026. hero worship

"An explosion happened at a beanery brew house in Indianapolis earlier this morning." Penelope says as they watch the news footage.

"First responders are reporting 6 deaths, 16 wounds." Hotch says.

"Brave guy." JJ says.

"Anyone claimed responsibility?" Derek asks.

"Not yet." Penelope says.

"No, but Indianapolis P.D. believes it may be related to a bomb that went off in an elementary school last week." Hotch says.

"Yeah. That was relatively low yield. It claimed the life of Morton Truby." Penelope says. "He was a custodian working graveyard shift, authorities found traces of TNT."

"Until today they thought it was an isolated incident." Hotch says.

"Could this be another Boston or Oklahoma City?" Danielle asks.

"Beanery is a popular chain. Exactly the type of location a domestic terrorist would target." JJ says.

"The unsub wants everyone looking over their shoulder." Rossi says.

"And we also shouldn't rule out a disgruntled employee or fundamental groups." JJ says.

"At this point we can't rule anything out. Let's move." Hotch says.

"TNT doesn't pack much bang for its buck." Derek says as they walk to the elevator. "It'd be pretty hard to hide the amount needed to cause the damage to that coffee house."

"This feels like page 118." Spencer says. Everybody gives him blank looks. "The Anarchist Cookbook." "TNT for Dummies."" He says, still receiving confused looks. "The blast at the school seems rudimentary. It may have been the unsub's testing ground."

"The coffee house could indicate a drastic escalation." Rossi says.

"The book also teaches you to make nitroglycerin, and a coffee shop could represent a steep learning curve." Spencer says.

"So this guy is either quick on his feet or both blasts were part of a sophisticated plan." JJ says.

"In that case, we can't be certain that the coffee house is this guy's finale." Kate says.

"Yeah. Which is why the plane's been ready." Hotch says. "We can be in Indianapolis in two hours."


They're on the jet and Danielle walks over to Spencer as he is getting coffee.

"Hey." She greets.

"Hey." He mumbles, pouring a cup. "You want some?"

"Hmm? Oh. No, I-I'm good." She shakes her head and Spencer nods. "I, uh... I was just wondering how you were holding up?"

"I'm fine." Spencer says with a small shrug.

"Liar." Danielle quietly says.

"Dani..." Spencer groans.

"You've spent, like, 8 hours at home in the last week." Danielle says, making sure to keep her voice low to not alert the others. "I basically only see you at work and I live with you. You come to work early, you leave late. And you didn't come home last night. You're still in the same clothes."

"I just got caught up in work." Spencer says.

"You didn't have that much paperwork." Danielle points out.

"Dani, I'm fine." Spencer gives her an annoyed look.

"Then spend a full night at home." Danielle says.

"With our jobs?" Spencer asks.

"When we're not on a case, dummy." Danielle rolls her eyes.

"Dani, I just... please, just leave it alone." Spencer sighs.

"No. If you can be annoyingly concerned, so can I." Danielle says. "You are..." She trails off, afraid of her own question, Spencer understanding where she's going.

"Yes. I'm good." Spencer promises, relaxing the woman a bit. "Just-- I'm fine."

"Yeah, okay." Danielle rolls her eyes, walking to the couch.


"Excuse me, have you seen Agent--" Spencer starts to ask a nurse.

"Uh-uh." She says, walking by.

The two walk down the corridor until a person grabs Spencer's arm.

"Please, can you help me? I can't find my dad." He says.

"Of course. What's his name?" Spencer asks.

"Pat. Pat Aguilar." The guy says. "We were together at the coffee house."

"Okay, we'll see if we can find anything out for you." Danielle promises.

"Please. I need to know." He says.

"Where was your father when the bomb went off?" Spencer asks.

"He had to go to the bathroom, but he let some pregnant lady in first." The guy says. "Please, no one's telling me."

"We'll see what we can find out, okay? Excuse us." Spencer says, the two walking away a bit.

