Olivia's Confusion

"It's my fault? What did I do?" I asked. She didn't answer and kept walking in front of me.
"I want to go home." She ran all the way up to the stoop and rang the doorbell impatiently. Lucy answered and she gave her a hug before going inside. I walked up the steps and said hi to Lucy.
"Bella seemed upset."
"I know, and apparently I did something."
"Bella's just going through some mood swings. I think she'll be okay."
"Does she ever act this way with you?" I asked as I watched Noah put his stuff away and head upstairs.
"She's been acting like that with me lately. I tell her to take a deep breath and think about why she's angry and how we can solve it. It works, I don't think she's intentionally being this angry. The hormones are starting to kick in, or she's releasing bottled up emotions. We haven't taken her to therapy in a while."
"That is true." Bella came downstairs and took a fruit snack from the cabinet and sat in the dining room.
"Bella, why don't you sit in the kitchen?"
"I don't want to."
"Bella, come here." I said in a near whisper. She came next to me and I put my arms around her.
"Bella?" I whispered in her ear. She put her finger in her mouth and I rubbed her forehead.
"Do you wanna tell Mommy what's wrong before she has to go?" She shook her head and I gave her a kiss.
"I don't really wanna talk right now, I'm still angry."
"Okay, when you calm down we could talk. That sounds good?" She nodded and I gave her another kiss.
"Love you baby girl."
"I love you Mommy."
"I gotta go now, be a good girl for Lucy."She nodded and I gave her a hug before going to say bye to Noah. I gave Chase a scratch and left.
Bedtime (Bella's Perspective)
"Come here Chase!" I lifted him up and put him on the bed. He gave me kisses as he saw how sad I was.
"I'm okay Chase."
"Woof!" I gave him a cuddle and went under my covers.
"I have school tomorrow. I have to go to sleep." He let out a sad sound and I scratched his hair.
"You could sleep with me Chase." He laid down and I started to take out a book.
"Let's read a story together!"
"Woof, Woof!"
"Okay, where should I start? My friend Jane said she could come over to my house! I was really excited about that. When she came over to my house we played a lot of games."
"Bella, it's time for bed." Lucy said.
"Okay." I put the book away and put my head down. Lucy gave me a kiss and and Chase a scratch.
"Don't forget to turn off your lamp, okay?"
"Okay Lucy." When she left the room I sat up and started reading again.
"We decided to be undercover spies!" Chase perked up and it made me giggle.
"You're so funny. You wanna be an undercover spy too, huh boy?"
"Woof!" I hugged him and I pretended he was a spy!
"Now it's time to fly! Just don't pee everywhere." I smiled and made him fly.
"I love you Chase!" He licked me as soon as I said that!
The Kitchen
I was in the kitchen. I didn't know what I wanted to eat for breakfast! There were too many cereals and too many bars. I couldn't even make up my mind.
"Did you eat something Miss Bella?" My mom asked.
"No, I didn't have anything."
"Go eat something my love, times-a-going." I shrugged and put my head on the dining table.
"What's wrong?"
"I don't know what to eat."
"Okay, so why don't we try to fix this? What do you feel like eating?"
"Something sweet but not chocolate!" She smiled and took out an oatmeal raisin bar. I ate it and smiled.
"Look at that! We fixed it without having to get angry or moody with anyone." She gave me a high five and a kiss.
"Mommy, did you know what I did yesterday?"
"There was a new girl at school who was sad and we helped her! I put myself in her shoes."
"That's really kind of you my love. I'm so proud."
"And Mommy?"
"Can we go shopping?"
"Shopping? Why?"
"I wanna get some new clothes to wear to school! Can I also straighten my hair?"
"I'll think about it." Think about it?! I want to look really pretty at school and match with my friends.
"All of a sudden?!"
Friday Jan. 25 (Olivia's Perspective)
"Can we go shopping? Can we go shopping? Can we go shopping?" I laughed as Bella kept asking impatiently.
"Tomorrow. Why are you so interested in going shopping? Who are you trying to impress?"
"Nobody! Eww!" She made a disgusted face as we crossed the street. Bella's mood has changed and she's been more pleasant at home. However, I still wanted to know exactly why she was having her mood swings. Even thought part of me thought that I should just put it to the side considering she's alright right now. I actually had to put it to the side now because we were walking Chase and having our little bonding time.
"Who's going to pick that up?"
"Not me!" She said.
"This is Mommy abuse."
"I did it last time." She said as I picked it up.
"Should I say Chase is a good boy? That was spectacular." My daughter said with a sense of irony. I laughed at my daughters humor and put hand sanitizer on my hands.
"So Bella, you feel happy right?"
"Yeah, I feel happy."
"That's great baby girl! You know, Mommy is happy that you're happy again."
"Mommy, it's like so weird sometimes. Because Kylie is the same way. She'd get angry or sad sometimes." I nodded in understanding.
"But then sometimes she's really happy."
"Everyone gets moody. As I said, it's normal."
"Like how you always eating salads is normal? I don't think eating water is normal."
"Wow. But that is true. Lettuce and cucumbers are in fact made of water. Water is good for you."
"But that doesn't mean you have to eat it everyday!"
