The gladers stayed by the doors the whole night. They were are sleeping on the hard ground waiting for the doors to open. Chuck the shank that decided that he didn't need sleep was the one to wake everyone up.

"Guys, get up!" Chuck yelled whilst the door opened loudly in front of them, the sun shining onto the gladers already. Everyone hurried up their feet and looked through the opening trying to see if Thomas and Minho were there.

To their disappointment they were not on the other side of that door. Everyone sighed and their gaze dropped to the floor. Gladers left the doors one by one, whilst Chuck stayed there waiting, but he wasn't the only one who stayed.

Kylie stayed standing next to him, along with Gally, who didn't want to leave the girl alone at the doorway, knowing that she would be that stupid to actually run into the maze. As most of the gladers have left, Newt and Zart stayed behind wanting Thomas and Minho to appear in the hallway.

"I told you, Chuck..." Newt suddenly said, making Kylie look from the hallway to Newt who looked from Chuck to Kylie. "They're not coming back." Newt said and walked away whilst keeping his gaze on Kylie, before he turned around with his head down.

The trio looked all the gladers and before they could turn back around to look into the maze, Zart had stopped his walking, his eyes wide whilst he was looking into the maze. He took few steps forwards not believing what he was seeing.

"No way." Zart said making the trio turn around to see, Minho, Thomas and Alby appear into the hallway. "Yes!" Chuck and Kylie yelled at the same time, Chuck fist pumping the air and Kylie hugging Gally tightly. 

The gladers ran back to the doors wanting to see the three shanks, who survived the night in the maze. They put Alby down slowly, the med-jacks on him in an instant. Newt also keeping Alby's head off of the ground whilst looking at Thomas and Minho.

"You saw a griever?" Chuck suddenly asked making everyone look at Minho. "Yeah I saw one." Thomas answered whilst breathing heavily from carrying Alby and also from running through the whole night in the maze.

"He didn't just see it." Minho suddenly said making everyone look at him with their eyebrows furrowed whilst he was looking at everyone around him. "He killed it." He continued making every ones gaze slowly go from Minho to Thomas, who looked around with his eyebrows slightly furrowed.

As the med-jacks carried Alby into the homestead to take care of him. Everyone else ran into the council house. Thomas was pulled in there by Newt who didn't say a word to him or answer his questions when he asked.

The whole council house was being loud, everyone yelling different stuff at Thomas or at eachothers. All the keepers stood on one side whilst everyone else was seated down onto the stairs leaving an space where they could walk out of the door.

"Things are changing." Gally suddenly said when the council house quieted down. His arms were crossed over his chest and he had an serious look on his face. He was looking around at everyones face seeing them focused on him.

"There's no denying that." He continued and looked at the keepers, but mostly Newt who stood closely on his right. Newt's face held pure annoyance towards the keeper of the builders, like always. Newt had never gotten along with Gally that well, well no one had ever. 

"First, Ben gets stung in broad daylight." Gally said and his eyes locking onto Kylie who stood on the far right of Gally, with her arms crossed over her chest. Gally's eyes dropped from hers to her wrist, that still held the bandage of Ben's fingernails.

"And then Alby." Gally continued, he looked around everyone. Minho sighed next to him whilst looking at the floor in front of Chuck's feet. Chuck seemed to be in his own mind, he wasn't paying attention to anything Gally was saying. He had made up his mind; teaming with Thomas no matter what.

"And now our greenie, here." Gally said and turned sideways so he could look at Thomas and he still could look at everyone else. "Has taken it upon himself... to go into the maze." Gally said and sighed after that, whilst shaking his head at Thomas. 

"Which is a clear violation of our rules here." He said making hand movements whilst looking at Newt, whose eyebrows were furrowed in thoughts, whilst his eyes were on Gally. "Yeah..." Frypan suddenly said making Gally's gaze snap at him quickly. 

"But he saved Alby's life." Frypan continued whilst looking around for a second before looking at Gally, who looked at Frypan with surprise on his face. "Did he?" Gally asked and raised his eyebrows making Kylie who was stood next to Frypan give Gally an look which he only ignored.

"For three years." Gally said holding up three fingers, making Newt move his head in a threatening kind of way, but not in 'i'm gonna kill you' but as in 'choose your words wisely' kind of way. "We have coexisted with these things." Gally continued whilst he looked around the room at everyone. 

