
Requested by - @Karvi27

No ones pov 

Seungmin tried to wake up leeknow his dorm mate but he wouldn't get up "leeknow come on wake up (seungmin)" seungmin found it weird that he wouldn't wake up so easily because normally he would be the first up. He was going to start shaking the boy up but when he touched him. bunny boy was burning up "oh my god leeknow your burning up" "leave me alone seungmin and shut up will you?(leeknow)" seungmin of course was a bit hurt by his words but didn't show it. "Im going to get chan(seungmin)". When the puppy boy got to chans room he was also sleeping. "Thats weird(seungmin)" when seungmin went to go wake chan up he saw the the leader was also sick "not you too(seungmin)" seungmin went over to see chans roommate hyunjin and he was also sick "oh no(seungmin)" the singer checked on the other members finding them all sick. "They must of had got sick from the beach water yesterday" seungmin said checking jeongins temperature. Seungmin wasn't sick because he didn't go in the water that day.

The puppy like boy went to the kitchen to cook his member some soup. When the soup was ready he carried them to each of the members rooms trying to wake them up getting a rude reply back from every member. "Seungmin will you shut up god i dont want your stupid soup it probably taste bad anyways(changbin)" seungmin again being hurt by his members words stayed silent and placed to food on there side tables. "Jisung im going to get flu medicine dont get out of bed please(seungmin)" "i can do what ever i want so leave already(jisung)" "...(seung)" seungmin didnt know how to drive yet so he had to walk there. While seungmin was walking it had gotten very cold not to mention the fact the he had forgotten his jacket. The boy got there grabbed the stuff he needed and left. As he was walking back it had started to rain "shit are you kidding me today cant get any worst(seungmin)" the boy ran back as fast as he could getting home in one piece. When he walked in to the squirrels room han was playing video games on the tv coughing from time to time. "Han i told you not to get out of bed your sick and you need rest what are you doing" seungmin asked in a worried tone. "Shut up will you i told you i can do what ever i want(jisung)" "fine but take this to get better seungmin said giving the boy a pill and a glass of water. "Whatever" han toke the pill and drank the water throwing the cup back at seungmin hitting him on the head seungmin cried in pain. "Han dont throw stuff at people that hurts. "Your such a baby seungmin, leave me alone(han)"

seungmin went to hyunjin's and chan's room next giving him the pill after 10 minutes of him fighting and the dancer saying some rude stuff to seungmin. The puppy like boy left right after he made sure the llama drank the pill not wanting to hear anymore rude words by the older. 

At this point seungmin was running around the house trying to get everything his members need or want making sure they were ok and trying to get them to eat not even feeding himself first. The puppy bot kept getting hurt by the words his members were saying to him but he hid his feelings and stayed quiet. The boy hadn't even changed out of the clothes that were soaked from the rain. 

"Heres your food lix" the puppy boy handed the food to the chicken. "Finally you take forever like it isnt that hard(felix)" 

Seungmin made sure everyone was comfy and asleep before finally changing out of his wet clothes and fell asleep. The next morning all the members were better but seungmin the boy had gotten sick from the rain and running around not resting to meet his members wants and needs, he was also around all the sick members.

"Hey seungmin wake up, pup come on, seungmin hello why are you so hot are you sick right now?"  "CHAN GET YOUR ASS IN HERE(leeknow)" "what, whats wrong?(chan)"  "seungmin has a bad fever(leeknow)" "what how?(chan)" "idk(leeknow)" "i saw his clothes wet yesterday probably from the rain when he went to got our medicine" the sunshine boy said coming in to the room. "You could be right lix but he was also around us"  "he was running around too" hyunjin said also entering the room "poor pup, i was so rude to him yesterday" "same we were so stupid(jeongin)" "he was just trying to help us and we were so rude he even got sick from us(jeongin)" "im going to get medicine for our pup y'all make food ok?(changbin)" "mhm(felix)" "hey pup wake up yea?(chan)" "5 more minutes" the puppy mumbled "cute but no your sick you need to eat and take medicine(hyunjin)" "im not sick im fine just a little hot(seungmin)" "pup your sick don't fight with us now.(chan)" "fine(seung)" "soup is ready" felix said walking in the room with a bowl of soup. "Here eat up pup(jeongin)" soon after they finished feeding seungmin all the soup changbin came back with the medicine, "say ahh(changbin)" seungmin opened his mouth talking the pill with some water. "Ok rest puppy(changbin)" the members toke care of seungmin for the rest of the day giving him lots of loves care and cuddles because it was the boys favorite. 

Hey guys hoped you liked todays story now bye bye -liv off
