Ships [LAMP]

AU: ×
Ship: LAMP
Prompt: ×
Requested by: ×
Summary: Thomas happens to bring up the shipping portion of the Fandom they have created with the Sanders Sides to the sides themselves
F/A/S: Fluff
POV: 3rd


I can't remember if I posted this here, but I posted it on Tumblr a while back and am pretty proud of it :)


"The fanders do, what?" Logan questioned asking Thomas to repeat himself, so he could fully understand. "The fanders like to write and draw things as if you guys were in relationships, they even came up with names to refer to the relationships, which are called ship-names." Thomas explained before glancing at the others with his eyebrow raised, "Did you guys not know this?"

"I did!" Patton exclaimed, "I was vaguely aware of it, do to that one," Roman points at Virgil "Briefly mentioning it a few times."  Logan looked around at them questioningly, "So I was the only one unaware of these, 'ships'?" He asked receiving a nod from the other three. "It seems that way," Thomas said with a shrug.

Logan sighed, "Well... What are these so-called 'Ships' anyway?" He asked in pure intrigue. Thomas smiled, "Well, there's the most popular one which is, Prinxiety, Roman and Virgil..." Virgil and Roman made quick eye contact with one another before Virgil cleared his throat, his face going slightly red, as was Roman's.

"Well, that seems... Like it would be an overactive sense of fear... So, Paranoia..." Logan said simply, Virgil began laughing, trying to cover his mouth with his hand as he did so. Roman made an offended noise, "How on earth does that equal to an overactive sense of fear?" He asked.

"Ro... You're the creativity and the imagination, what anxiety does is basically makes you keep thinking of the endless numbers of bad what if's that could come from a situation, put those two together and you get the ability to overthink things you're scared of even more now that you have the creative aspect to it..." Virgil explained, his face still bright red.

There was silence for a few moments before, "Wow... um... you're right..." Roman cleared his throat, "Moving on, Patton do you wanna say anything about that ship?" He asked.

Patton giggled "Besides the fact that it could also be called-"

"Oh wait don't-"

"Stage fright?"

"Ughhhhhh." Logan groaned pinching the bridge of his nose as Virgil stifled a laugh, Roman chuckled slightly, "Actually yeah, it's cute," Patton continued, "Prinxiety as a couple not a figurative mix of concepts, is cute, it's the opposites effect! Which is adorable!" Virgil gave a small smile to Roman as Patton spoke, which Roman returned. "Well, now that we've looked at that, there are other ones, you said?" Logan asked.

Thomas nodded, "Yep! Actually, the next one I see a lot of Fanders talking about is Logicality, which is you, Logan and Patton." Logan looked at Thomas confused while Patton just beamed, "They include me in these?" He asked. Thomas returned his look of confusion, "Well, yeah of course, why wouldn't they?"

"Well, it conflicts with how I believed they perceived me." Roman cocked his head to the side, "What... did you actually think they believed you to be some sort of emotionless robot?" He asked. Logan glanced away towards the floor, clearing his throat and adjusting his glasses "Well..."

"Logan!" Patton immediately rushed over and hugged him, startling the logical trait who reluctantly returned the hug.

"Well from that alone, it's obvious to tell that Logicality, is incredibly cute," Roman stated. Virgil nodded, "Lo needs help with emotions and stuff like that, and Patton needs help on how to be less... um... What's the word..."

"It's okay to say childish, Virgil!" Patton chimed. Virgil shrugged, "Yeah that... again, it's opposites effect..." Thomas nodded, "Yeah, really, it is... Also Logan?" He asked earning the attention of Logan who had just gotten out of the Patton hug, which are known to be suffocating. "For the record we know you aren't emotionless." He said smiling.

Logan returned the smile, subtly, "I am aware, thank you... Anyway the next one?" The fluctuation in his tone showed how actually intrigued he was with this which made Roman snicker slightly, "Um.... Actually.. One I saw popping up a lot a little while ago was, Analogical... You and Virgil," Thomas spoke.

Before logic or anxiety had a chance to speak about their ship, Roman chimed in, "Well, if Prinxiety is paranoia, as a concept, Analogical is an existential crisis."



