"Now war is declared and battle come down"

Her prep team didn't need to do much to her, as she lived mainly in the Capital. Both Johanna and Finnick had offered their houses to her, but she refused. Esme, a woman with jet black hair with white streaks and golden butterflies on her eyelashes, repainted her nails a black and Fulton, a man with bright green hair and pale purple skin, reconditioned her hair. Once they deemed her suitable, they left her in waiting for Moxie. Moxie was Scarlet's stylist, she had been for the thirteen years after she won her games. Moxie sent her dresses in the mail, telling her what to wear with what shoes. They spent most of their time joined at the hip and Scarlet was excited to see what she was to wear on that night's tribute parade.

"How was seeing Haymitch?" Were the first words Moxie said to her best friend, causing her to groan.

"Is that the only thing people have to say to me these days?" She hopped off the bed, looking at her friend's new look. This year, Moxie had left her hair brown, her natural colour, and long. "What goodies do you have for me?" Moxie laughed at her eagerness before pulling out a black dress that had little white lines over it, making it look like a power grid. Every couple of seconds, bright blue sparks would shoot up the sides of the dress. To get with the outfit were a pair of black stilettos, a pair of black gloves and a black fur lining.

"Tease them," Moxie instructed as she did the girl's makeup. "Take off one item at a time," She had done a smoke eye on her eyes and given Scarlet her signature red lipstick. Moxie had left her friend's beautiful blonde locks done, letting them cascade down her back.

"That, I can do." She smiled at Moxie, before leaving the room. Scarlet went straight to Johanna.

"I'm sorry, babe." She apologised, "But Devin had me at a knife point!" Johanna finally cracked a smile at her girlfriends over the top explanation, giving in to her plump red lips.

"I'll forgive you if you promise not to do it again."

"I promise," Scarlet said sincerely. Then she turned to look for Finnick, finding him in an awfully revealing outfit. "Goodness, look at what Finnick's wearing!" They both laughed at his costume, which was a fishnet that left him completely revealed except for his groin, which some knots had concealed. Scarlet watched as he started to torment Katniss, and decided to step in, saying goodbye to Johanna.

"Is he bothering you?" The seductive voice of Scarlet rang out from behind Finnick. She stood next to him, a gloved hand draped over his shoulder. "This man here is such a troublemaker." She grinned up at him. "That's why I love him." She kissed him softly before turning back to Katniss. "Can you hold this? Thank you." She dropped her compact into the girl's hands, touching up on the red lipstick she lost to Johanna and Finnick's lips. Katniss ground her teeth together, angry about how was being treated, especially by someone who came from the same District as her.

"Thanks, sweetheart," She blew a kiss at the girl before stealing the sugar cube that Finnick was about to eat.

"Hey!" Scarlet grinned at him, holding the sweet cube between her teeth, teasing him. Just as he went to steal it from her, she swallowed it, savouring the sweet taste. Finnick was going to continue his conversation with Katniss when he saw Peeta approaching. He wrapped his love in a hug so they could talk with Katniss listening in.

"Do you want to toy with Peeta now or later?"

"Later." She breathed before they broke apart. Finnick said goodbye before leaving to go to his chariot. Scarlet watched Peeta send a questioning look to Katniss as he arrived at the group. Scarlet had once again pulled out her compact and was checking her hair.

"It was nice talking to you again, Katniss." She said to Katniss through the mirror. She turned to Peeta, "Peeta." Once again, Scarlet walked away from the pair, swaying her hips seductively. Time to give them a show.
