
Y/n and Ymir and a couple of their friends were invited to a party, a Halloween themed party. So of course,they wanted to go with the theme so they dragged y/n and Ymir to spirt Halloween.

"God y'all really want to go with the theme." Ymir said. "Well of course we have to that the point of the theme" Mikasa said quietly. Sasha was looking around the place grabbing what she liked.

Historia was shopping with Mikasa, and y/n and Ymir were just standing there. "What the hell do we do?" Y/n asked. "I don't know,shop for a costume?" Ymir question back. "But cant I just use my own clown costume I had from work?" Y/n asked.

The girl came back and grabbed y/n "No!" They said at the same time. Y/n was a bit shocked they pulled her away to the costume section leaving Ymir. Sasha came running back "you're coming with me"Sasha said before running off with Ymir

"My god what?" Y/n said confused. "You're not going to dress up as your scary clown girl." Mikasa said. "Yeah,you need to try something new"Historia said as the rest nodded. Y/n raised an eyebrow "like?" Y/n questioned

The three looked at each other. "Oh brother"y/n mumbled. They showed y/n a costume. Y/n made a face as the three dragged her to go pay for it without Ymir noticing.
It was the day of party and they were all at Ymir's house getting ready there. Y/n got there before looking at the backseat of her car "god, I mean it's not bad but I don't even match her looks" y/n mumbled before grabbing it and going inside

They wouldn't let Ymir and y/n see each other until after they're in their costumes. "Okay your done" Sasha said before opening the door. Ymir walked out looking like Flynn rider. A female version.

"Is y/n almost done?" Ymir asked knocking on the door "almost!" Historia yelled. Y/n didn't like the fact that they wouldn't let her be her scary clown. Mikasa and historia walked out with a grin and them being all ready.

Ymir looked at they walked by. Y/n peeked out the door with a bit of make up but with a serious face,she saw Ymir and flashed a smile. Before going back inside. "Okay just walk out there and just say nothing" y/n mumbled to herself

She opened the door fully and she stepped out wearing a light purple with a pink accent,it consists of a lavender corset top,and laced with a pink ribbon. "Hehe...I look nothing like her" y/n said

Ymir's mouth was dropped,she smiled a bit "you look beautiful" Ymir said grabbing y/n's hand "and you my Flynn rider are handsome." Y/n said with a smile.

In the background you can hear 'awww' from the others, they look back to see the other smiling at the moment they just saw, "well...why are we just waiting.Let go to the party!" Y/n yelled

They other agreed and cheered a bit, y/n walked a bit until Ymir quickly pulled her back and kissed her "I just had to do it" Ymir said "it's okay,I was hoping you'd do that" y/n said with a smile

Y/n grabbed Ymir's hand "come on let's go" y/n said. Ymir then started to walk as the others were already outside at the car waiting. "So who's driving?" Ymir asked, y/n,Sasha,Historia and Mikasa looked at each other and back at Ymir "Rider"
