Chapter 28

Chapter 28

       Mom and Dad went out for dinner, so I decided to be the nice older brother and make dinner for both me and Kenny. I thought he would have been hungry and too lazy to make dinner, like normally, but that wasn't the case.

       We were both sitting down at the table and while I was eating, Kenny was just pushing his food around the plate. 

       "Are you okay?" I asked.

       "Yeah," Kenny said in a soft voice. "I'm just....worried about Calvin. I've been trying to text and call him all day, but he's not answering. I know why, I just he would answer so he could at least talk to someone. It's his brother's birthday today so he decided to finally visit his brother in prison and I haven't heard back from him since."

       "You could always just head over to his house to talk to him," I said. 

       "I'd rather not," he said. "Things have been awkward every time I go over there."

       "Well, you need to do something to stop being all mopey," I said. "You want to go out into the village? Ooh, we could get some BeaverTails."

       Kenny furrowed his eyebrows. "They sell BeaverTails here?"

       "Uh, yeah," I said. "You didn't know that?" Kenny shook his head. "Well, then we're definitely going to get some, my treat. I'm done eating anyway and now I need some dessert."

       "You don't care that I didn't finish eating?"

       I shook my head. "No. We'll just put it in the fridge for leftovers."

       While Kenny put his food in the fridge, I went up to my bedroom to grab my wallet and keys before coming back down the stairs. I put on a sweater and my shoes, as did Kenny, before he left the house and I locked the door behind us.

       Kenny and I went to where the BeaverTails were and I paid for both of them. I got a chocolate peanut butter one this time, and Kenny got an Oreo one.

       We were then walking down the village, eating the BeaverTails. It was still so amazing living in Spruceworth. You were able to walk down the village late at night without a single care in the world. And you definitely wouldn't hear any traffic or city noises. 

       When we were walking by the night club, I saw Calvin suddenly walk out, so I nudged Kenny and gestured to his boyfriend. "At least you won't have to worry about going to his house to talk to him," I said.

       "Calvin?" Kenny asked and Calvin looked over. "I've been trying to text and call you, like, all day."

       "Really?" Calvin asked before reaching into his pocket and pulling out his cell phone. "Oops, my bad. It was on silent." He then laughed a bit. "Silent is a funny word."

       Kenny didn't even seem to realize exactly what was going on. So pure and innocent.

       I reached into my pocket and pulled out my keys before handing them to Kenny. "Here, take Calvin to our house and give him a cup of coffee."

       "I don't drink coffee," Calvin said.

       "What are you talking about?" Kenny asked. "You drink it all the time."

       "Well, yeah, but I'm trying to cut back," Calvin said. "I made a promise to myself, like, five seconds ago when Horatio brought up coffee."

       "Are you okay?" Kenny asked.

       "Yeah," Calvin asked. "I'm so good. Really, really good."

       Poor Kenny was still confused.

       "He's clearly drunk, Kenny," I said.

       "Drunk?" Calvin asked. "As in drank too much alcohol? Me? No way. I'm eighteen only. I have one more year to go before I can drink....You're still a cop, right?"

       "Right," I said.

       "Then yeah, I didn't drink, I swear."

       I sighed. "Calvin, I'm not going to do anything about it. But Kenny is going to take you to our house and don't be a pain."

       "Pain's a funny word. Did you know it means bread in French? You just told me not to be a bread. I promise I won't be a bread."

       I patted Kenny's shoulder. "Good luck."

       "You're not coming?" Kenny asked.

       I shook my head. "No, I'm going to continue walking around. Seriously, though. Good luck."

       I continued walking down the village as Kenny led Calvin to our house. It wasn't long before I noticed Destiny and Dan walking in my direction with Anastasia in the stroller as Dan pushed it. 

       "There's my favorite cousin," I said. "How are you, pregnant lady?"

       Destiny rolled her eyes. "I'm good. I'm not that far along, so the pregnancy isn't too bad yet."

       "Just wait until she's in her third trimester," Dan said. "She goes crazy."

       "And how would you know?" Destiny asked. "We were broken up then, so you were rarely around me."

       "That's not true," Dan said. "Every time you wanted or needed something, I got it for you. And you wanted and needed a lot."

       Destiny shrugged. "It's not my fault I was single and lonely."

       "Okay, the break up was mutual," Dan said. "Stop pinning it on me."

       "I'm only doing it to bug you," Destiny said before looking back at me. "Have you see Calvin recently? Ariella and I wanted the three of us to hang out tonight, but we couldn't get a hold of him so we gave up on that."

       "Oh, yeah," I said. "Kenny told me it's Calvin's brother's birthday, so he decided to go visit him in prison, but I guess things didn't go to well because Kenny and I ran into him walking out of the night club and he's drunk."

       "Oh, that makes sense," Destiny said. "I hope he feels better soon. It must be hard for him to go through what he went through just knowing what his brother did, and almost did to Kenny. He doesn't talk about it that much." She looked at Dan. "Ooh, you know what would make him feel better? Making him the godfather of both Anastasia and our son."

       "Son?" I asked. "You're having a boy?"

       "Yeah," Destiny said. "We're excited now that we'll have a daughter and a son. Dan doesn't like being the only boy."

       "I just want to buy boy things instead of girl things," Dan said.

       "Do you have a name picked out yet?" I asked.

       "No, we're probably going to do what we did with Tasie and what until he's born to pick a name," Destiny said. "We'll have a few ideas but we won't make our final decision until he's born. Hopefully not early this time."


Yas more drunk characters. :D I live for it.

Guyssssssss Riverdale is back tomorrow. :D Or today, depending when you read this since it probably is Thursday for most of you already. BUT I CAN'T WAIT. I MISS MY CHILD KEVIN AND JOAQUIN IS IN IT TOO. THEY BETTER HAVE AT LEAST ONE SCENE TOGETHER BECAUSE I MISS IT.

And now, like always, a gif:

Aww, I miss my child. <3
