ch 7

a slight knock on your door wakes you up.

"yn!it's minho. are you up?" he says

"i am now." you reply, as you get up to change.

" meet at the north entrance in fifteen minutes." he whispers.

"you got it boss." you smile to yourself as you slip on your shoes.

as you go out the door, the glade is still quiet. most of the boys are still asleep, but the cooks are up to create our rations.

"morning frypan." you pat him on the back as you take two sandwiches and some fruit.

"hey yn." he yawns as he fills your water.

"good luck yn."

"thanks frypan." you smile as you pack all your food and water and run to the entrance.

minho greets you and offers you a banana.

"helps with the occasional leg cramps." he says as he takes a bite.

and then you take off.

it feels free. you ignore the dark, damp surroundings and feel the wind against your legs as you continue to run. you take note of eat turn and twist, the dead ends, and the connecting corridors .

"this isnt so bad!" you beam as you continue to run down.

"yeah, youre a natural. lets sit down and eat, im pretty beat." minho says, wiping the sweat off his face.

"youre right. im starving!" you reply as your stomach grumbles.

you both pull out a sandwich and begin eating. 

"so do you remember anything else about yourself besides your name?" he asks as he takes a bite.

"not yet. im not that worried about it though. what about you?" you ask as you unwrap your sandwich.

his eyes are full of reminiscence. 

"i had a little brother. i dont remember his name. my mom and my dad were younger. i dont remember my dads name, but my moms name was either krysten or krystal. i had a big dog named blue." he smiles 

this gets you to wonder. who even put us here? 

you nod "sounds like a great family."

he nods and continues to eat.

"minho? do you think we're ever gonna get out of here?" you ask.

he shrugs. "it's the runners' job to figure out a way out. it's been years. hopefully we'll find a way soon." 

hope is rebuilt inside you and you continue to take bites of your lunch.

minho eyes you up and down and moves to sit closer to you. "so how do you feel, being the only girl here?" he asks curiously.

"i dont know. i can take care of myself, and im sure most of the other boys can tell. but it sucks how some of them view me as just a piece of meat." you say, looking down.

"look, the runners are the strongest of all the boys here. youre one of us now. if they dont see you as a runner, thats their problem." he smiles and finishes up his food.

"youre right. im full, lets finish up this sector." you reply, getting up.
