The Mothman

I've been super into cryptids lately so enjoy!!!!

You will never believe what I saw one very cold, dry November night. My family and I moved into a new house upon a hill on a little back road, in the very small town of Fort Gay, WV. Fort Gay sits right on the east side of Kentucky. The population of my town then was probably just a couple thousand. My family and I were unpacking. We had not yet put the furniture in its rightful places and everything was still in boxes. Overwhelmed with working all day, I retired around 11:00 p.m. I put my little brother on the couch and I took his bed, since my bed wasn't put together yet. His room faces the front of the house; his window is around 20 to 25 feet or so off the ground.

I was looking out the window when I saw "it." It stood about 7 feet tall. I had no idea what it was, but I was frozen. I had never been that scared in all my life. All I could do was lay there and just stare at this thing. It was sitting in a tree about 50 feet or so off the ground, about 50 feet from the house across the yard. It felt like an eternity. I couldn't breath; I couldn't even blink. It had big, red, bright glowing eyes looking dead into my face. I finally worked up enough courage to close my eyes and put my head under the covers, when all of a sudden this thing smacked the window.

I went through the house screaming, "There's something outside!" I was crying. My mom and dad looked at me and said, "What's wrong with you? It looks like you have seen a ghost!" My face was snow white. I said, "I dont know what it was, but please, daddy, don't go outside." I begged and I begged. He came back in and said they was nothing out there. I kept screaming saying, "Yes, there is! Yes, there is."

When I explained to them what I saw and how I felt, they said I was crazy, but to this day I will not go outside by myself, and even in the day someone still has to watch me to my car. I have heard of some pretty crazy things going on up on that road, but I never expected to experience anything myself. My husband and I went to the theaters and watched Mothman Prophecies. I was reliving that night all over again. The way they described feeling and what saw was remarkable. My husband looked over at me and said, "Isn't that what you described to me when we first started dating?" I couldn't say a word. After that moment I knew what I saw. I believe in all heart of hearts I saw the . It's just a little weird. I only live about 80 miles south of Point Pleasant, WV, where all that took place 37 years ago. It was exactly 32 years to the month when I saw "It."
