"You don't know the half of the abuse."

Scarlet sat at the back of the stage during the meeting. She watched on while smoking a cigarette, they had become her sanctuary after the Games. She ignored the prying eyes of the District, some who knew who she was and others who were confused.

"Katniss Everdeen." The name was read out by Effie Trinket, District 12's escort. Her voice cracked in the middle, clearly showing how attached she was to her victors.

"Now for the boys," She walked over to the bowl with two slips of paper on it. She reached in, pulling out one of them.

"Haymitch Abernathy." Scarlet rolled her eyes as Peeta immediately volunteered. She got up as soon as the people of District 12 started doing the symbol of rebellion. Peacekeepers suddenly grabbed Katniss and Peeta by the arms, pulling them in the Justice Building.

"No! No! What about goodbyes? I have to say goodbye!" Katniss yelled and protested against being carried off. "Goodbye!" She yelled to her little sister. Once she was inside, Scarlet calmly walked off the stage, going to the train she had arrived on earlier that morning. She sighed as she watched the train start up again.

"Well, It was lovely meeting you all, but I better get to my carriage." Scarlet said in a sarcastic voice.

"I bet Johanna just loves you." Haymitch mocked.

"Oh, she does." Scarlet winked at him before walking out of the carriage, swaying her hips. She could feel the eyes of Peeta on her. She smirked to herself as the automatic doors opened. She walked through the other carriages, heels clicking on the floor and she left the smell of smoke behind. Eventually, Scarlet found herself in District 7's compartment.

"Hey babe," She breathed, taking a drag from her cigarette. Johanna looked over at her from her seat.

"Hello, honey." Johanna walked over to her, kissing her lightly. "How's Haymitch?"

"Ugh, don't get me started." Scarlet took a final drag of the cigarette before snuffing it out. "I met his victor's today. I think they would enjoy a show of yours." She kissed Johanna again before letting out a sigh. "Devin is going to kill me if I'm late." Devin was her District's escort. She, like Scarlet, had dropped her last name as she came into popularity and loved the colour blue.

"Do you have to leave?" Johanna groaned.

"You and I know perfectly well that Devin will not be fussed about killing me before I reach the arena."

"Fine." Johanna pouted as Scarlet walked away from her, "But come back here after, okay?"

"After I see Finnick." She waved to her girlfriend before the sliding doors opened and shut behind her.

"Scarlet, so nice of you to join us." Devin said sarcastically. "You missed your reaping." This year, Devin was wearing a dark blue dress which shimmered as she moved. Her hair was blue and was cut short. Scarlet thought that she looked much nicer than Effie Trinket.

"I'm sure the gamemakers can make it look like I was there." Scarlet sat down next to her mentor and now District partner, Taurean. "So, I guess we're enemies now, hey?"

"Unless you want to be allies?" He said. Taurean knew that Scarlet was a tribute to fear, she was absolutely deadly.

"I'll have to check with my allies." Scarlet responded, popping a strawberry from the table into her mouth. "I'm going to see Finnick now, then Johanna again. Don't worry Devin; I'll be back before the train stops." And with that she left the carriage.

"Scarlet." Finnick said, hugging his girlfriend to his chest.

"Hey darling," She kissed his cheek, "How are you?" He let out a long sigh.

"Honestly, scared that I'll lose you." Scarlet pulled back from the hug, cupping his face in her hands.

"I promise, as long as I live that you will never lose me. I'll just punch Death, break his nose and run away as he cried." She grinned at him before kissing him again. "How's Annie?"

"She's getting better, but the Quarter Quell has kind of ruined some of the progress." He closed his eyes, taking in a deep breath. "Being called out as a tribute again has really upset her."

"I bet it would." A small silence settled between the two as they thought about Annie.

"How's Haymitch?" Finnick asked, smiling as Scarlet groaned.

"He's not any better than he was before, and he treats his tributes better than he treated me, so..." She trailed off in anger. Then, they started to hear the screams of delight from Capital people. "Well, we better go meet our fans." They smirked at each other before walking off the train. Scarlet waved and blew kisses into the crowd; she was famous for her good looks and deadly accuracy. The crowd went wild for the both of them. Scarlet waved goodbye to the Capital people, making her way into the Remake Centre.     
