The Quest.

Hi! So I know I said I was going to stop writing this, but I decided to put up the old ones again. Sorry for any spelling mistakes! I promise to really update weekly this time! 

I wake up to screaming. I am in my bed, in my room, in my safe little house in new Rome. I know i am safe, but the adrenaline from my dream still courses through me. I— oh, wait. Before i tell you about my gory night mare, you probably want to know who i am. Well, my name is Emeral Chase. You are probably thinking, 'something about that name seems really familiar.' Well, it might, but you probably don't know me. You have, however, most likely heard of my parents. Percy Jackson and Annabeth Chase. You might have also heard about my older brother, Eli Jackson, he kind of saved Camp Half-Blood twice. On his own. At age 12. Anyways, to the point. You know a lot about my family, but nearly nothing about me. Well, i just told you my name so you know that. But my whole life i have been in my brother and my parents' shadows. But, now, you don't want hear about my tragedies. So i'll Give you all the basic information: my name, as i said before, is Emeral Chase. I am 15 years old. I live with my parents in new Rome and go to Camp Half-Blood in the summer. My best friend is Ruby Zhang, and other than that my close friend are Sky Grace and Saphire McLain. There. Now you know all you need to know to not be completely confused by this whole mess of my story.

As i was saying, i was having this dream, about my friends and me. We were drowning and a dark, mist, half-shapen figure was looking Down on us, laughing cruelly. As i woke i was sweating, and, yes, as stated before, i was screaming my head off. As mon and dad came rushing in, i finally quieted down. Mom, started stroking my forehead, telling me that i was safe here, at home. But of course, i already knew that while i was sleeping and did that prevent my nightmare? No. Thank goodness i was going to camp tomorrow, the dreams are always better there. Also, my friends are there and they are my age. They do the same things as me every day! But as mom I'd stroking my forehead, i relax. She always makes me relax. Dad sits down on the edge of my bed and once again tells me the story of the titan Bob, and how every night i should say hello to the stars for him. I know everyone thinks mom and dad are always happy, bu they aren't. I can here mom whimpering in her sleep from the memories, and every day i see the looks dad and mom share, when their eyes meet and i can just see the sorrow deep down in dad's eyes. But then they look up and put smiles on and everyone believes it.

But let 's not dwell on that right now. I was about to go to camp!


The first thing i do every time i get to camp is climb on top of the Poseidon cabin and yell at the top of my lungs 'I HAVE ARRIVED!' Then i stay up there until i see the rest of my friends doing the same. Once all of us are there, we meet at the lake. But this year, after we were at the lake about an hour, something unplanned happened. Mr. D, the official camp director, and Chiron, the one who actually directs the camp came in the middle if Ruby's rant about how everybody is mean to volcanoes, and asked if one of us could show the new boy around the camp. Of course, none  of us wanted to, but someone had to. Finally, i asked Chiron a question,

"Who is he?" Chiron responded by backing away to reveal a boy about my age.  The boy strapped forward and said,

"Hello. My name is Appaplexis. I have been told by these guys," he pause, jesturing to Chiron and Mr. D, "that i'm a Demigod. Half god, right?" The way he smiled when he said 'Half god, right?', like he knew everything there was to know about us. About what it is to be a Demigod, it made me want to punch him! But then i saw him turning his head slightly to right, then the left, his eyes darting around. I could see it in his eyes, the whole know-it-all act had been an act. But a very good one, at that. It would have fooled most people, but mom taught me to read people well, and who on earth would be a better teacher than her?! Gods know she's had enough practice. I looked at my friends. I could read them pretty well, too. No one else had noticed how scared he was, and i knew it had to be one of us. Ideally, it would be Sky (Sky Grace, son of Piper McLain and Jason Grace), because he is the only dude out of all of us, but i would have to do. No one else was going to volunteer. So i stepped forward. Chiron looked thankful, but i shot him a glare telling him i was not doing this because i wanted to. I took a closer look at the boy. He seemed familiar from some place... oh, Gods! He was the kid i'd Found lying unconscious at aunt  Thalia's tree this morning! I looked directly in to the boy, ok, fine, Appaplexis's eyes, and told him ina half friendly, half if-you-mess-with-me-i-will-rip-your-head-off kind of way, 

"Fine. My name is Emeral Chase, I'm 13, and my friends call me Emmy." He smirked that smirky smile and even though i could still see his nervous eyes, i could n't help but add, "and don't think for a minute i will think you're an amazing Demigod, I'M the one who rescued you from the top of Half-Blood Hill! Now, follow me, i'll Show you around camp." His mouth was agape, i started to regret what i'd Said, but, not wanting to sho any weakness, i turned around and started walking toward the cabins. He followed.


We were waking past the  Apollo cabin, when Appaplexis started glowing. I am not kidding. He started. Glowing. There was a wave of light above his head, and then... poof! My very unfavorite god appeared. 

"Apollo." I didn't mean it to sound like a death threat, but it kind of came out that way anyways. He ignored me and turned to Appaplexis. 

"Ah, my son, nice to see you! Just here to inform you that you will be going somewhere with a high rate of death soon, if you die i'll See you on the moon!" Then he turned to me and said, "oh, and you, i've Got a message fo you, too! You will go on a quest to which monsters say boo, and if you want to know why, the just ask who?" He aid 'who' while pointing to Rachel's cave. Great. Another quest for others. As if reading my thoughts, Apollo looked at me curiously and said, 

"This quest will be led by you!" Then he poofed. I sighed and turned to Appaplexis, who was still staring, dumbfounded. 

