Chapter 19: An Interesting Altercation

"Mmmm..." You agreed, crawling next to him and laying down in the soft bed.
"Thank you." He whispered calmly as he kissed your head, pulling you close to his side. "That was amazing." He gently pulled the blanket over the two of you.
You nodded in agreement. "It really was." He planted a sweet kiss on your lips and rolled over onto his side to face you, still naked.
"I'm glad you enjoyed it." He said, a smile breaking across his face. "To be honest, I'm a little self conscious of my body and... other parts..."
"Don't be." You said, pulling his face close to yours. "You were more than enough." Thoughts about the moments before flashed through your mind. "You were perfect." This made Shane blush. He was honestly adorable and so much more than the gruff man you had first met.
Your boyfriend smiled at you. "Well, how about I go make us some breakfast?"
"That sounds great." You agreed. "Plus, I need to...uh..." You looked down at your legs, hidden under the blanket, "...clean up." With that, you and your boyfriend got out of bed. Shane put the t-shirt back on with his boxers and you grabbed your pajamas. You headed to the bathroom to "clean" while Shane went to the kitchen. You walked back out to see your boyfriend standing awkwardly in your kitchen, holding a dripping mixing spoon in one hand and intently reading the back of a small box with the other.
He was so engrossed in reading the box, he didn't notice you enter the room or walk up behind him. "Shane?" You asked, slinking a hand around his waist.
He jumped a little, startled by you, but immediately looked warmly down at you. "I'm trying to make pancakes." He said, shaking his head. "But to be honest, I don't cook much. I'm a little rusty." He gestured to a large blue mixing bowl on your kitchen counter. You looked around your boyfriend to peer into its contents. The bowl was filled with a lumpy excuse for pancake batter, and you looked up to see Shane's face growing redder by the second. "Sorry." He mumbled. "A bad cook really isn't boyfriend material."
"It's okay." You laughed. "You just have to stir out the lumps." You took the spoon from him and began to show how to properly stir the batter. "It's not hard, it just takes a minute."
You handed the spoon back to Shane and he slowly took it, setting down the empty box he was still holding. He stirred, mimicking your movement, and quickly the lumps started to disperse into the mix. "See?" You looked up at him, smiling, as you pointed to the batter. "You are definitely boyfriend material."
"Thanks." He mumbled, trying to hide the fact he was beginning to blush. "You're too sweet."
"Whatever." You laughed playfully. You headed to your fridge to find toppings for the pancakes.
"The batter's mixed, I'm going to go wash my hands." You looked over to see your boyfriend covered in pancake batter. He left to go to wash up in the bathroom while you set syrup, butter, and fresh berries on your small kitchen table. You headed over to grab a frying pan to start making the pancakes when you heard a knock on the door.
You went to open it and instantly realized you were still in your pajamas, but you had already turned the knob. You swung the door open to reveal Marnie standing worriedly on your porch.
"Hi, (Y/N), I was wondering if you had heard from Shane? He never came home last night and he wasn't around this morning-"
"Aunt Marnie?" Shane's voice rang out surprised from behind you. You flipped around to see him with a shocked look on his face. "What are you doing here?"
"Shane?" Marnie asked, equally surprised. You watched as her eyes looked over Shane, then you. Realization settled in her face. "What are you doing here?"
You felt your face flush and you looked back at Shane to see his turning bright red. Shane was still in his boxers and your big old shirt. His hair was a disheveled mess. You were in pajamas and your hair was even worse. You were positive that Marnie could tell what you had just been doing.
"Uh..." Shane nervously muttered behind you.
"Well, I'm, uh, glad to see you're safe, Shane." Marnie's eyes returned to their normal size. "I'll leave you two to it, then." She laughed a little before turning around and walking down the steps. "Have fun!" She called, not bothering to turn around as she started chuckling again.
You closed your door and walked over to Shane, burying your face in his chest. He sweetly wrapped his arms around you and rested his chin on the top of your head.
"Oh my yoba." You tried to shake your head as it was pressed into his chest. "That was so embarrassing. She definitely knows we just...did it."
"Yeah, it's okay." Shane kissed your head as he lifted one hand to run his fingers through your hair. "Marnie's cool, though. I'm sure she doesn't care."
"That's good, at least." You laughed. "I'm glad she won't give you a hard time about it, then."
"Oh, she definitely will." Shane shook his head. "But it's fine. This morning was worth it." You looked up at him as he winked facetiously at you. "Now, Iet's make some pancakes."
"Sounds good." You licked your lips. You grabbed his hand and pulled him over to your stove. You set the pan on the burner and turned it on. You started to grab some oil to grease the skillet when you felt Shane's arms wrap around your waist, pulling you into him. You felt him bend over and rest his head on your shoulder.
You poured some of the batter into a small disc in the pan when another round of knocks sounded from the front door. "I wonder what Marnie wants this time." Shane laughed as he shook his head and started towards the door.
"I guess she's already seen us." You sighed. "No point in changing now."
"Yeah." Shane agreed. "Does Marnie stop by often?"
"Eh, sometimes." You shrugged and turned back to the stove as he opened the door.
"Oh!" A masculine voice gasped. You flipped around incredibly fast to see Demetrius, Robin's husband, standing on your front step. His mouth was agape as he looked over Shane, en deshabille in his boxers, then to you in your pajamas. "Uh, um..." He babbled, clearly shocked. You felt your face heat up again as you briskly walked over to the door. "Well, uh, hello, Farmer (Y/N)." Dark pink flushed against his deep cheeks and you felt yours do the same.
You tried your best to play it cool. "Hi, Demetrius." Shane slinked back into your living room, finally coming out of his state of shock.
"Sorry to bother you this morning, I just had a quick question to ask." His eyes flitted about, determined not to settle on you or your pajama clad body. "I'll be quick, I can see you're busy this morning." What did that mean?
"Go on." You said, starting to get rather annoyed.
"I just wondered if you would let me turn the abandoned cave at the northwest corner of your farm into a bat cave, they would bring you fruit that you could keep and I could monitor them for my research." The tall man explained.
"Sure." You replied, determined to get this conversation over with. "That sounds great, thanks for stopping by." You quickly closed the door and looked at a shell shocked Shane sitting on your sofa.
"I take it you get a lot of visitors." He laughed nervously. "Does Demetrius stop by often?"
You shook your head. "This is the first time." You walked over and sat next to your boyfriend.
"I'm sorry if I caused you trouble." Shane shook his head. "Pam and Marnie are really the only people in town who know we're a thing, I don't want Demetrius thinking you're just sleeping with the town drunk."
"It's fine, if anyone asks I'll explain we're an item now." You smiled and leaned over to kiss him. "Plus, you aren't the town drunk anymore. I'm so proud of you for that."
"Thanks, chickpea." You felt his lips smile as he kissed you back. "Now, let's go finish those pancakes before they burn."

✏️ A/N: Now back to your regularly scheduled programming. I hope you all enjoyed this chapter! Our next chapter, Chapter 20: The Perfect Pair, will debut next Sunday, March 20, 2022. Have a great week!