"Reid." Hotch calls, walking over.

"He can't find his father." Spencer says, motioning to the guy.

"There are a number of people still in surgery." Hotch says.

"Maybe we should consider cognitive interviews." Spencer says.

"Witness accounts are varied, which is to be expected." Hotch says. "When people are more emotionally ready, it'll be a good idea."

"Have you seen the pregnant woman anywhere?" Danielle asks.

"Yeah, she's still in the delivery room." Hotch says.

"We should talk to the guy who rescued her." Spencer says. "He may have seen something the others didn't."

"Allen Archer. He's been treated and released. JJ and Kate are on their way to his house now." Hotch says. "Are you two gonna be okay? I need to see the M.E."

"Yeah." Danielle nods.

"I'm fine. Thanks." Spencer says and Hotch walks off. "Excuse me." Spencer stops a nurse. "Do you know if you have a patient named Pat Aguilar?"

"I'm just about to notify the family. He didn't make it." She says before walking over to the bed Pat's son is lying on.

Danielle winces, letting out a sad sigh as she watches her talk to the young man.


They pull up outside of Allen's house.

"Ma'am, you need to get your daughter out of here." Spencer says.

"No, I'm not leaving Allen." She says.

"I'm sorry, but you have to. This is for you and your daughter's safety. Please trust us." Spencer tells her.

"Get out of here, please!" Allen yells from his truck.

"Please help him."

"We will." Spencer assures before a cop leads her off.

"How the hell did we beat the bomb squad here?" Derek questions.

"I could give you statistics, but I don't think this is the time." Spencer says.

"Are we really gonna do this?" Danielle asks.

"Turn your cell phones off." Derek tells them as he does it. The siblings turn their phones off, the two following Derek over to the truck.

They kneel on the ground and Derek shines his flashlight onto the bomb that's on the bottom of the truck.

"Nitroglycerin." Spencer says. The three stand up and Derek slowly opens the driver door.

"No, no, no. Stay back. Stay back! Stay back. I don't want anybody else to get hurt." Allen says.

"Stop talking. Just listen. Just listen to me." Derek says. "We're with the FBI and we're here to help. When you put your foot down, you triggered the arming mechanism. Now, if you move, you could set it off."

"Where are Brenda and Hannah? Are they okay?" Allen asks. "I don't want them to die, too."

"Nobody's gonna die." Derek says.

"They're safe, don't worry. Bomb squad's gonna be here soon." Spencer promises.

"I need you to keep the exact pressure that you have on that brake as you have right now." Derek says. "If you don't, all four of us are gonna die."

"Well, can you do something?" Allen asks.

"Can you?" Spencer asks.

Derek gets on the ground and lies on his side, looking at the bomb.

"This thing's homemade, but the framework is familiar." Derek says. "Yeah. Yeah, I can disarm this. I just need something sharp."

"I've got a knife in my glove box." Allen says. Spencer runs over to the passenger side. He slowly opens the door and opens the glove box. "It's underneath the map. Right there."

"Sir, just sit still. You're doing fine." Derek tells him.

Spencer runs over with the knife and gives it to Derek.

"Hey, guys. I think you two should back up." Derek says.

"Not happening." Spencer argues. "You can, though." He tells Danielle.

"What? No." She denies.


"I am grown woman. If I wanna risk dying, I will risk dying. Especially with you two right here." Danielle states. "And we don't have time to argue and overprotective big brother time, so shut up."

Spencer sighs, but motions for Derek to continue.

The two siblings shine their flashlights on the bomb to give Derek more light.

"What's the next step?" Spencer asks.

"The trick is rendering the pressure sensor inactive without letting the detonator think that it's time to go." Derek says. "The only problem is, this son of a bitch built this thing by himself and he used all the same color wires."

"7 wires and you don't know which one to cut? I'm not so crazy about these odds." Spencer says.

"I call haunting Hotch." Danielle says. Spencer gives her a weird look. "It seems fun." She shrugs.

