to approach Master Shen because, you see, we're demons. Turns out, we're the heavenly kind," Tianlang-Jun admitted, eyeing Xue Yang. It was clear that Xue Yang had caught on, given the way he showed respect – not complete respect, but enough to signal he wasn't up for a fight.

Xue Yang nodded in understanding. Even he wasn't sure how Jiu-ge would react to demons, but there was a gut feeling that his gege wouldn't be bothered by it. "Come back tomorrow at lunch time!" With that Xue Yang left, followed by Wei Wuxian. And his gut feeling was correct. Jiu-ge didn't even bat an eye when the two demons appeared in front of him. Instead, he only seemed to be confused.

The meeting went remarkably smoothly, yet it could have been even better if the Demon King refrained from making advances on his gege. However, viewing it from a positive perspective, it seemed like a potentially good match for Jiu-ge. Tianlang-Jun was a demon lord, the most powerful figure in the cultivation world, and the recollection that demon lords possessed a dimension-traveling sword added another intriguing layer. This detail aligned well with Jiu-ge's desire to explore the world. Wei Wuxian and Xue Yang decided to observe Tianlang-Jun's personality and other aspects first before deciding whether to assist Zhuzhi Lang in bringing together their gege and Tianlang-Jun.

Xue Yang hadn't thought he would meet Xiao Xingchen and Song Lan, he had found them injured and brought them to the base of street children until Jiu-ge send the forest manor location. It was annoying when those two kept watching him.

Two individuals met tragic endings because of him. Pity them even if they try to test if he had his past life memories he Xue Yang will not admit it unless they have evidence.

Xue Yang does not wish to get involved with those two again. Even if they were his soulmates, yes Xue Yang had realized the fact those two were his soulmates but it was too late. He already had made their life miserable in his past life. And the fun fact was that he only realized it when he was about to die. so in this life he does not wish to repeat that mistake again so he will keep his distance from them.

That is what Xue Yang was doing but obviously Wei Wuxian had other plans for him. Which really made him regret not murdering him when he had a chance. Wei Wuxian wasn't kidding when he said he had other plans for Xue Yang and his soulmates as only he knew how lucky he had been when his soulmate was Lan Zhan and they even got together. So even if his didi has no plan for getting involved with his soulmates, he will play matchmaker!

Wei Ying had a good time following Shen jiu, but he knew that one day he would separate from Shen jiu someday and follow the same path as his past life but this time it will be different. Wei Ying was sure that Xue Yang also knew that they will have to leave Shen Jiu whether they are willing or not. Wei Ying will go back to Lotus pier, while he wasn't sure what Xue Yang will do but one thing he was sure was that Xue Yang will not go back together with him. Observing him for sometime Wei Ying had come to the conclusion that Xue Yang might follow Jiu-ge's path of traveling. Wei ying had learned Jiu-ge's past from Xue Yang and thought it was similar as Xue Yang's past and Wei Ying was sure that Xue Yang will not take revenge like in his past life because of Xue Yang had already did it in his past life and Shen jiu's story also played big role in it.

So Wei Ying did not have to worry about Xue Yang when they went on their own path.

And if he really is worried he just has to contact him through the spiritual dial they had learned from Shen jiu. And the problem was solved. After realizing Jiang Chang did not hate him, Wei Ying wanted to go back and meet them again. But before he leaves he is going to make sure his Jiu-ge has a protector and someone to spoil him. And Tianlang-Jun meets the requirements. Even Xue Yang was being agreeable to his thoughts for the first time.

For Wei Ying, Shen jiu was like a father to him rather than brother. So whenever he thought of leaving Shen Jiu's side he felt sad.

But then again he misses his husband and son!

Wei Ying misses Jiang Cheng and Jiang Yanli even if he didn't say it. At that time Wei Ying thought Jiang Cheng hated him, that is why he left the lotus pier. But if he doesn't then Wei Ying promises to annoy Jiang Cheng till death!!!!

"Hehehehe" Wei Ying let out evil laughter that made Xue Yang lit candles for whoever was that Wei Ying were going to annoy.

Xue Yang could feel the day three of them would separate coming near! But he wasn't that sad about it because he had a goal and he was just leaving his home to achieve it. After all, it doesn't mean he can't come and meet his two big brothers! As Jiu-ge said , one must leave the comfy zone and face the world. Xue Yang's goal this time wasn't to take revenge but follow his gege's footsteps obviously not Wei Wuxian(rolling his eyes). Listen it's not that he hates Wei Ying but it's just that he was reluctant to call that punk gege just because Jiu-ge found him first, hmph! In fact he was surprised to even have a little bit of brotherhood affection towards Wei Ying!

But what was clear to both of them was that Shen Jiu was someone they could rely on and a place they could return to. It's not that they don't have a place to return, especially Wei Ying since the lotus pier and lan sect were places he could go back but still they weren't the same as going back to Shen Jiu.

Wei Ying and Xue Yang held their Uncle He Mingxin in high regard, he is a cool and rich uncle in their opinion. Why? Because he showered them with money and weapons, allowing them to do as they pleased, even if it meant breaking the rules. He had a carefree attitude, giving orders to a sect master as if it were no big deal, and most importantly, he treated them well. Uncle He Mingxin became a figure of admiration and indulgence in the eyes of Wei Ying and Xue Yang.

Even Xue Yang had learned more poison from He Mingxin, Wei Ying was given books about demonic cultivation. Wei Ying was impressed at the old man's intuition, he had thought he hid it well but apparently he didn't. Really their uncle was a badass!

Then there is also Wen-ge, who is also nice to them.

But kind of a cry baby when it comes to leaving Jiu-ge, he likes to give them candies, and has teached them many things too.

Then there is sect leader Ye Cangming an softie towards them but cold to others. Define a two-faced bastard! Plays favoritism, not that they are complaining about! Xue Yang and Wei Ying ain't ones to complain when they receive favoritism. Wei Ying likes Ruan Qingruan, alcoholic duo, Xue Yang's favorite was Qian Qinghua, a man who can go undetected.

But their most favorite and number one are Shen Jiu, their gege who gave them everything freely. 
