Blake Belladonna X Abused!Reader Final Part

As the dropships reached Beacon one by one a Faunus girl and h/c haired boy could be seen walking side by side towards the academy.

Said girl was mostly focused on the book in her hands: Ninja's of Love, the boy on the other hand was more focused on his own musings at the moment

Y/N Pov.

'Damn she's beautiful' I thought, looking at my partner with the same awe as the day we met. 'For someone who promised to never love again you really fucked up, Y/N' I thought to myself, before the sound of an explosion immediately drew my attention.

"What on Remnant was that?!" I shouted, before seeing a girl wearing a red cape being scolded by a girl in a white dress and... Was that the Schnee logo on her back?! A Schnee, here, outside of their precious Atlas! 'What next, cats and dogs living together? Mass hysteria!' I thought to myself, barley holding in my chuckle while catching up with my raven haired partner.

When I got there the Schnee had stomped off, most probably because of Blake's intimate sarcasm, and only the red caped one remained. "Hey" I said, startling her, before she perked up at my acknowledgement of her presence. "Oh, hi! My name's Ruby Rose... Eh, nice to meet you!" She said, her pure innocence on the border of the letting out a 'Dawww!', but I resisted.

"Y/N Black, at your service. And, this lovely lady, is my traveling companion: Blake Belladonna" I said, somehow, making the girls grin grow wider. "Ohhh... So, are you two, like... Nomads?" She asked, making me chuckle.

"I suppose you could call us that, what with our living outside the kingdoms" I smoothly lied as, much to my surprise, stars appeared in her eyes. "Really?! Oh, you two must have some awesome stories!" She shouted, causing Blake to glare at me with a 'Look what you've done' look.



Unfortunately I wasn't placed on Blake's team, RWBY, I was instead put on team CMBT (Combat) alongside my team leader, Coblat Whitemane, and my fellow twamates: Minx Violet and Tristan Wood. Coblat was a lion Faunus while Tristan was a deer, also strangely enough Minx was the only female on the team. Well getting back on point they were bearable for now, though I'm sure our friendships will bloom soon enough.

I walked into the school library and, not surprisingly, saw Blake snuggled up in one of its corners nose deep in her book. Her smut book, ruins the scene a bit.

I walked over to her before sitting down on a chair next to her, causing her to jump "Huh... Oh, Y/N! Don't scare me like that!" She shout-whispered to before closing her book.

'C'mon, three words! Just tell her' I mentally cried in my head as I gazed lovingly at the amber eyed beauty in front of me. "B-Blake, I've been meaning to tell you something..." I started, all the while my stable wall of confidence crumbled.

Blake Pov.

I raised an eyebrow teasingly at Y/N before deciding to hurry up this process a bit.

"Y/N, does what your about to tell me include the words 'I', 'Love' and 'You'?" I asked, my smirk widening ad his face turned red. "Uhh... I love you" He said, smiling nervously at me.

I smiled back before scooting closer to him and kissing him passionately which, after a brief moment of shock, he returned just as passionately.

As we parted, both panting heavily, I learned in close and whispered in his ear "My dorm's free tonight, 'hero'" Causing his face to turn even redder.

"Jeez Blake... That was a fast two minutes..."
