Scare ride-Sasha

Sasha and a few of the girls were at universal studios. They wanted to go on rides but Sasha very much did not want to. "You guys can go I'll just stay." Sasha said "come on,Sasha it can't be that scary." Mikasa said

Sasha still shook her head. Someone came up behind Sasha "Sasha." The voice said making Sasha jump away. "My god y/n. You scared me." Sasha said

Y/n chuckled. "If you stay here you'll get scared by my friends, or be on a less scary ride. Also if I worked today I would scare the crap out of you" y/n said. Y/n grinned "and maybe invite other of my friends as well to scare you. My girlfriend."y/n said getting close to Sasha

"All right fine!" Sasha said running to the ride. "Nice job,y/n" Ymir said wrapping a hand around y/n shoulder, "thanks, it's what I do" y/n said patting Ymir's shoulder before following Sasha.

They waited in line. About a few minutes before getting on the ride. "Ready Sasha?" Y/n asked. "Not really" Sasha said nervously. Y/n grabbed her hand "it's okay,I'm here" y/n said with a  comforting smile.

The ride started. Ymir was next to historia. And Annie was next Mikasa. The ride was going slow until they started to go up. "You ready Sasha!" Y/n yelled cause of the sound

"No!" Sasha said. The ride went down and people either yelled or cheered a bit on how fast it is. It was a fast ride and its feeling that goes through your body.

The ride finished after a while. "That was fun" historia said. "Let's go on it again!" Ymir said. Annie and Mikasa chuckled. "No!"sasha yelled. She was clinging on y/n. "The ride was fun but I think Sasha would prefer getting scared then being on that ride" y/n said chucking

Y/n patted Sasha and walked with her arm around Sasha shoulder. "Let's go somewhere else" y/n said winking and the rest. They all looked at each other and smirked

The bar!...
