-Mentions murder

George's POV

I didn't have to go to the hospital since the paramedics managed to put my arm back in place at home. I got a sling so it wouldn't dislocate again, after that I just cuddled up with Dream as I cried softly about what happened. I would probably never see my mum again and that made me happy but also really sad. I didn't have both my parents anymore.

I looked up at Dream with tears in my eyes. 'Was it my fault that my dad died?'

'I don't think so. I don't know what happened, but I'm very sure it wasn't your fault.'

'Every day when he came back from work, I used to walk to his work so we could walk home together. One day I was sick and I didn't walk home with him and someone stabbed him for no reason at all. The murderer is in jail, but I don't even care. I just miss my dad, I still feel really guilty.'

'That's not your fault, George. You were sick and it's pretty normal that you weren't able to walk with him. I bet he was so happy that you walked with him very often.'

I nodded slowly.

'Did he know that you are gay?'

I shrugged. 'I never told him, but I think he might have known since he knew me really well.'

Dream smiled and kissed my cheek.

'Can I ask you something?' I asked him after he gave me a short kiss on my lips.

'Of course, Georgie,' he said with a smile, kissing my forehead this time as he held my hand.

'Did you know I was gay before?'

'In all honesty? I didn't know since I didn't want to judge about anything, but I always thought that I wouldn't be surprised if you ended up being gay or something anyway.'

'How did you know?'

'You just had a lack of interest in girls. Did you ever expect me to like boys?'

'No,' I said. 'I thought I was hopeless as soon as I started liking you.'

Dream smiled and ran his hand through my hair. 'I had a question.'


'What would you think about me asking Sapnap to come here as well so we can have a Dream Team meet up.'

'That would be awesome,' I said with a big smile.

'Would you be ready to tell him about our relationship?'

'Our friends are allowed to know as long as they don't tell anyone and definitely not shared it on stream for a while.'

'Okay,' Dream said. 'Do you want to call him or tell him in real life?'

'I think we can call him,' I said. 'He probably won't be able to come here very quickly.'

'We will call him then. You can lay down in bed with your arm. Actually never mind, I'll call him on my phone.'

Dream grabbed his phone and went to Sapnap's and his Discord chat. He pressed the call button, having Sapnap accept immediately.

'Yo, what's up?'

'Hi, so George and I wanted to tell you something and we had a question as well. With what do you want to start?'

'You can start with telling me something.'

'Are you ready, George?' Dream asked me to make sure if I wanted this.

I nodded. 'I'm sure.'

'Oh hi, George!' Sapnap said as he heard my voice.

I was a bit nervous since this was the first time we spoke after he knew I was gay.

'How are you doing, George?'

'Uh- I'm uh- o-okay,' I muttered awkwardly.

'Are you sure?'

'I'm just nervous,' I whispered. 'You know, after everything that happened.'

'What happened?'

'That I'm uh- g-gay.'

'Oh, I don't care,' Sapnap said. 'Why would I care about that?'

'Thanks,' I muttered as Dream kissed my cheek.

'The news I wanted to share is that George and I are dating, we are boyfriends.'

'Oh my goodness, I need water,' Sapnap yelled with a high pitched voice. 'This is amazing.'

I giggled a bit and Dream wheezed. 'You're so dramatic.'

'This is amazing, I might pass out.'

'Dude, drama queen. But fine, want to hear the question we had?'

'Yes,' Sapnap yelled as he breathed dramatically quick.

'We wanted to ask you if you wanted to meet up with us. The Dream Team meet up?'

'I would love to, I'm actually just fainting now. This is too much.'

Dream wheezed. 'You're actually so dramatic. But fine, if you want to meet up with us, I have a free room.'

'I would actually love to, that's not even a joke. I will drive to your place as quick as I can. I will start packing my bags and such as soon as I can.'

'That would be great.'

'But for real, are you in a relationship?'

'We are, but please don't tell anyone yet. I just want to keep this between us for a little. George has already had a lot of trouble after he outed himself on stream and I'm just out of the closet for you two.'

'That's fine, I understand and of course, I will keep it a secret for as long as you want me to keep it a secret.'

'Thank you, we couldn't wish for a more supportive friend.'

'I love both of you and it was really obvious that you liked each other anyway.'


'Do you think I believe all those DNF "jokes"? They seemed a bit more genuine than everyone thought they were.'

'I didn't even know that I was in love with that idiot before we met up,' Dream said with a teasing smile.

'You obviously were,' Sapnap said as he laughed after.

'Stop exposing me,' Dream wheezed.

'Do you mind me joking about it?'

'I don't mind,' I said.

'Me neither, as long as those jokes are between us and not with anyone else.'

'I promise that I won't tell anyone, that would be an absolute dick move and I'm your friend. I'm not going to out you like all those dumb bitches on Twitter and Twitch did.'

'Thank you,' both Dream and I said with a smile.

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