Chapter 27

Chapter 27

       It was the night a lot of us were looking forward to; the play. So many people in the village were planning on attending, even those who didn't have a child in the play or attending the school. I guess after everything that happened, it was nice to have something so exciting.

       I got there with Dan and Destiny, and we ended up being in the front row. That may or may not because I just so happened to be dating the girl who helped out with the play, so she was able to give us tickets for the front seats. Mom and Dad got tickets for the front seat too.

       While the three of us were heading to our seats, we ended up running into Joel. "Ugh," Destiny said. "What are you doing here?"

       "Why do you hate me so much?" Joel asked.

       "Gee, I don't know," Destiny said. "Probably because you hurt my best friend. You were not worthy enough to date him, and you still aren't."

       Joel sighed. "I get it. Me breaking up with him just because my friends wanted me to was pretty clear. I....actually came here to see him in the play and hoping we could talk after."

       Destiny snorted. "He isn't going to give you another chance. He already gave you one. And what was the other reason? Oh, right. He already has a boyfriend that actually is worthy to date him, so you stay away from him." She then walked away to head to her seat.

       "I'm just going to make sure she's calm," Dan said. "Never piss off a pregnant woman, trust me." 

       After he left to go calm down Destiny, I looked over at Joel. "Calvin really isn't going to give you another chance," I said. "Remember when I went to talk to you about the murder? And my brother was with me and told you he was Calvin's boyfriend? Yeah, he wasn't lying when he said that."

       Joel didn't say anything else as he went to go find his seat. I scoffed and went to my seat beside Destiny. Joel was unbelievable thinking he would have a chance getting back together with Calvin when Calvin was clearly in love with Kenny.

       And that was evident in the play.

       Seriously, watching Calvin and Kenny's scenes together made it so clear how perfect they were for each other and how much they loved each other. There was so much chemistry and passion between them.

       Mom and Dad were seeing it as well. They still were getting used to the idea of Kenny being gay and having a boyfriend, but they were trying their best to accept it and after watching the play, I knew they saw how much Kenny loved Calvin.

       So many people in the audience were loving their scenes together. There were a lot of gushing in the audience and when they had their first kiss in the play, a lot of people applauded and some cheered.

       When the play ended, the family member and friends of the actors went to the stage to go talk to them. We walked over to Kenny and I gave him a hug. "That was amazing," I said. "It was nice to see you acting again. I know how much you missed it."

       "I did," Kenny said. "It was a great feeling getting back out there again."

       "Not so great for me," Calvin said.

       "Why?" I asked.

       "My parents didn't come," he said. "They don't really want to leave the house after finding out one of their sons is a serial killer."

       "I'm still sorry about that," I said. "Have you seen him yet?"

       Calvin shook his head. "No, and I don't think I will. My parents still think I should, but I don't think I'm up to it. He killed four people. He shot my boyfriend. And what? To protect me? It doesn't make sense."

       "Maybe you should listen to what he has to say," Kenny said in a soft voice. "Just one visit."

       Calvin looked over at Kenny with furrowed eyebrows. "Are you serious?"

       "You still don't know why he did it," Kenny said. "And he wants to see you. I don't like what he did, but I think you should just visit him once."

       Calvin sighed. "Yeah, maybe. I don't know when, but I know I'll have to. So, did you guys like the play?'

       "Uh, yeah," Destiny said. "It was amazing. Oh, but you know who showed up? Joel."

       "Joel?" Calvin asked. "Why?"

       "To talk to you."

       Calvin snorted. "Yeah, not happening. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to get changed out of costume so I'll have an excuse to avoid him." He left towards the dressing room, pulling Kenny along with him.

       I scanned the auditorium for Ariella and soon saw her talking with her family, so I walked over. When she saw me, she smiled and pulled me into a hug. "The play was amazingly written," I said. "Good job."

       "Thank you," Ariella said. "I'm glad you liked it."

       "Well, I may be a bit biased because my girlfriend helped write it, and my little brother was acting in it."

       "Wait," Courtney said. "So Ariella, you're really dating a Simms?"

       Ariella rolled her eyes as their dad said, "Get over it, Courtney. Dan and Destiny are happily together, and she wasn't the one that caused you two to break up."

       Courtney crossed her arms over her chest. "Well, she was the reason Vanessa and Dan broke up, and Vanessa is my friend. And they're having another baby."

       "Aww, really?" Bella asked. "I have to go congratulate them."


       "What?" Bella asked. "Destiny is one of Ariella's best friends and she's such a sweet girl, and I've come to love Dan as a son. Of course I'm going to congratulate them, especially when they're already amazing parents. I know you two dated for a long time, but that's in the past. Move on."

       "I can't believe you're taking his side over mine," Courtney said.

       "Hey, it's karma for Dan's parents taking your side over his when you broke up," Ariella said. "Courtney, seriously, get over Dan. He's happy with Destiny. You'll do much better once you move on and find someone who will love you for you."

       "Like who?" Courtney asked.

       Ariella shrugged. "I don't know. You have to find that out yourself."



So I have to start writing an essay tomorrow and I don't even know if I'll have time to write any stories because I also have to catch up on some reading for school since I have a quiz on it on Tuesday. At least I only have two weeks of school left, plus the exams. I'm fine with the exams, though. I just hate going to the classes.

And he's a gif of Calvin because I'm dying without Riverdale:

Seriously, he always looks so perfect and he's not even trying smh.
