ch 2

you stepped out of your hut to breathe in the fresh air. it was dark now, and the stars just started to creep out. 

you walked down to the tables to find newt laughing with his friends. 

you sat down a slight smile shown on your face. "ive remembered my name. it's yn."

"yn! so glad you could join us!" he chimed as he scooted over to let you sit down and offered you some bread.

"i'm thomas." the brown haired boy with the kind eyes looked up at you and waved

"my names chuck." the pudgy curly-haired boy said.

"alby." the tall black boy muttered.

"alby is the leader here." newt added.

"hi guys, i'm yn." you smiled as you sat down. 

"hey where's minho?i don't think i saw the other runners come in either." thomas said. 

"i'm sure it's just a longer day." newt shrugged and turned to me. "they were supposed to come in twenty minutes earlier. not to worry, though. this happens." he winked and continued to eat his bread.

"so yn, you're, like, really pretty." chuck beamed.

"chuccckkk! rude!" thomas laughed.

"whattt? im not wrong!" chuck whined.

you blushed and took a bite of your bread."

"so, yn, have you picked something to do around here?" thomas asked.

you shrugged. the idea of being a runner thrilled you, but like newt said, it might not be the best idea. 

"being a runner seems cool." you said quietly.

everyone looked up at you in disbelief. 

"trust me yn, nobody wants to be a runner. it's so dangerous! imagine what could happen out there!" chuck said.

alby interrupted. he seemed quiet and angry. "if she thinks she can do it, she just needs to show minho that she's capable. just because she's a girl, doesn't mean she's not as able as any of you guys." 

you smirked at his remark. "thank you. " you said.

he smiled. maybe he wasn't so bad. 

"who wants some fresh fish?" a shorter black boy grinned as he brought some to the table

"you must be yn. i'm frypan." he said. "since you are the new greenie, you get the first serving of fish. fresh off the fire. "

you took a bite.  it was very flaky, and you could taste some lemon and pepper. it melted in your mouth with each bite. for a teenage cook, this was delicious!

"this is so good!!!" you exclaimed.

frypan laughed. "i'm not the keeper of cooks for nothin'. enjoy your dinner!" he smiled and walked away to serve the other boys. 

"minho! finally." newt said as another boy sat down. 

to be a runner, you had to make a good first impression. 

hopefully yours would be a good one. 
