
Ship: X
Prompt: X
Requested by: X
Warnings: Sympathetic Deceit, Sympathetic Remus, Panic/anxiety attacks, angst with a happy ending and yelling. If I missed any Let Me Know!
Summary: Patton gets frustrated with Virgil, as Virgil tries to actually show Thomas again that he is Anxiety that he can be a bad thing. Patton ends up snapping and causes Virgil to split in two, much like Roman and Remus.
POV: 3rd
Side Note: This is a two part fic written by both me and ​Chimchar1009 We hope you enjoy!

"Thomas, you can't go. You really don't know what would happen! You know only one person if you would be going! And to a place like that you need to go with a group, there are so many things that could-" Virgil was cut off, Patton interrupting him.

"Virgil it'll be okay! We know what we're doing and how to be careful, and plus we promised! It's their birthday after all!" Patton tried to explain, they were safe, everything would be okay.

But Virgil was having none of it. He went off listing danger after danger, while Patton tried to reassure him that those wouldn't happen. Both completely ignoring Roman, Logan and Thomas, every suggestion they gave was immediately ignored as if they weren't even there.

Until Patton snapped.

"Virgil! That's Enough!!!" He shouted, almost loud enough to echo across the apartment's walls. He balled his hands into tight fists, shutting his eyes closed as he put his arms down forcefully to his sides, separated.

He heard the sound of screaming for a moment, painful, blood-curdling screaming. But it stopped as soon as it started, rendering the room completely silent.

When his eyes opened, he was made just as speechless. In Virgil's spot, stood two versions of him. One that was leaning against the wall, clearly exhausted, having a white hoodie on with small blue patches residing on it.

While the other was leaning against the banister, in a way that resembled him as scared of the other as he clung to it like a lifetime, having a dark gray hoodie with faded red stripes. Similar looking to Virgil's old hoodie. They both had logos as well. The first had a light grey cloud with cobalt blue stitching around it. While the other had a black lighting bolt with crimson red stitching around it.

There was only silence for a few seconds as Patton and the others stared at the two new sides in front of them. "Virgil?" Patton asked breaking the dead silence. Both of the two new sides looked up at Patton in response.

"Dad? What did you do to me?" The white and blue clothed side asked. "Us." The second new side corrected, his voice in Tempest Tongue. "What did you do to us? To Virgil?!" The red and dark grey side growled at Patton.

Patton was speechless he had no idea what he had done to his dark strange son. He glanced quickly at the others. Thomas looked like he was about to start to panic, Logan was just frozen and Roman... Roman, he had a look of horror on his face. A look of horror that showed he knew exactly what Patton did.

"Patton... You- you split Virgil into two just like you did with me and Remus..." Roman paused for a second to compose himself, now wasn't the time for him to start crying. "We may never see our storm cloud again..."

"But there has to be a way to get him back! Virgil can't just be gone forever!" Thomas replied.

"The only example we have to go off of is Roman and Remus and they never re-fused. So, unfortunately, it's a safe assumption to say that it's not possible for these two halves of Virgil to refuse." Logan answered visibly troubled by this answer.

Patton can only stare in horror at Logan with what he said. Did he really get rid of Virgil for good?

"Patton... this is... what you've done to Virgil... it's so bad I don't even have a word to describe it." Roman refuses to look at Patton while saying this.

"That was messed up even for me." Remus said after he appeared next to Roman.

Tears began to well up in his eyes. He really messed up and he had no way to fix what he did. "Are you happy now?" Deceit asked as he appeared to Patton. He started crying no he didn't want this. He would never want this. He just wanted Virgil back, he wanted his best friend back.

"Deceit?" The black and red Virgil whispered. Deceit looks up at him. "Yeah, V?"

"Are we gonna be like this forever?"

"I honestly don't know." He glared at Patton as he said that.

"Well... If they're gonna be here possibly forever do they have names? We can't really call them Virgil or Anxiety." Thomas interrupts.

"We don't have a name beside Virgil..." The side against the wall replied.

"Well, we can give you names!" Roman said and points to the white and blue side. "Your name can be Vito."

"Vito... Ok, I'm fine with it."

