Chapter 4

Double Trouble's POV
"Firstly, why were you following me?" He demanded. Of course that was his first question. 

"Curiosity, the Crimson Waste is such a snooze fest at the moment." Double Trouble answered.

"That's one of the dumbest things I've ever heard. What if I was a murderer or a dangerous mob leader?"

"That would turn me on if I'm being completely honest."

The Prince looked stunned, shocked. They had knocked him off His guard."I- What- You know what? I don't even want to ask." Then he took a deep breath as if mentally preparing himself for their next answers. "How do you know what I look like? You've never met me." 

"I snuck into the castle to collect some items for business and saw the royal portraits. Lovely decor by the way." They answered with the same unreadable smile. It was an exhilarating memory. The guards were surprisingly compliant when offered their services. 

"You? Seriously? This is who the Eye wants me to recruit?" The Prince stared at them in disbelief. The Eye? Probably another royal thing. Recruit? 

Their confident facade faded for just a moment. This was going different from what they predicted. Their main method of survival was based on their ability to study others when they couldn't it was...well they should be scared but it fascinated them. The Prince was clearly more than a pretty face with a crackhead horse. "Recruit?"

"I'm on an important mission. The Eye has told me to recruit you for it." He hesitated. "I was also told to warn you that it will include...princesses."

Princesses. The princesses had uncovered Double Trouble's acts twice and their ego never recovered. "So in exchange for help with your mission I get...?" if there were princesses they'd make sure to get the best out of it. 

"Its confidential but I can tell you that it could be saving lives so I'm relying on your moral compass here." He said, his tone was getting a bit more irritated. "Don't ask for money, I'm broke."

Peekablue's POV
He didn't like it but the Eye was the Eye. Peekablue knew it was impossible to infiltrate Bright Moon if you couldn't blend in. He also couldn't risk being recognised and even if he wasn't, princesses are fearsome fighters. They hadn't been chosen for no good reason.

Double Trouble gave a small chuckle, "Moral compass? Honey you're desperate."they exclaimed with a laugh they barely attempted to muffle. Peekablue flinched. Of course, they could see right through him, reading people was practically a natural instinct to them. "Well how about this?? If you don't help me everyone and everything in this dimension is doomed, and that includes you!" He snapped. Oops. He was not supposed to tell them that.

"Well that didn't take much. " They said with a knowing smirk. "Seems I don't have much of a choice at this point. Anyway it seems fun." They paused for a second. "Actually there is something you could give me in return."

Double Trouble's POV

Maybe they wouldn't get money but they could still receive something valuable as well as some fun. His glare as they took advantage of the situation was making everything even more entertaining. "You're a Prince aren't you? I'd like some kind of royal pardon to get the Alliance off my back." For a few moments the Prince looked off into the distance. His face unreadable and horrifyingly unpredictable. Even more than Catra was. This was going to be very interesting. 

"Fine. Do we have a deal?" Peekablue held out his hand, clearly reluctant. Double Trouble took his hand and gently kissed it. "Deal." An adorable blush crept onto his cheeks. Oh, he blushed. They were definitely going to enjoy themselves.
