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A/N this page reseted like 5 fcking times so I'm not gonna bother to explain, I will in the end so enjoy <3 i wish i was on a laptop, i don't like typing on google docs in mobile and I don't have the app so idfk <3 not irrelevant but yep

... ... ...

It was a classic Tuesday morning, the sun shining brightly and the birds singing in the trees. Russia was up early, he had a special gift prepared for America. Today was America's birthday or Independence Day, and Russia wanted to do something special to show his appreciation. He had been secretly crushing on America for some time now, and he wanted to make him something special. Russia had always tried to act uninterested and aloof when it came to the United States, but he had a deep-seated crush on the country

After some thought, he decided to make a countryball crochet plush of America FOR America (yes it had to be capitalized), Russia knew this was a gesture of goodwill and friendship, and he wanted it to be perfect. Russia worked for about two hours in his room until he finally finished the plush. When he was finished, the plush was a perfect sphere with the stars and stripes design on it. Russia couldn't help but smile as he looked at his finished product, He knew America would definitely love it!

Russia was about to exit his room so he checked his phone to see the time, he read a notification saying "Uki has texted '๐Ÿ‡ฐ๐Ÿ‡ฟ๐Ÿ‡ง๐Ÿ‡พ๐Ÿ‡ท๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ฆ' (sibling group chat) so he opened his phone and went to check the gc, forgetting to check the time. ( im not gonna bother translating lmao)

*looking though the gc*

Tue 1:56pm

Uki: hey fckers so 'Merica invited me to his party so I'm gonna go, just a heads up/ it's 2-5pm :D

Bel: mk idrgaf bye hoes <3

Kaz: ๐Ÿ‘

Russia grabbed his bag and placed his phone and the gift inside, then he headed outside to the car, driving to his destination, a tall building on the edge of town. When Russia arrived to his destination, He parked his vehicle and walked inside, heading straight for the third floor where the American's office was located.

Russia quickly remembered America had a meeting at 5:35 so he grabbed his phone and checked the time, it was 5:16, Russia didn't have much time left before America came back, the meeting room America was going too was most likely on the same floor as American's Office too.

Russia POV

Oh shit, America could be here any moment, I nervously stepped inside and was greeted by the sight of the American flag hanging on the walls. I took a deep breath and continued forward, I herd footsteps so I hid behind the desk which gave me a chance to put the crochet plush, I grabbed it out of my bag and placed it near the computer. I herd the footsteps closer so I took a small pep, it was just Britan. "Ame, you coming?" He shouted, oh fuck, guess I'm dead.

I scanned my eyes around the room waiting for my fate, Something caught my eye, I saw a note that said "Dear Russia" as the title so I picked it up, invading America's privacy.

Dear Russia,

I constantly have dreams about you, Two peas in a pod best describes how you and I are.

I would sell my soul for just a kiss from your lips because I love you more than words can express.

If you're willing to go out with me, let me show you that I love you, I would be willing to embrace you forever if you were to give me just one kiss.

I sincerely hope and pray that you accept to be my boyfriend. (I'm pansexual :> )

Take care

America <3 (a/n this sucks ๐Ÿ˜ญ )

My face felt as red as a Cherry, I never knew he like me back- "RUSSIA- WTF ARE YOU HERE" America shouted, I didn't realize he was there "YOUR FACE IS FCKING RED AS A TOMATO-", America kept shouting until he realized I was holding the noteย "Ame stfu for a minute please-" I said, next thing I knew, Ame became the tomato, "your the tomato now" I said.

"Oh uhm, did you read it?"


"Oh- well uh I'm not sure what to say"

"Hahah- anyways aren't you going to a meeting to something?"ย 

"It got canceled, a bookcase fell on Germany"

"How the fck- well anyways I'll be right back"

"Oh ok-"

America POV

I was flustered as fuck, as Russia headed out, he patted me on the back and gave me a kiss on the cheek. I still wonder why he was even in my office- Ehum I'll just say that never happened. I walked over to my desk and sat in my chair, I spotted a crochet countryball plush of me, America... wait Russia was here in this particular spot.

Just then, my office door opened again, It was Russia, he had a mischievous smirk on his faceย "I'm the one who made this for you," he said, "I thought you'd like it so I made it for you, happy Independence Day."ย I was speechless. I couldn't believe that he had spent all his time, making me something so thoughtful. I was touched beyond words. Without saying a word, I reached out and hugged him tightly. We stayed like that for what felt like ย an eternity before he finally pulled away.

"Thank you," I said, "for the plush and for being here." Russia smiled and kissed me again, "Oh yea, about that note, will-" "yes"ย I was so shocked that he had said yes so quickly that I didn't know what to say. I just looked at him for a moment, my heart pounding in my chest.

We hugged tightly and I knew that I had made the right decision. I had finally found the person I wanted to be with for the rest of my life. Russia had been with me for most of my times, mainly in meeting since I usually try to avoid him but now I could finally be there for him. We enjoyed a beautiful night together, and I thanked my lucky stars for bringing us together.

... ... ...ย 

im kinda fcking confused but I love it, anyways as I was gonna explain at the beginning.

ย I don't do those "school AU's" since they don't really sit with me, also many countries are usually overage (like America or Canada (they were the only ones I could think of rn)) for school but that's just in my opinion. I usually do like a office thing (idk what to call the building so I just call it office thing ๐Ÿ˜ƒ) like the countries have their own office room, like management (im my AU ofc, some countries share offices like Austria and Hungary or New Zealand And Australia).

So basically instead of a school thing it will most likely be more of a office/meeting thing cuz it just makes more sense to me. Plus Russia in my AU is 90 (i made it fit n my AU) while Ame beingย 247- I don't want to make America look like a p3do or smth so basically, they started dating when Russia was 40 smth so ehm yea ๐Ÿ˜ฉ.ย 

Oh yea abt the story, My brain was like broken for the majority of it so ehm EHEHEMM yea <3ย 1289 words
