Chapter 43: Talk Of The Town

"We should probably get going," Shane whispered into your hair. You had been laying against him for at least half an hour, watching the golden sunbeams scatter through the leaves surrounding you and dance like disco lights across your future husband's skin.

"I don't want to." You whispered back. "I want to stay here forever."

Shane's arms were draped comfortably over your waist, holding you close to him. It was such a safe and wonderful place to be as you leaned back and embraced your final moments in this ethereal scene. "If had known you'd want to stay here longer, I never would have decided to throw a party." Shane laughed quietly. "Hindsight is 20/20, as they say."

"No, the party sounds wonderful." You looked up at your fiancé. "Just compared to this... I don't want to leave this moment."

"We don't have to." Shane smiled down at you. "I hired Haley to take photos. Along with them and our memories of this moment, we'll never have to leave."

You couldn't help but chuckle a bit. "This is why I'm marrying you. You make all my worries disappear."

"I try." Shane gently kissed the top of your head. You watched his face as he looked around the indescribable scenery and the decorations he had added. "I really hope you liked it."

"Oh, Shane," You spoke softly as he looked down at you. "It was everything I ever could have dreamed of. I wouldn't change a thing. This is so much better than anything I could have done."

"And this is what, you want, right?" His voice trailed off to a more serious tone as his deep, hazel eyes searched yours. "To marry me?"

"More than anything." You tried to keep your words steady as you felt Shane relax from your response. "Nothing in this world would make me happier than being yours forever."

"Hearing that makes me so happy, chickpea." Shane brushed some hair out of your face. "And there's nothing you would change?"

You suddenly had an idea, a way to slyly bring up something that had been weighing on your mind. You didn't want to ruin the moment, but the opportunity was perfect. "Actually, there is one thing I would change." Shane looked both curious and a little concerned as you kept talking. "I would have you work on the farm with me. Quit JojaMart, and just live our lives to the fullest together. I want you to be happy, and I know that JojaMart ruins that." Shane looked on the verge of tears again. "Plus, I desperately need someone else to help out. If you don't do it, I'll have to hire someone." You laughed lightly, cupping his face in your hands. "And I would much prefer it to be you."

"Okay, I'll do it." He tried to blink away the tears. You couldn't believe the words you were hearing him say, your plans and dreams were coming to fruition. "I can't quit right now, but I promise I will by the time we get married."

"Deal." You grinned gleefully.

"Deal." He repeated as he ran a hand down to your thigh as he gently toyed with the edge of your satiny pink dress. "I'm glad Jas managed to get you into this." Shane chuckled softly, trying to hide the fact that he was tearing up again by changing the subject. "I was worried it would be too hard for her to manage."

"Oh?" You asked, confused and a little surprised. "You planned for me to wear this?"

Shane tilted your chin up and pressed his lips firmly against yours. "Baby, everything about today is part of my plan." He slid his hand farther up your leg, under the tight skirt of your dress. "I've told you how much I love this dress, right?"

"This must have taken you weeks to plan!" You realized, finally piecing Shane's elaborate and beautiful scheme together. "Marnie never had to go to Zuzu City, did she?"

Shane shook his head as he pulled you back against his chest. "No, she and Mayor Lewis spent the day helping me set this all up." You nestled your face against his chest cozily as you felt the euphoria of your new engagement wash over you. 

The silence returned as the two of you enjoyed the complete bliss of the moment. "Speaking of my plan," Shane stood up and extended his hand out to you, trying to be fancy. "Would my darling fianceé like to join me at our engagement party?"

If you hadn't spent all of your tears already, you would have started crying again when Shane called you his fianceé. You stood up and wrapped your arm through his as the two of you started to head back towards Marnie's.

"Here." Shane stopped you right outside of the front door of the rustic Ranch. He cupped your face in one of his hands and gently ran a finger over your cheek, clearing up any misplaced makeup from your crying spell earlier. "Ready to go inside, chickpea?"

You nodded and Shane opened the door as he slid a hand around your waist. You were instantly confronted by a wave of people inside the ranch. It appeared that the entire town was waiting for you inside, surprisingly able to fit in the mid-sized home.





The voices of Pelican Town along with a variety of buzzers and noisemakers rang through the entryway to the Ranch as you and Shane entered.

Immediately, most of the town rushed over to you and began bombarding the two of you with questions and comments.

"Let me see your pendant!"

"Did she say yes?"

"Can I be a bridesmaid?"

"When's the wedding?"

Marnie quickly rushed to stand in front of you two, protecting you from the swarm of ecstatic and enthusiastic townspeople. "Folks, please!" She called out in a pleasant but orderly voice. 

"For the love of Yoba, give them some space. They only just got engaged, you know." The crowd calmed down around her. "Thank you, one at a time please." The rancher stepped aside to allow the two of you to be slowly introduced to the group.

While everyone was bursting with excitement and anticipation, they slowly made their way as you and Shane entered the room. "I need to get some shots!" Hailey exclaimed, jumping in front of the two of you and vigorously snapping photos.

Shane tried to pose with you, but neither of you were particularly photogenic. "Dip her and kiss her!" Someone shouted from the crowd of people. It kind of sounded like Pam, but there was no way to truly know. Nevertheless, Shane put one hand on your back and the other around your waist as he leaned you down and kissed you. You wrapped one arm around his neck and let your other hang as you posed for the photo, but more so embraced the moment. Shane slid his hand down from your waist to the underside of your thigh, letting you know he was starting to get a little carried away as he sexily lifted your leg.

"Perfect!" Haley called, clicking away at her camera. "Hold that!"

Once she was done with the photos, Marnie brought out flutes of champagne. This prompted Mayor Lewis to stand up and raise a glass as he toasted the of you. "To the future Mr. & Mrs. Anderson! May you look forward to many happy years together!"

"To Mr. & Mrs. Anderson!" The townspeople echoed.

It was all sinking in, finally hitting you. You tried to manage it all by focusing on a small detail. "I'm going to have your last name." You laughed, looking up at Shane.

"Only if you want." Shane smiled sweetly down at you as he tucked a stray piece of hair behind your ear. "I don't want you to feel any pressure to change your name."

"No, I want to." You hugged him tightly. "I want us to share that connection."

"It makes me so happy that you said that, (Y/N)." He hugged you back, as he picked up a champagne flute from a tray sitting next to you. He took a sip but quickly handed the drink to you. "Damn, Marnie bought the strong stuff." You took the glass as he laughed lightly. "I can't have any more of this. I want to be able remember tonight, Mrs. Anderson." Your heart fluttered as he called you that. While you were sure it would be a while before you got married, you were indescribably excited to be his wife.

After a few moments, Pierre walked up to you and handed over a thick magazine. "I've been receiving this magazine every year and hardly ever get to show it to anyone." He explained as you looked it over. The publication was filled with all sorts of bridal gowns and wedding information. "I thought you might enjoy it, and if there's anything you want to order just come into the shop. I'll charge you factory price as a little wedding present if you're interested."

"Thanks, Pierre." You smiled. "That's sweet of you."

He nodded and left as the party continued in a similar fashion. People would come up and congratulate the two of you and ask about a hundred questions regarding your yet-to-be-planned wedding. You felt so much love, but most of it was from Shane, who stood by your side the whole night, his hand around your waist as you proudly faced the world as fiancés, together.

✏️ A/N: Thank you all so much for reading and your input on the survey last week! We collected some really great results! Our next addition, Chapter 44: After Party will be published on Sunday, September 4, 2022. I hope you all have a great week and for the students, I hope your new semesters go well!