Kylie furrowed her eyebrows wanting to know why Gally was on the people's side who put them in here. She wanted to know why he was saying this right now and not before anything happened in the maze after the greenies arrived.

"And now..." Gally said and pointed towards Thomas who looked up at him with innocent eyes, whilst Gally's were mad. "You've killed one of them." Gally continued and took an step towards Thomas. Minho quickly nodded his head, which made Kylie quickly move towards Gally, putting her hands on his chest.

"That's enough, calm down." Kylie said to him making Gally look down at her and sigh. "Can you...?" Gally trailed off, but Kylie knew what he meant, giving him a nod and she looked at the gladers whose eyes were widened in surprise of how fast and how easily Kylie could calm Gally down. 

"We don't know what that could mean for us." Kylie continued and her hand slipped out of Gally's when he walked to the spot where she was standing few seconds ago. Gally looked towards the floor, leaning onto the beam with his arms crossed over his chest.

"What do you suggest we do?" Newt suddenly asked, making Kylie quickly look at him and then at Gally, who wasn't even looking up at the girl. Kylie furrowed her eyebrows and looked back at Newt, who looked at her with his eyebrows lifted slightly. 

"He has to be punished for going into the maze." Kylie said making everyone start to yell protests at her words. "I know what you're all thinking, so slim it!" Kylie yelled at the gladers whilst lifting her hand up making them all quiet down. "Minho." Kylie said and turned to look at the runner on her left.

"You were there with him. What do you think?" Kylie asked making everyone look at the only runner in the glade. They were on the edge of their seats waiting for his answer to the whole thing. 

"I think..." Minho started but stopped as he tried to find the right words to say at Thomas. "In all the time we've been here...  No one has ever killed a griever before." He said and looked from Kylie to Thomas who was playing with his fingers whilst looking around the whole room. 

"When I turned tail and ran..." Minho said and turned to look at Thomas, whilst pointing at him. "This dumb shank stayed behind to help Alby." Thomas looked at Minho and then at his hands, hating to be the center of the attention, but well... that was too late now.

"Look, I don't know if he's brave or stupid." Minho said again and turned to look at Kylie whilst uncrossing his arms from his chest. Newt's gaze went to Thomas and stayed there looking at his reactions to the conversation. "But whatever it is, we need more of it." Minho continued and kept his gaze locked onto Kylie but then looked at Thomas. 

"I say we make him a runner." Minho finished with confidence making everyone start to question his decision right now. Either their eyes were wide or their eyebrows furrowed. Thomas on the other hand was most shocked out of everyone in the whole room.

"If you wanna throw the newbie a parade, that's fine." Gally suddenly yelled and walked angrily to stand next to Kylie, making everyone stop their yelling and look at Gally. "Go ahead. But if there is one thing I know about the maze... it is that you do not--" A sudden rumbling made all the boys turn their heads towards the door of the Council room.

The familiar alarm filled everyones ears, making the look around in confusion. The box was coming back up with a new greenie. Gally, Newt and Kylie were the first ones to run out of the council room and out into the opening. They all looked at eachother in confusion and ran towards the box.

The thick doors on top opened giving them a clear view of what was inside the box. They all looked at eachother before Newt and Gally opened the doors and Kylie jumped in walking towards the girl who was laying in the box. She looked dead mostly. 

"Kylie what do you see?" Someone suddenly yelled making Kylie squat down next to the girl and then look back up at all the boys that had now gathered around the opening of the box, their eyes wide realizing that it was another girl.

"Do you see it?" Someone suddenly mumbled making Kylie look back at the girl and then look from one glader to another. "It's another girl." She said her eyebrows furrowed in confusion, making all the boys mumble to eachother. 

"What's that in her hand?" Gally suddenly asked making Kylie, move closer slowly and take the piece of paper out of her hand slowly. Kylie opened it and turned it upside down so she could read it.

"She's the last one... ever." She said and furrowed her eyebrows and looked at Gally. "What the hell does that mean?" She asked but before anyone could answer the girl took an deep intake making everyone gasp in surprise and back up from the girl.

"Thomas..." She said and fell back down to the floor of the box. Every ones gazes moved from the girl to Thomas, who looked as confused as a person could look. He looked around at everyone and then at Gally, who shook his head and looked around at everyone.

"Still think I'm overreacting? 