"Well, i guess we know who your Godly parent is." He swallowed, then nodded. 

"Can i get out of this place now?" I chuckled at the question.

"Only if you have a quest or at the end of the summer." He sighed. But then he perked up at a thought. 

"But you have to lead a quest!" I sighed. I did very well have to lead a quest, and if what Apollo said was true, this gut would have to come along too.

We rushed to tell Chiron and Mr. D about the prophecy, and about who Appaplexis's dad was. Chiron agreed that we should go to Rachel for our prophecy. As i was about to leave my friends to get the prophecy, i turned to ask Chiron something.

"Chiron, Apollo said i should lead the quest, but souldn't it be someone more experienced." He chuckled, then leaned in to whisper in my ear,

"Let me tell you something: The only way to get experience is to do something for the first time." Then he leaned up to face all the others, "miss Emeral Chase will be leading this quest, and the oracle will tell her how many others she must bring."

I nodded and started walking to Rachel's oracle cave.


As soon as i stepped foot inside the cave, i got swooped up into a huge hug. Aunt Rachel isn't technically my aunt, just like all the others, but we're all somehow related by the Gods, except Rachel, she's just a close family friend. As Rachel pulls back from the hug and sees my face, her happy expression drops. I didn't mean for my face to have given it away, but i guess it did.

"Prophecy?" She asks.

"Prophecy. And i'm Leading this quest." I answer. She looks happy and like she is about to say something when green starts flowing from her mouth. I can't look away. It's prophecy time. Then she starts to speak,

"Six children must come together,

And reach the end against all odds,

Promises broken by your most trusted,

To decide the fate of the realm,

And day shall end and night shall reign

With their final breaths together.

This shall be know as the prophecy of the five,

And the next great prophecy,

For our heroes or destroyers." And with that, she collapsed into me. I gently lay her down on the bed in the corner, but before before i could leave, she grabbed my wrist.

"Take some one who knows." I thought she meant an adult, so i nodded and said,

"Of course we'll take a grown up." But she shook her head.

"Aunt Rachel, what do you mean 'someone who knows'?" She pulled me in closer

"The one you have never know before is growing. There. Now you know. Goos luck, my little one." I nodded and left. I couldn't tell anyone else about the something that was growing. I couldn't. So i walked back to Chiron and the rest of them and relayed the prophecy. You may be thinking it is weird that i can just remember the prophecy, but when a green thing comes out of your aunt and tells you something, it's kind of hard to forget. After i'd Explained everything, Chiron nodded and told me to choose five other Demigods to go on my quest with me. I looked around. First, my eyes landed on Ruby. She had the powers from her mon, Hazel, and her dad, Frank, so she was pretty srong. Also, she was my best friend. I looked her in the eyes and asked,

"Ruby, would you come with me?" She looked so excited she could barely squeak out a yes. We had all been waiting for this for years! Then i looked at Saphire. She was Sky's twin sister, and they were both pretty good a charm-speak and flying, though Saphire has the advantage in charm-speak. 

"Saphire, would you come on this quest with me? And would you, too, Sky?" Sky nodded and Saphire said,

"Well........ okay!" I smiled, grateful that they were coming. Then my eyes landed on Appaplexis. Apollo had said he would go on the quest and he didn't seem all that bad either. So i turned to him and sighed.

"Appaplexis, your dad said you would be on this quest, and you seem pretty nice, so would you come on the quest with us? Also, if you say yes, can we come up with a nickname for you? Appaplexis is just so long to say." I pretend wrinkle my nose at his name and we both laughed. He had a nice laugh. 

"It would be my honor." He replied. And then added, "and i guess if i can call you Emmy, you call me... Apps, i guess?"

"Okay, we've got Ruby, Sky, Saphire, Apps," i cast Appaplexis a teasing look "and me. We only need one more—" i was interrupted by Sammy. He came in with greastained hands and that well trained smirk of his. He was the kid of two well-trained smirk-ers, Leo and Calipso.

"You weren't really thinking of going on a quest with out me, were you? I just finished making the Sunny Day 106!" I laughed, but Ruby ran to hug him. She'd kind of had a thing for him she wouldn't admit to until last summer at our annual sleepover just me and her.

"You can come, but only if we rename that ship!" He laughed and pretended to pout,but finally said,

"Fine. How about 'The Argo III'?" I shook my head.

"No. That's too much following in our parents' foot steps. Does this thing fly?" He nodded. "Is it fast? Is it a battle ship?"

"Yes and yes." He answered with a proud smile, his arm still draped around Ruby's shoulders.

"Then i think i have a name for our new ship." Everybody leaned in closer to hear my answer, but i made them wait till i was at the top of the mast with the flag I'd Designed months ago, because i'd Always dreamed of having my own ship. 

As the ship took off into the air and i clipped the last corner of the flag in, i yelled down to my friends and out to the whole worl,

"I hereby name this ship The Harpie!" Then i looked down at my friends, who were smiling. I could tell they liked the name. I slid down to pole, and as we had a group hug, I yelled out to the sky, 

"Watch out world, you just met Team Harpie!"

Thanks for reading, i'll Be working on my next one soon, feel free to comment and tell me what i could do better or give suggestions,