Logan and Virgil traded a look, a shrug, and a subtle nod, "He's not wrong..." Virgil mumbled, "But... that's looking at it as a concept, not a couple, it'd be... like, support and, subtlety with the whole romantic part of it, and... Yeah..." Virgil's face flushed as he tried to cover it by sinking more into his hoodie.

Luckily, Patton took over explaining while he tries to not be as flustered, "Yeah! It's really sweet and subtle, like, not every relationship has to be filled with overly romantic moments." Thomas nodded, "That's... Really true, Patton," Patton smiled as Thomas continued, "Um, well, next one I've seen, which recently, at least since the crofters' video, has been popping up a lot, Logince... That's Logan and Roman..."

Patton bites his lip slightly in contemplation as he glanced between the two crofters boys. Virgil immediately speaks up, "That's a time-bomb, two completely different extremes..."

"Well, but they also work really well together, when they care about something similar, at least..." Patton mentioned.  Roman and Logan cleared their throats as if they were about to speak at the same time, they both fall quiet as they realize the other was about to speak.

Roman gestures to Logan, allowing him to speak first, "We do agree on more than what you see, actually... We... Around one another we have, we help one another with certain," Logan glanced at Roman for help in the explanation, "Reassurances... We reassure each other with different things..."

Virgil raises his eyebrow at him, "You gonna expand on that?"

"I'd rather not..."


Logan cleared his throat again, "it wouldn't be perfect in any sense of the word, but it would be an adequate challenge." Roman nodded in agreement to Logan before glancing back at Thomas, who just shrugged, "I mean, I said before that you two make a really good team!... Okay! Next one...  Moxiety! Patton and Virgil"

"Goodness gracious that is the purest ship of them all" Roman stated, Logan nodded, "Objectively, as previously stated, Patton and Virgil are undeniably adorable so them both together creates, objectively, the most adorable pair."

Virgil's face flushed a bright red that could rival Roman's sash, again he hid his face with his jacket.  Patton looked over and giggled at him, "Awwww, someone's flustered!" He said despite his face having a similar yet more subtle hint of pink. Virgil shushed him, which was still muffled from his jacket.

"See? Roman and I are correct in the hypothesis that this is the most adorable pairing,"

"Obviously, because I am correct about everything."

"That is a false statement and you are well aware of that..."

"... Fair point."

Virgil, Patton, and Thomas laugh at that small interaction between logic and creativity. "So, now that we've come to the conclusion that Moxiety is just adorable, shall we move onto the next one?" Roman asked gesturing to Thomas. Virgil snickered, "You're just wanting to move on because of what ship we haven't covered yet"

"Can you blame me?" Roman said not bothering to deny it. "So, Royality, Roman and Patton." Thomas stated, "Oh, that is just an almost overwhelming amount of affection, and PDA" Logan explained, Virgil nodded, "So much PDA and randomly bursting out into song."

"Is that such a bad thing?" Roman asked,

 "For you guys, no, for me and Logan who have to listen to it, yes."

"Yes please be quiet with your outbursts," Logan mumbled as he adjusted his glasses. Roman chuckled, "Hahaha.... No."



"We'll try to be quieter when you two are trying to relax," Patton said, earning a simple head nod from Logan and Virgil.

"Okay, there's one last ship I see really often, and there are three different names for it, it's called LAMP, CALM and PolySanders, which is all of you guys in a polyamorous relationship!" Thomas said beaming at the four traits...


The others all look at one another, not a single one of them speaking, the sudden drop of the mood startled Thomas slightly, "U-Um guys?" He asked. Patton looked over at Thomas and smiled, "That's canon..." He said quietly.

It took Thomas a moment to get what he meant, "W-What- oh.... Ohhhhh! WAIT WHAT?!?!?" He yelled, making Virgil jump ever so slightly. "Oh, sorry... That... why didn't you guys tell me?" He asked.

Virgil sighed, "Logan was worried you'd find it weird, and, I didn't really want the fanders to know that we were all a thing, because there are fanders that don't like poly relationships... So, to avoid that, we just didn't say anything."

"Aww, Well, I'm not gonna tell the Fanders, if you guys don't want me to, and it's cute! It's kind of weird, but it's just basically self-love for me so... I don't mind it," Thomas stated smiling at the four of them, the smiles got returned, and the five spent the rest of the day spent talking about little funny stories, that they wanted to share, from their relationship.
