Chapter 31

Peekablue's POV
The sun was beginning to set and the ethereal orange and pink rays of sun flowed around the forest. The trees were standing tall and majestic in the setting sunlight. The grass sounded soft beneath his footsteps as he wandered through the woodland. He could smell the damp but magical nature around him. The sound of a rushing stream echoed nearby. He stopped in a peaceful clearing. Calm and quiet with a few fireflies dancing around.

"This may not be my planet but it sure is stunning here." Double Trouble smiled sadly as they observed the forest. Then they turned so that they stood facing each other being mindful to keep some space between each other.

Peekablue grasped the brief moment of silence to talk first. "I'm going to tell you something and I need you to not interrupt me because I just need to get this out before rationality and logic gets the best of me." They just looked at him, quiet and understanding.

"When I first met you, I definitely didn't trust you. I thought you were a sneaky criminal-"

"I am though."

"No interrupting!" They mimed zipping their lips, smirking their same mischievous smirk that made his heart race.

"Sure you are but as I got to know you. There's more to you. You're understanding, intelligent, a flirtatious bastard" they chuckled at that and he felt himself grow a little more confident. "You hold so many secrets, you have a sense a morality somewhere and you can be caring. I haven't seen it but I know you can be. So basically I-" he hesitated, stumbling over his words. "I- I think I'm I'm-" he inhaled deeply and stared them straight in their bright yellow eyes. "I'm falling in love with you. Which might be a good or bad thing but I've given up denying it."

Double Trouble's

They didn't expect him to outright tell him. They didn't think he had the guts. Then again they didn't expect him to kiss them.

This was a mess. Just a glance at his light, joyous face made their heart ache and they were staring right at him.

They'd gone years without getting attached to anyone. Without being vulnerable or feeling vulnerable towards anyone then a pretty boy Prince walks in and steals their heart.

A Prince. He was a Prince and they were criminal who didn't want a broken heart. They couldn't bear the burden of losing someone. They'd lost enough loved ones.

"That's very sweet although don't you think you're being idealistic?" The words burned their tongue and the mask they'd plastered on was so thick they could barely breathe. "You're a Prince I doubt mummy and daddy would allow it."

His face had fallen into shock. He wasn't going to reply.

"I don't really care about what my parents think. There's a good reason I'm running away from them." Oh so he was replying. More unpredictability. "All I want to know is how you feel about me." His smile before was gone. It made their stomach drop to their feet.

"Still, I've got enough problems with royalty." They turned. They couldn't face him for this part. "I assume my work is done here. Don't worry about upholding your part of the deal I was only in it for the drama. See you around Peekablue."

Peekablue's POV

Just Peekablue. No butterfly inducing nicknames. Had he done something?