"Ok and you!" Roman says pointing to the other side. "Your name can be Viho."

"Ok yeah, I'm not letting my name be picked by you princey. That names fudging stupid." He growls at Roman."

"Ok wow, no need to be so mean we're friends."

"Who said we are friends?!" He shouts at Roman.

The room falls into a shocked silence. Tears well up in Roman's eyes but he quickly wipes them away like nothing happened.

"How bout Volt?" Remus says changing the topic.

"I like that, Remus. My names Volt." Volt says with a smirk. Roman just stares at Volt shocked and hurt. Volt only glanced over to Patton, who was still in tears, but instead of having any kind of remorse in his expression, there was a glare.

Patton tried to speak, tried to apologize, but his sobs muffled his words. "Virgil- I-I mean, Vito, Volt. I didn't want this... I didn't mean for this to happen! I-" He was cut off as Volt interrupted him, "Well obviously you did! Because we're here! The good and the bad! Just like Roman and Remus" He huffed, "What are you going to do, huh?"

Logan sighed, "Volt-"

"Split Logan next time he disagrees with you??"

"Volt! Enough." Logan snapped, causing silence to fall across the room. "I understand your frustrations-"

"No you don't, you robot."

Logan took a deep breath to not let that get to him, "You are upset, but we all are to some degree, you have to try to focus so that we can properly fix the issue. We are unsure if you can be fused again, but we will try to do what we can if you cooperate with us."

Volt leaned against the banister once again, "I don't see the point." he muttered harshly. "I mean, again if Patton had wanted Virgil here, he'd still be here. He banished Virgil to the dark side so what's to say he wouldn't do it again with me or if we did get back together."

Vito glances at Volt, "Patton won't do that, I won't let him."

"You can't stop him he always gets what he wants!"

Thomas covers his face with his hands, his breathing slightly beginning to pick up, "So he's never coming back?" He asked, his voice having the slightest quiver to it.
"But he's my anxiety!" His hands shook as he ran them through his hair, "And-and Patton- you're my morality! Why would you want to do that?!" He could barely keep up with all that was happening, quickly becoming overwhelmed and spiraling into a panic attack.

Vito looks at Thomas concerned, "Thomas, remember to breathe." He turns to Volt. "Volt stop! Your making Thomas have a panic attack!"

"Why should I? You'll listen to me better this way and Thomas will forgive me anyways."

"Volt! Please!" Vito begged as he went over to his half, "This isn't the way to handle this!"

"Why? Because he's feeling bad? Guess what he feels bad almost all the time thanks to how strict Patton is! And ya know what? In some cases he deserves it!"

"He didn't know that this would happen? Volt, please Virgil wouldn't want this!"

"Maybe your part of him wouldn't but mine does! How are you not hurt by what he did?! How are you not feeling betrayed?!"

Vito is silent for a second before looking at his other half in the eyes. "I am hurt and I do feel betrayed but revenge isn't the answer."

"I'm not after revenge! I just don't want to be hurt anymore! I don't want him to be hurt anymore!"

"We aren't going to be hurt-"

"How do you know that??"

Finally, Logan snapped, "Volt, this is not the way to handle this situation... Thomas himself had nothing to do with this, causing him to have a panic attack will only delay our time to get this back in order. You are now only harming Thomas. None of us... Take a deep breath and we can figure this out."

Volt went quiet for a moment, but then just crossed his arms as he leaned against the banister, refusing to look at anyone directly as he muttered out, "Fine."

Vito took a deep breath and walked a bit closer to Thomas, "Thomas, remember what you've learned, breath in for four seconds," he tried to keep his voice a lot softer and calmer than it had been, especially in comparison to his other half.

He slowly guided Thomas through a few breathing exercises, glancing to Patton every once in a while as he did so to make sure he was following along to. The other sides were finally able to find their calm as well, even if Roman, Remus, and Deceit were furious with Patton over what had happened. They were able to calm down at least.

Volt glanced back from the floor, and over to Thomas and Patton, both sobbing messes at this point. That's when the realization hit him. He looked between the other sides, making sure the attention wasn't on him and grinned a wicked borderline malicious grin before sinking out to Virgil's room.
