002. phone calls

Danielle puts the frozen pizza into the oven while she waits for Spencer to pick up the phone.


"Hey. Happy birthday." She greets.

"Thanks." Spencer says, letting out a tiny laugh.

"Sorry I couldn't fly out like I was supposed to." Danielle apologizes.

"No, don't worry, it-- it's fine. We got a case anyway. We're in California right now." Spencer informs. "You'd just be sitting all alone in my apartment if you came, so don't feel too bad."

"Well, good. I can eat my frozen pizza in peace, then." She remarks.

"You know, you should really eat something more nutritious." Spencer comments.

"Yeah, and you should put less sugar in your coffee." Danielle retorts.

"I--" Spencer sighs.

"You're a bad example, Spen." Danielle tsks.

"Aren't you supposed to be nice on a birthday call?" Spencer questions.

"Nope." Danielle answers.

"Reid." He glances back at Hotch who motions for him to wrap it up. The youngest member nods.

"I gotta go. I'll talk to you later." Spencer tells her.

"Okay. Love you, nerd." Danielle says.

"Love you, too. Bye." Spencer hangs up.

"Sugar coffee freak tries to lecture me about healthy eating. Not even sure that dude eats." Danielle grumbles to herself.


"Hey." Spencer answers the phone.

"Hey. So, uh... my roommate bought a magazine and, um... can you please explain what you're doing on the cover with Lila Archer?" Danielle questions.

"I, uh... that-- it's kind of a long story." Spencer says.

"Long stor-- I want the long story." Danielle states.

"I don't have time for a long story." Spencer says.

"So short story, dude." Danielle says.

"Dani, I'm working."



"Please." She begs, hearing her brother sigh.

"We-- we worked a case. She was the target of a stalker. And... she took an interest in me." Spencer says.

"Ooh... is Spencie finally getting some action?" Danielle smirks.

"Never say that again, please." Spencer tells her.

"So you finally kissed a girl?"

"What do you mean "finally"?"

"What do you think I mean "finally"? You were, like, 14 in college. It would've been illegal to get your first kiss there." Danielle says. "I mean, you know, you work and have met other adults while you were an adult, so now it's really just--"

"I'm hanging up." Spencer says.

"Wait, wait, wait. Don't you wanna know about my life?" She asks.

"Okay. How's college?" He asks.

"Spencer's got a girlfriend." She teases.

"Love you. Bye." Spencer hangs up.
