I want you to my self pt2

This is part 2 of [idk what to name it] yes it has a name now

‼️warning cussing mention of kidnapping blood killings. If triggered by these things please do not read‼️

no ones pov

"Where the fuck i'm I" (seung)

"Omg seungmin your awake" (felix)

"Lix?" (Seung)

"Hey we are here too you know" han said getting out of leeknow's hold and taking i.n from chan walking over to them.

Hyunjin placed seungmin down walking over to his 3 friends.

"Hyunjin why did you take so long?" (Chan)

"The sleeping powder didn't work so i had to knock him out" (hyunjin)

"Oh" (changbin)

"Hey somebody gonna tell me why the fuck im here?" (Seung)

Hyunjin was a bit mad or jealous that they were hugging his pup.

"Pup come here" (hyunjin)

"Huh why" seungmin asked walking over to him getting pulled into his lap.

"Yah why did you do that!" (Seung)

"I want you close to me pup" (jinnie)

"Don't lie you were just jealous" (Felix)

"I was" hyunjin said in a deep voice that gave seungmin the chills.

"y-you kidnapped me?" (Seung)

"Yes pup why?" (Jinnie)

"Why are you 2 here then?" Seungmin said confused, looking at felix and i.n.

"While we were walking home 2 bitches jumped us and pushed us into a car" felix said glaring at chan and changbin.

"Not to mention in BROAD DAYLIGHT" (i.n)

"For real like 10 people saw us and did nothing" felix said rolling his eyes

"Lix come here" (changbin)

Felix walked over getting pulled in his lap.

"I.n-." (Chan)

"Nuh uh no way i know what your gonna say you and your 3 friends are the same." (I.n)

"Aww come on just sit on my lap" (chan)"

"no thats gay" (i.n)

"But you are gay" (han)

"...your angst me huh?" (I.n)

"Yes all 3 of you volunteered me to get kidnapped by this guy"

"I have a name baby boy" (minho) [im cringing rn]

"Eww". (Hyunjin)

"Guys enough of this shit Changbin, Hyunjin and Leeknow we have a mission." (Chan)

"Huh?" (Seung)

"Nothing pup i will be right back" (Jinnie)

"Don't try leaving the doors are locked" (Leeknow)

"Bru" (Han)

"I suggest you stop with your attitude baby" (Leeknow)

"🙄" (Han)

"Thats it-." (Leeknow)

"We have a mission deal with him later" (Changbin)

"Whatever" (Leeknow)

(1 hour later)

"God why the fuck does this guy live so far away" (Minho)

"Your just mad because you couldn't hang out with your squirrel" (Hyunjin)

"That disrespectful quokka" (Minho)

"Come on lets hurry this i want to see my puppy" (Hyunjin)

They walked into a building shooting a bunch of people as they walked through the building. The walls covered with blood. People screaming gun shoots being heard through the halls, as they walked through the halls they checked the doors killing the people inside.

"Eww I'm covered in blood" (hyunjin)

Finally chan got to the right door. There stood a man in a nice suit probably worth a few hundred and he was holding a gun aiming at chan

"Ahh finally you know how much people died out there god why is your building so big" (chan)

"W-what do you want" (man)

"Aww jack don't you remember? You owe me money and I'm afraid your to late to pay it back a gave you a year and for some reason the money isn't in my bank account so you die" (chan)

Jack fired the gun missing chan and unlucky for him he only had one bullet.

"Aww you shouldnt have done that i could kill your family you know." (Chan)

"Chan dont you dare hurt my family they dont have anything to do with this" (jack)

"So do the people out there but guess what? They are dead soo." (Chan)

"Please dont hurt them chan im begging you" (jack)

"It doesn't seem like it" (chan)

Jack got on his knees begging.

"Ok i wont kill your family im not going to kill a child god do you think im a monster?" (Chan)

"Thank you si-." He got cut iff when a bullet went through his head.

"Hey umm chan its time to go cops outside" changbin said through the walkie talkie.

"Mhm coming" chan said back

Chan ran to the car getting in the rest already there. As chan jumped in Leeknow quickly speed out of there.

"God I'm covered in blood" (changbin)

"Me too this is so gross" (hyunjin)

"Yea worth it though" chan said throwing some necklaces chains watches and rings probably worth millions.

"Sweet" hyunjin said picking up a watch

(1 hour later)

They arrived home to see all the boys fast asleep.

"Aww so cute" hyunjin walked up to seungmin not touching him because well he was covered in blood. "We should all shower first before waking them" (chan)

"Yea dont want them to get scared" (changbin)

"My little quokka is so cute" (minho)

Later after everyone was done with there shower they woke up the younger ones from there sleep.

"5 more minutes" Han jisung mumbled.

"No it's time to get up don't you want food?" (Minho)

"Mmm fine" Ji said getting up.

"Good boy" (Minho)

"Hmm baby come on" (chan)

"Nooooo let me sleep" (jeongin)

"Please?" (Chan)

"Fine" jeongin got up looking at him.

"Puppy come on let's go" hyunjin said picking him up. Seungmin's head was buried into hyunjin's neck as he carried Seungmin to the table having him sit on his lap.

Felix was already awake by the time everyone finished showering so he just walked to the table sitting on changbin's lap.

Han was forced to sit on Minho's lap not really having a choice.

Jeongin on the other hand refused to sit on Chan's lap. A maid set the food down making sure everything was perfect. After the maid was down she bowed and left.

As they ate chan was feeding jeongin. Hyunjin was feeding Seungmin who was still half asleep in his lap. Jisung was feeding Minho. And changbin and felix were teasing each other as they ate.

"So where did y'all go?" (Jisung)

"We went to deal with business" (minho)

"So like business men?" (Felix)

"Umm kinda like that lix" (changbin)

"Seungmin you have to eat it" hyunjin whispered to the sleepy puppy like boy in his arms.

"Mhmm fine" (Seungmin)

As they ate they talked about what business they did minho got tired of the questions and just revealed they were in the mafia everyone was curious but seungmin didn't hear because he was tired as fuck and just wanted to sleep.

"Hmm you probably shouldn't tell Seung that he hates blood or anything to do with killing" felix said to hyunjin.

"Mm got it" (hyunjin)

As the night continued seungmin woke up a bit so hyunjin toke him to the bathroom getting him ready for bed once Seungmin was done brushing his teeth and washing his face. Hyunjin gave him some PJs after Seungmin finish changing hyunjin picked him up carrying him to bed tucked him in kissing him a good night. He walked outside to the rest. Joining the conversation again.

1090 words😃 that's probably the most i have written plus this was part 2 so probably the longest story i have written or will ever write in this book.

How did you like this story? Should i make a part 3?

Anyways sorry i have been gone for [idk how long]

Hope you all are doing well make sure your eating and drinking ok

Well byee have a nice morning afternoon or night guys.

Liv off
