Fifth Submission

Sorry this is like five months late I've been so inactive lmao

          When I was only about eight years old, my cousin, who was the same age as me, was always telling me scary stories. I was older than her by a few months, so I didn't believe her. So when she told me this one, I wanted to think it wasn't true. It was.One night, my cousin woke up, and she said it was about two in windows. morning. She looked over at the mirror and saw a face in it, almost like a woman's. When she told me about it, I actually believed it this time, mostly because I was terrified of finding faces in mirrors or windows. Of course, I told her she was watching too much scary stuff.However, it didn't stop there. She then told me that she was looking through the sliding door that lead to the backyard, she saw a mysterious man mowing the lawn. She looked away for a few seconds and turned back outside, only to find him gone.I didn't think it was true, due to the lack of more sightings and evidence. Was I wrong, as I was told again by my other cousin, Denise. She said she saw the same man, but he was mowing the front lawn. She saw him disappear into thin air.When I brought up the topic five years later, which was only a few months ago now, my mother told me that my aunt [my cousin's mom] saw the exact same man.If that wasn't scary enough, my own father saw the same man.[Dad's P.O.V]Michelle [my wife's sister] said that there was a man in the backyard. Thinking that she was bullshitting, I went to the sliding door that lead to the backyard and removed the blinds. There, face-to-face with me, was a man. He looked ghostly. I was frozen with fear and didn't know whether to scream or confront him. We stared at each other for what seemed like hours before he disappeared into think air. I barely told my daughter this when she brought up the topic at the park, only three weeks ago now.

