-Homophobia+slight abuse
-Disordered eating

George's POV

It was later that day when Dream and I were about to leave the house to go to the supermarket. I hadn't done anything all day, I had only been worrying. I had gotten a lot of texts, because Twitter was blowing up with clips of my stream. They tagged Dream and Sapnap in it and I couldn't understand why people who do such a thing. If you were a real fan, why would you tag my friends?

I just hoped that Dream and Sapnap didn't go on Twitter. Maybe they wouldn't see it? I was stressing so much and when Dream came downstairs, I got startled really badly. He just left me for a little here in the living room, since he knew I was pretty sad. I appreciated him not forcing me to do stuff or to talk about it.

Dream looked at me with a smile as he took a deep breath. 'Dude, I fell asleep. Is it late?'

'No, it's just noon.'

'Oh, okay. Do you want something to eat before going to the supermarket?'

'No, I'm good.'

Dream nodded slowly. 'We can eat after.'

'Okay,' I said, lying obviously. I didn't want to eat, I didn't feel like it at all.

Dream noticed my lie, but decided to ignore it for now. He grabbed some bags and smiled. 'Are you coming with me to the supermarket?'

'I am,' I said as I stood up. We started walking to Dream's car and I sat down next to Dream as he started the car to drive to the supermarket.

'Are you alright, George?'

I nodded. 'I'm fine!' My exaggerated voice made it obvious that I lied.

Dream didn't answer me and focused on the road as his hand went down to mine resting on my knee. He grabbed it with a smile on his face and continued looking at the road. I gave in to his touch and just smiled as he made me a bit happier by showing me that he cared in this way.

The rest of the car ride was quiet, it wasn't uncomfortable, but I also didn't know what to say. I just looked at the road and the cars passing by. After a while, Dream parked his car and we went out of the car to walk into the supermarket. Dream grabbed a basket and smiled.

'Do you want to choose dinner?'

'It's fine,' I said as I shrugged. 'I'll see.'

Dream nodded and we started walking the route he always seemed to walk. He skipped some parts and pointed around him. 'Here's stuff for dinner, there's more in the back there. I can cook for you.'

I smiled because he was being sweet to me and looked around me. Dream waited patiently. 'Look around for a little, I will get something you might like.'

TW homophobia/abuse

Dream walked off and I was left alone. I looked at some of the things as I heard a voice. I was used to people coming up to me, but I got greeted with something unexpected. I looked at the boy in front of me and my wrist got grabbed as I got pushed against the wall.

Dream wasn't here to protect me now so I hid my face behind my hands. They got pulled away and the boy hit me in my face. 'You're so gross, George. I hate you so much.'

I didn't reply and looked down at my hands as my cheek was hurting a lot. I was sure that was going to bruise. The boy was about to hit me again as I saw Dream running up to me. He pushed the boy away and held him by his shoulders with a really mad look in his eyes.

TW over

'Stay away from him, dumbass!' Dream yelled as he let go of the boy, just to push him away after.

The boy walked off and Dream grabbed my hand, looking at my face after that. 'Are you okay? What happened?'

'It's nothing important.'

'George, stop lying to me. I don't want to force you to tell me what happened, but you have to understand that I'm very worried and that I want to be able to help you.'

'You probably know anyway,' I muttered, but it was too quiet for Dream to hear me.

He walked closer. 'It might be better for you to go back to the car. This is the second time that someone has come up to you and hurt you.'

'I can stay,' I muttered. 'We can just eat something simple. You can choose, I'm not very hungry.'

Dream ignored my last comment, but I was sure he was going to get back to that later. I was very hungry and a bit lightheaded as well, but I just didn't deserve to eat.

Dream picked out some food and showed me a cake recipe he bought. 'We can bake a cake together,' he said with a smile.

I smiled back weakly, not saying much. Dream paid for all the stuff and we went back to the car, though he didn't start it.

He grabbed my hand and smiled at me. 'George, can I ask you something?'

I nodded.

'George, are you starving yourself? If so, you're beautiful and you don't need to lose weight. If you're starving yourself due to different reasons, trust me. You need food to survive.'

I didn't answer him and sat back as my stomach was growling because of the hunger. Dream heard it and nodded. 'So you are starving yourself. You're hungry.'

I shrugged. 'I just don't feel like eating today, I'm not trying to lose weight or anything.'

'George, I love you. I want you to be okay. Of course that's not going to help you, but I'm here for you and please talk to me when you need to. I know a lot is going on in your life at the moment, but there's nothing you need to hide from me. I'm your best friend and I'd never laugh about anything, I can't think of a reason that I wouldn't support you anymore.'

I smiled and hid the blush on my face as Dream started the car. 'Thanks, Dream.'

1039 words

Different mean boy hits Gogy and Dream flies over and kicks his ass (this didn't happen, he just pushed him away)
