Bella Goes to Camp

Bus Stop (Garden City, NY)
Mommy made Noah and I go to different camps, which didn't bother me honestly. Mommy kept giving me several kisses as we waited for the bus to arrive. I was super excited because Kylie showed up! I didn't know she was going as well.
"I know, it's like I'm letting my baby girl go."
"Aww, Mommy!"
"You guys are being all lovey-dovey and the bus didn't even come yet." Kylie said.
"Yeah, wait for the bus to come and then you can give me kisses." Our Mother's tickled us and I had to move Mommy's hand from my neck, she was being really dangerous.
"I'm going to miss you, the house is going to be completely empty."
"But, you can go to lunch with Mrs. Ashcroft and Mrs. Müller."
"She does have a point."
"Mama, can you give Jack extra snuggles while I'm gone?"
"Of course Ky-Ky."
"And Mommy, you have to let Chase sleep with you because he has nightmares sometimes."
"Look, there's the bus!" I said. Mommy put my suitcase under the bus and she smiled.
"Look at me." I looked at her and she got down on one knee.
"Remember what we talked about, if anyone or anything makes you feel upset or uncomfortable you tell someone. Have them call me."
"Yes Mommy."
"Have fun, I love you so much. I'm going to miss you baby."
"Love you too, I'm going to miss you and Chase and Noah!"
"Stop trying to make me emotional young lady. Go on!" She said while laughing.
"One more kiss."
"Alright," She gave me another kiss and Kylie and I held hands as we went on the bus. We waved at our mothers as the bus pulled out and I sighed for a little bit.
The Bus Stop (Olivia's Perspective)
"Bye Baby!" I blew her a kiss and she blew one back.
"I have an empty house now."
"And now I'm stuck with a moody, PMSing teenager. This is great."
"I don't have to worry about that for a couple of years, good luck."
"I know but the hormones are starting up."
"Kylie has serious moods too?"
"Yes, and it's so confusing. One moment she's giggling and laughing and the next she's just so angry and sensitive."
"Same with Bells." I said while walking into the bakery. I already miss her and it hasn't even been an hour.
"Bella used to have really bad moods for a while, like everyday and she would be sad and angry. Constantly crying and everything. But these days there's less moodiness so I think that things are dying down for now."
"How are you and Tucker?"
"Amazing. Um, we've gotten to this place where the kids are comfortable with him and we're just all really happy."
"What other department is he amazing in?" I smirked and sipped my coffee.
Camp Blue Bay (Bella's Perspective)
"Alright girls, ages 8-9 step over here." Kylie and I got up and walked over to a separate corner with a whole bunch of other girls.
"Alright guys, My name is FiFi, and I'm going to be separating you girls into groups."
"And we're Twix and Reese's and we'll be helping you with your sleeping arrangements."
"If you guys would like to sleep in a cabin raise your hand."
"What's the other option?" Kylie whispered.
"A tent." We both raised our hands immediately. We walked with some other girls down a path. There were some more counselors next to all of these colorful cabins.
"The blue one looks cool."
"So does the pink one." Twix counted Kylie and off with about 10 more girls and we went inside the pink cabin with this lady.
"Alright girls, choose your beds and then sit down when you're finished. We have quite a bit to talk about." Kylie and I chose the beds near the window. She took the top while I took the bottom.
"Alright girls, let me properly introduce myself. My name is Blueberry and I'll be your supervisor for the next two weeks. I want to get to know you guys well, so we're going to play a little game." She grabbed a soccer ball the had words written all over it and threw it to me!
"The rule is that you have to answer the question that's near your right thumb. And you must tell us your name. You go first." What is your worst day ever? How did you make it better? Everyone was staring at me and I couldn't answer.
"I-I can't answer this."
"No ones going to judge you, promise." Think of something silly, because you can't tell them about the warehouse.
"I was at my Long Island house, and we have a pool in our backyard. I already had bad luck that day and I was wearing a bikini and I went down the slide. I flew into the water and that's when I noticed the bottom half was missing." Everyone laughed and I tossed the ball to Kylie. Phew. I started to loosen up a bit as everyone shared their experiences. But I felt like someone would notice that I was lying.
"Where are you guys from?" Rayleigh asked Kylie and I.
"That explains why you said your Long Island house. I've never been to Manhattan before, are you guys rich? I heard rich people live there."
"Well what?"
"I mean we have enough money to live on but we're not rich."
"Do you guys live in apartments?"
"No, a house."
"There's houses there?"
"Yeah, but they're not as wide."
"So what are they like?"
"It depends, my house has four floors."
"Girls, let's go for Lunch." Im not really that hungry. We started walking the the lunch hall and most of the girls were singing camp songs.
"Oh Camp Blue Bay!"
"Oh, my ears." Rayleigh said with an annoyed tone. We laughed and went inside the lunch hall.
"After lunch all campers must report to the West End."
"West End?"
"It's where all campers meet to do separate activities."
"Let's go grab a tray." We followed Rayleigh to the tray thing and grabbed a tray and a plate.
"So here you serve yourself, and they'll bring out dessert later." I looked at the foods and they wasn't really anything I liked.
"This looks good Bella."
"I'm not really in the mood for a sandwich. Oh- look at that, there's a chicken sandwich and fries." I picked it up and took a glass of iced tea.
"Where should we sit?" Some girl that I couldn't see so well waved and Rayleigh told us to follow her. Hmm, this should be cool.
