๐’๐ง๐จ๐ฐ๐ฒ ๐‚๐š๐Ÿ๐ž โ˜๏ธโœจโ˜•๏ธ ๐Ÿฏ

this feels like a fucking remake of my first oneshot "๐’๐ง๐จ๐ฐ โ„๏ธ" lmfao- IT IS NOT A REMAKE I TELL YOUUUUU AND I DIDNT KNOW WHAT TO MAKE THE TITLE STFU- ๐Ÿ˜Š

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The small town was a flurry of white, as snowflakes fell softly from the sky. Russia and America walked side by side, their hands holding onto each other. The surrounding world seemed to fade quite a bit into the background, as they kinda just focused on each other.ย The cold wind blew, causing America to shiver slightly. Russia, noticing this so he pulled the cold American closer, sharing his warmth. The snowflakes caught in their hair, adding a bit more to the magical atmosphere.

They soon passed by a small cafe, the smell of coffee wafting out. Russia suggested they go in, a way to escape the cold. America agreed, his eyes twinkling with anticipation. Inside, the cafe was warm and cozy. The barista, a friendly country who worked there, Poland, who he first flinched by seeing Russia at first glance but ignored him, Poland sighed before taking the orders of the two countries and soon they were seated, sipping hot chocolate and sharing a slice of cake.

They just chatted about their countries, their cultures, their differences, and some little random things. Despite the underlying tension, there was a sense of camaraderie (meaning trust and friendship, it was an interesting word so I chose it lol-) that was unusual yet comforting at the same time.ย After leaving the cafe, they continued their walk around town. The snow had stopped falling, and the town was beautifully blanketed in white snow. The lampposts casted a warm glow on the snow, creating a picture-perfect scene for the two.

They soon reached the town square, where some other countryhumans were building snowmen and throwing snowballs. After a bit of spectating Russia and America soon joined in, their laughter echoing through the square along with the others countries.ย As the night drew in, the town square fell empty. Russia and America remained, sitting on a bench while drinking coffee.ย 

They looked at each other, words unspoken but understood. Russia looked at America with his light blue and orange eyes as America's starry blue eyes looked back. Their faces were so close that they could feel each other's breath, Russia gave a light smile before giving America a kiss on the lips as America returned with the same gesture.

It was time for each to go home, but neither wanted to say goodbye. They then just sat in silence, hands still holding each other, their breaths visible in the cold air.ย Russia and America soon finally left each other. As they parted from each other, the snow started falling again, beautifully.

As Russia walked away, he looked back at America, who was still sitting on the bench, watching the Russian leave. America waved to Russia, a light smile on his face, as the snowflakes danced around him.ย America watched as Russia disappeared into the snowy night. He felt a sense of warmth, despite the cold.ย 

The time to part came too soon, but this, it was probably not a goodbye. It was a see you soon.

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this sounds so cringy lmfao- i have athletics day coming up ๐Ÿฅฒ idk im not much into athletics. 520 words
