Ruby Rose X Depressed!Reader

In a small clearing of trees stood a boy with pure red hair, his golden armour shined in the light as he fought with the creature of darkness. He looked the perfect knight, a valiant warrior battling the evil monster. He didn't think so.

A knight would've stopped the fall of Beacon. A knight would've saved her. Saved Pyrrha... His sister. Yes the boy in the clearing was Y/N Nikos, brother of the famous Pyrrha Nikos. But he wasn't himself, he wasn't the confident warrior of justice he once was. He didn't fight for justice now, no.


That's why he lived, for vengence upon those who had destroyed his world. Along with thus calling came change. Bags appeared under his now bloodshot eyes and he'd clearly gotten thinner, though covered by his golden armour. As well as this long scars now decorated his arms, his 'punishments' as he called them. He believed that he deserves punishment for Pyrrha's death, for letting it happen.

When he found them, the ones who killed her, he'd hurt them. He'd flay them slowly, crucify them... Worse.

He'd break them.

Y/N Pov.

I ripped my blade from the Beowolf's slowly disintegrating corpse, imagining it as those whom had taken everything from me. I'll kill them all.

I let out a hefty sigh as I trudged back to the beaten path, back to RNJR. The heavy clank of my armour signalling my return to the group, as I slowed to match their pace upon reaching them.

When I reached the group I nodded, signalling that I was fine, before receiving another in return. Ruby bit her lip, almost as if wanting to speak out. She didn't.

Jaune slowed to stand beside me before sighing loudly "We're worried about you" He said, simply. "Why? I don't deserve it" I asked, causing the team to gasp slightly.

"Y/N, you're our freind! Our teammate! Why wouldn't we worry about you?!" He shouted, grabbing my arm as we all stopped. "I failed them. I failed her" I said, causing the team to freeze.

"You didn't fail her Y/N, if anything she'd be happy for you!" Ruby shouted at me, her voice practically pleading me to hear her words. I didn't.

"No!" I shouted as I ripped my arm from Jaune's grasp "I failed her! Where was I while she was fighting for her life?! Where was I?! Fighting a fucking Atleasian Paladin, that's where" I exploded, stomping away towards the inn we were staying at.

Ruby Pov.

After our initial shock died down I felt a familiar sadness creep up upon me. 'Is that how he felt! Did he really think he didn't deserve our affection? I love him dammit!' I mentally screamed.

Tonight. I'll confront him tonight when Jaune is out training and Ren and Nora are on one of their walks. 'Don't worry Y/N, I promise I'll help you' I thought, gazing at his back.


Y/N Pov.

I let out a hefty sigh as I watched Ren and Nora  walk down the concrete path. My mind going back to the battle, my failure. My arms subconsciously moved as I sliced up and down my arm, the red liquid spitting out onto the wooden floor.

After my fourth slice I heard the door open, a loud shattering noise following after. I turned my head at lightning speeds towards the door only to see a horrified Ruby on the verge of tears.

Before I could even think to speak I was stopped by the girl sprinting up to me and wrapping me in a warm embrace. I froze up at her touch, only causing her to hug tighter.

"Ruby, listen I-" I started only to feel a pair of plump lips press against mine, pushing my backwards onto the bed. Once we had fallen she pulled my head closer and closer, the kiss becoming more and more passionate.

When we parted a string of saliva connected our lips, shock still present on my face "What? But..." I begun, only for her to press a finger against my lips.

"Y/N I love you so much... Please... I can't bear to see you so... So... So broken" She said, snuggling into my chest. "Rubes... I'm sorry, but I just can't live with myself" I said, patting her back.

She looked up at me, her mesmerising silver eyes locking with my E/C ones as she spoke "Then you won't. We'll go through this together" She said, smiling sadly at me as her hand rubbed my cheek. "I'll be with you. I'll help you"

"Really? You will?" I weakly asked, resting my forehead against hers. "I promise. I'll be there every step of the way" She answered, smiling kindly at me.

"Thank you Rubes, thank you so much" I muttered.
