This is meant to be our ship, not yours.

Hi, me again! I know it's kind of weird, but i hope you like the story, thanks! (Just a reminder, i do not own any of th original PJO or HOO characters.)

It was the middle of the night. I woke to a scream, but this time it wasn't me. The voice seemed familiar, but i didn't quite recognize it. I jumped out of bed, ready to fight off the monsters, but... there were no monsters. Then i realized who the scream had come from.

Leo. Gods, he was an awesome uncle, but really, sometimes he could be annoying. Plus, what on earth was me doing on The Harpie?! 

Then i heard giggles, coming from the same place Leo's laugh had come from. I recognized those giggles. They were ant Piper's. But they were also Mom's. That's right, the great and original seven heroes were here.  I walke out into the space they were standing in, and and realized that it wasn't just seven of them. There, in the middle of the crowd, stood Will and Nico, kissing. Then i saw aunt Ella and uncle Tyson, Ella leaning into his shoulder. And then, of course, next to Leo was calypso. It was so vert sweet, i had to let a little happy sigh out of my mouth. I had hoped no one would notice. And no one would have, if Mom hadn't decided to at that exact moment have super-hearing! Which isn't even a thing! Mom just pretends it is! But she heard, and turned around to look. I tried to dive out of the wat, but her eyes landed on me before i could even move an inch.

"Emeral!" Mom was looking oddly proud, like i had done something to impress her. I liked feeling that look on me.

"Mom! How did you guys all get here? Why? What's going on? Is something wr—" before i could finish, my bones were crushed in a hug. All twelve of them at once. Everybody shouted things.

"Niece!" You could probably guess that that was Tyson.

"Emmy!" Dad. He was the one to come up with that nickname.

"How are you?" Frank, always gentle in his hugs and his words.

"Love you." Aunt Hazel. She was the best aunt ever.

"Emeral." The way Mom pronounced my name made my heart warm. She said it like this was her first time seeing me in years, sweet an soft, with love and pride in me being the only things underneath the tone it mane my smile.

"Good. Good is seeing again! Missed Emeral!" I chuckled. Ella had the loveliest way of saying things, and it made me realize one again why Tyson loved her, and no wonder he did. They were perfect for each other.

"Hello."  Why was Nico always so serious and short-sentenced? maybe because he was a son of Haded, or maybe it was just his personality.  But he certainly was happier around Will. They were a match that even the Gods couldn't deny was perfect.

"Good to see you!" And there was Will himself, happy and tall as always. When i was younger i used to think he was a giant, because he is very tall, so now it's a joke between us about him being so tall.

"Everything's better now that uncle McShizzle is here."  I'll bet you can guess who that one is (Leo. Also, TEAM LEO!)

"Sorry about him, sweetheart."  Calypso. I felt bad for her, having to say sorry for him, but they were in love, and really, if they were happy together, which seemed to be true, then it was alright.

"Missed you, darling!" I wasn't quite sure if Piper had put charmspeak in her voice of not, but it was still good to see her.

"Has Sky fallen off of the boat yet?!" And then you have my uncle Jason. Sky was his and Piper's kid, but he could fly, and he wasn't THAT clumsy. Then mom asked the question i'd Been half dreading, half hoping to hear,

"Emm, could we talk in private." I noddded and led her to my room. 

"Mom, what is this about?" She paused for a moment. Then said,

"I don't want you to get hurt. You know how i  have nightmares all the time, but me and your dad have never told you kids why?" I nodded. I had heard her scream just as much as she had heard me scream.  She continued "well. I'm going to tell you the story of why." She took a deep breath, then closed her eyes, and kept talking, "Tartarus. Percy had just rescued me from aracne, and then i was being pulled into the whole that aracne had just gone through, the whole to Tartarus, and then... Percy caught me, and he was holding on to the edge, and then he let go, and then we fell into Tartarus—" she paused for a moment. "We met a good titan, his name was Bob, and a good giant, whose name was Dameson. They helped us go through Tartarus. And then we were at the doors to get out, and Bob said he and Dameson would stay and fend off the doors as we were going up, and then Bob told us to say hello to the stars for him, and then the doors closed, and he died, and... and that's why i have night mares." I was frozen. I had had no idea what had happened to my parents, i always knew it was bad, but nothing like this. Then she handed me a piece of paper. "It's a map of the place. I hope you never have to be down in there, but if you do, take this. Now, tell me about this quest of yours and who's on it." So i told her. I told my mom about my quest, and how it had been safe so far. I told her about how we would be fine, while holding a freaking map of Tartarus in my hands.


Once all the families and extras (meaning appaplexis) had met and talked, we had a group meeting. 

"I think we should go to camp Jupiter. The great prophecy says 'promises broken by your most trusted', and we trust them a lot." That was ruby. Saphire, Appaplexis and I nodded. Sky looked confused, and Sammy was just about to fall asleep in his food. But then Jason cut in, 

"No! That's a bad  idea! You need to go to Olympus to find out if the gods have any information!" 

"No, you need to get that we need to try to follow the prophecy." Ruby, again.

"No, the prophecy will ful fill itself!" Jason.

"No we need to follow this before there is too much death!" Ruby. They looked like they were about to rip eachother's throats out.

"No, you have to—" i had had enough. I interrupted him in the middle of his sentence.

"Stop! Ruby, i think it's a good idea to go to camp Jupiter. Jason, this is meant to be our ship, not yours!" Dad stood up.

"I've been waiting for you to do something! I knew my daughter would stand up to you Jason!" Dad and Jason had a tongue-sticking-out contest whil mom and Piper rolled their eyes at each other.


Having my parents around was nice, but in about three days, they had to leave The Harpie. We were on our own quest, now. Just the six of us. Heading to camp Jupiter to save the world our own wa, without our parents. And we were going to do it well. 