"It's gotta be one of these two right here." Derek says.

"Guys, you gotta do something quick here, man. My foot is cramping up. I cannot keep my foot on the pedal--"

"Sir, please, please. If you want to stay alive, I need you to keep that foot down and try to sit still, please." Derek tells him.

"Guys... it's probably this wire right here." Derek says, pointing to one with the knife. "If he stayed true to the original design."

"Go with your gut." Spencer says.

"Oh, God." Danielle whispers under her breath, squeezing her eyes shut. She feels Spencer's hand rest on her arm, gently squeezing it.

Derek cuts the wire and nothing happens.

"He did it. We're good." Spencer whispers, lightly shaking her arm.

"We didn't just blow up?" Danielle asks, still not opening her eyes.

"No. We're alive." Spencer assures.

"Oh, thank God." She sighs in relief, opening her eyes.

"What? Well?" Allen asks. Danielle hears sirens grow closer and she stands up, seeing the bomb squad down the street.

"Sir, you're fine. You can get out of the car." Derek tells him.

"Are you serious? You did it? You did it? I'm gonna live?" Allen asks as Derek stands up.

"Let's get you to your family." Spencer says.

"Thank you. Thank you. Thank you so much." Allen hugs Spencer.

The bomb squad gets there and Derek walks up to them.

"I really hate this job sometimes." Danielle sighs. Spencer gives her a small smile, lightly scratching her scalp as a small form of comfort.

"You've got 4 nitroglycerin packs. Now, I defused it, but the nitro is homemade. It's almost guaranteed to be unstable." Derek says.

"Copy that."

"Rossi was right. The unsub doesn't like sharing attention." Spencer says as the three walk back to the SUV.

"So he's decided to eliminate Allen Archer." Derek says. "And now he's graduated to nitroglycerin."

"Page 113. We should put the Archers in protective custody until further notice." Spencer says.

"Once the bomb squad's done clearing that house, I want to take another look at that device and see if there's anything else we can learn." Derek says.


"He really went for a bigger boom this time." Dylan says.

"I recognize the makeup. 92% nitroglycerin. 8% nitrocellulose." Spencer says.

"Straight out of the cookbook." Dylan says.

"Good memory." Spencer tells her.

"I have a thing for numbers." She says as she stands up.

"And quantum theory." Spencer says.

"Funny." She says.

Danielle glances between the two of them, assuming they're flirting in nerd language.

"The unsub certainly singled Allen out." Derek says. "He could have planted the device in his home, but instead he chose his truck because he wanted to ensure that Allen was the one who triggered it."

"He needed to make sure the hero died." Danielle says. "Kill the family and they become martyrs."

"Well, it's a wonder he even realized that he triggered the bomb." Derek says, sitting in the passenger seat.

"Maybe he heard something when he stepped on the pedal." Spencer says, opening the driver's door. He lets Danielle get in and climb into the middle before he sits in the driver's seat.

"What, and knew not to move? Come on, what's this guy got, an ex-paramilitary background we don't know about?" Derek asks.

"Brenda Archer's first husband, Grant, was military." Spencer says. "Is it just me, or do you think it's odd that Allen ended up marrying his best friend's wife?"

"Super odd." Danielle nods in agreement.

"I don't know. Shared sorrow could build a bond." Derek says.

"JJ and Kate said the house was a shrine to the deceased." Spencer says.

"Well, that would explain why he kept all this stuff out here." Derek says. "He feels like he's living in someone else's home. That kind of man would be desperate for recognition."

Spencer grabs a tissue out of the side of the door.

"He was crying." He notes.

"This could be why." Derek says, holding up the tablet that's showing an article about the victims from the bombing.

"Reliving trauma or feeling guilty about something." Spencer says.

"I think we should ask him." Derek says.

"And his wife." Danielle adds.

"That's what you guys do. You just talk a lot." Dylan says.

