After everything seemed to calm down in the glade, Gally, Kylie and the two other boys got out from the box slowly. As they looked around the glade, it was on fire and everything was destroyed. 

As they saw the rest of the gladers stand on the other side near the homestead, Gally angrily started to stomp towards them. Kylie and the boys looked at eachother before following after the fuming Gally. As they reached him, he had punched Thomas and was now help back by everyone.

"This is all you, Thomas!" Gally yelled making Kylie quickly ran towards him and try to calm him down. "Back off, Gally! It's not Thomas' fault!" Someone yelled but Gally didn't listen and his fuming gaze was locked onto Thomas who just got up from the ground.

"You heard what Alby said! He's one of them!" Gally yelled and tried to push past Winston and Fry who had their holds on him. "One of who?" Fry yelled at Gally who pushed both of them away from him, making Kylie step up and put her hands on his chest keeping him away from punching Thomas again.

"He's one of them, and they sent him here to destroy everything, and now he has!" He yelled and started to pace back and forth whilst glaring at Thomas, who was looking down to the ground with sad eyes.

"Look around, Thomas! Look around! This is your fault!" Gally yelled, his voice wavering slightly either from sadness or in fury or both. Everyone kept arguing and yelling at fuming Gally, who only yelled back at the others. Kylie stepped up and put both of her hands on his shoulders, making his fuming eyes land on her. 

"You need to calm down, okay?" Kylie said with a slight anger in her voice. Gally stopped yelling but his breathing was still deep and his eyebrows were furrowed, making Kylie tilt her head at him. He shook his head and shrugged her hands off of his arms. 

Gally looked at Kylie and then around the glade and then as he was about to say something to Kylie everyone yelled at Thomas, and just as Kylie turned around to look at him, he was laying on the ground with the grievers stinger in his hand that was lodged into his leg.

Gally's fuming eyes turned into shock as he looked at the Greenie laying on the floor. Kylie turned from Thomas to Gally to see his reaction but regretted her decision as soon as she turned to look at him. The sadness was so clear on his face and in his eyes.

Kylie walked towards him, taking an hold of his hand and giving it a squeeze trying to make him take his gaze off of Thomas, but he didn't and the sadness left his face and eyes as he turned to look at the two boys that was with them, hiding in the box. 

"Put him in the pit. Her too." Gally said, making the two boys go towards Thomas and Teresa. Gally let go of Kylie's hand and walking away from the situation. Kylie turned to look towards the group that had surrounded Thomas when he collapsed and she looked at everyones face.

She looked back at Gally who was walking away and then back at the group. Kylie sighed deeply and ran after Gally, who was angrily stomping in the distance, with his hands balled into fists, as if he was ready to punch through a wall.

"Gally!" Kylie yelled but the boy didn't stop, he only continued to stomp towards the place he was going. "Gally stop!" Kylie yelled again and that made Gally stop his stomping and wait for Kylie to reach him.

"If you're here to tell me that what I did was wrong then you can piss off." Gally said and Kylie stood in front of him, his gaze following every move she did. Kylie shook her hand and crossed her arms over her chest.

((next part is what all the gally haters need to freaking know)) 

"No, I'm not here to tell what you did was wrong or right. I know you only want to protect the rest of the gladers, by doing what you think is good, but... I don't think this is all Thomas' fault. I mean I don't remember anything but I still don't think it's his fault..." Kylie said and took few steps forwards and stood in front of him looking up at him whilst he was looking down at her.

"I know... I just, I want everyone to be safe but now..." He said and flailed his arms around the glade. "I know... I know." Kylie said making Gally lean down so his forehead was touching hers and his breathing was almost back to normal. 

"I know..." She said again making Gally smirk slightly. "Stop saying that." He said and smashed his lips against hers in a sweet kiss. His arms wrapped around her waist and hers wrapped around his neck pulling him as close to her as possible. 

Their kiss was short but full of emotion. As they pulled away they were both breathing heavily and their foreheads touching. 

"Yeah... That just happened." Kylie said and chuckled making Gally chuckle too. "Yeah... You don't even know how much I've wanted to do that." He said and kissed her lips again softly, whilst a huge smile was plastered on his face. 

"We should go sleep..." Kylie whispered at him not trusting her voice fully yet, after the kiss. Gally nodded his head and licked his lips whilst looking at her. "Wanna sleep next to me?" He asked and brushed few pieces of her hair behind her ear, whilst looking at her with a huge amount of love in his eyes.

Kylie blushed and nodded her head, making Gally kiss her forehead and wrap his arm around her shoulders pulling her towards the room he slept in. Most of the night was spent sharing kisses and laughs and warm cuddles. Having no care of the world, what was happening around them or what tomorrow brought for them. 