"Well, there's also a lot of kicking down doors involved." Derek says and Spencer nods.

"Sure." She chuckles. "I'm heading back to the lab. I'll let you know what I find."

"Thanks." Spencer says as she walks off.


Danielle and Spencer are in the bed of the truck and looking at the stuff in it while Derek inspects in the truck and around it.

"He ran into the coffee shop moments before the secondary blast from the ruptured gas line." Spencer says.

"Well, it could have just been an accident." Derek says.

"So his wife is a witness, Allen races into the blaze and saves the most sympathetic person he can think of." Spencer says.

"And becomes a hero to his wife." Danielle says.

"Hey, guys." Derek tosses a duffel bag into the bed. Spencer opens it, taking one of the three books out. Danielle looks at the cover, seeing it's a manual for explosives. She looks in at the other two books, seeing they're the same things.

"Yeah, we got him, Hotch." Derek says.


"Archer was a copycat." Derek says.

"The coffee shop bombing changes the profile. We have to start over." Hotch says.

"Eliminate the coffee shop, what do we have?" Rossi asks.

"An unsub who set TNT in a high school boiler room and nitroglycerin in the home of the man who stole his headlines." Spencer says.

"In a boiler room that should have been empty." Kate says. "He didn't want to kill anyone."

"That certainly changed at the Archer house." Derek says. "He went for the biggest bang for his buck."

"The death of the janitor at the high school gave the unsub the urge to kill again." Spencer says.

"That's the bombing we need to pay attention to." Hotch says.

"We have a problem." JJ says, walking over. "Someone leaked the location of the truck bomb to the press. Headlines are all about Allen again. The media's calling on the mayor to give him the key to the city. Obviously, the mayor isn't about to do that."

"He has to." Hotch says.

"What's your plan, Aaron?" Rossi asks.


Danielle sits in the backseat of the SUV, Spencer and JJ up front.

"Oklahoma. New York, Langley, Shanksville, Boston, Indianapolis. I never wanted our great city to join that list." The mayor says. "But those who do evil force us to face our fears and overcome them. And we will overcome. Because of men like Allen Archer, men willing to stand up for what is right."

"It is my proud honor to declare today Allen Archer day. Please join me as I show Allen a sign of our appreciation for his heroic bravery in the face of hostility by giving him a key to the Circle City."

The crowd applauds as the mayor gives Allen the key.

"Anything?" Danielle hears Hotch over the radio.

"Nothing yet." Rossi says.

"All clear here." JJ says.

"Same here." Kate says.

"Bogey on East Franklin." Kate says.

"We have to shut this down." Hotch says.

"IPD, don't let that van breech the perimeter." Derek orders as he starts to drive over.

"Reid, Danielle, JJ, get the Archers to safety. Dave, you get the mayor." Hotch orders.


They managed to catch the unsub and finish the case, now on the way back home. Danielle fell asleep on the jet, cuddled up under a soft blanket.

She groans when somebody gently shakes her and blindly swats at them.

"Leave me alone." She grumbles, turning onto her side.

"Dani." Spencer calls, shaking her arm.

"Five more minutes." She yawns.

"Dani, we landed." Spencer says. "We kind of have to... you know, get off the jet."

"They can just kick me off." Danielle grumbles.

"Dani, come on." Spencer whines.

"Carry me." She tells him.

"I think you overestimate my upper body strength." Spencer says. "And lower body strength. All of my strength, actually."

Danielle whines, reluctantly sitting up.

"Go to the gym." Danielle tells him, getting up.

"I'm not gonna start going to the gym just so I'm able to carry you." Spencer says.

"You suck." Danielle huffs, rubbing her eyes as she walks towards the door.

"I'm not your servant, Dani." Spencer says.

"Well--" Her retort is cut off as she walks straight into the corner, crying out in pain, holding her forehead. Spencer winces, grabbing her shoulders and maneuvering her towards the exit.

"We'll ice that." Spencer says, gently patting her shoulder.
