3- Ruke- (everyone finds out)

A/n kinda continuation of the last ruke oneshot so the boys are alive
3rd person pov
It has been a few weeks since reggie and luke have become boyfriends.

Now everyone has gone to sleep except reggie and luke because it's 10 pm. They didn't feel tired so they decided to watch a movie on the tv.

They ended up falling asleep halfway through the movie cuddled up together, reggie laying basically on top of luke with his head on luke's chest and luke's hands wrapped around reggie.

The next morning, Alex's pov
I've just woken up and it's 8am. I'm about to go into Julies house to get some breakfast when I walk past the couch in the garage and see something i never would have thought i would see.

It was my two band mates, reggie and luke cuddled up on the couch together still asleep. I heard the tv on last night so i guess they fell asleep watching something.

I walk into Julies kitchen to see her getting some breakfast for herself. My first thought is to tell her about what i saw a few minutes earlier. I contemplated telling her what happened but i ended up just telling her to follow me as i led her into the garage and next to the couch.

Julies pov
Alex said to follow him into the garage because he wanted to show me something. I honestly have no idea what he's gonna show me..

We walk into the garage and he leads me to the couch for me to see luke and reggie laying on the couch with reggie basically on top of luke and it looks like they are still asleep.

Honesty i'm very surprised by this but i still support both of them no matter what because hey, i'm bi myself.

A an hour later (9 am) Luke's pov
I wake up and it's 9 am. When i opened my eyes i was meet with reggie's hair in my face but i didn't care so i just gave him a head kiss. After i did that he also woke up.

"morning love" i say sleepily since we both just woke up. All i got in return was a small "morning".

We both got up and went to get dressed for the day and then go get some food.

Reggies pov
We are getting dressed, well i'm already dressed so i'm just waiting for luke. He was just about to put his shirt on but then I walked up behind him and wrapped my hands around his waist. He jumped a bit at the contact but then he turned around and kissed me.

Oh how much i love luke and his kisses. He's so sweet and beautiful and i want to spend all my time with him.

We walk into the kitchen of Julies house to be greeted with her and Alex up and dressed talking in the living room. We both grab some food and then sit down with them in the living room.

When we got done with our food we continued to sit on the couch talking with Alex and Julie. Me and luke subconsciously entangle our hands together so that we are holding hands.

I think Alex noticed our hands because he just said "hey, are you guys together now?"

I started to become a blushing mess but luke answered with "ya, but why are you asking. just curious."

"oh well to start you guys are holding each other's hands right now, and secondly, i saw you guys cuddled up sleeping on the couch this morning when i came down to get some food." Alex said.

"oh you saw us on the couch? i didn't think anyone would have saw us there." I said.

"uh i actually saw you two also" Julie started. "Alex said to follow him and he showed me you guys."

"so, um do you guys support us?" I questioned.

"Of course i do!" exclaimed Alex but that wasn't that surprising since we all knew he's gay.

My real reason for asking that was for Julies answer.

"Ya i support you! also i guess it's a good time to say i'm bi.." Julie said.

We all ran up and hugged her showing our approval of her coming out. We have had such a strong bond with her since she helped us become alive again.

3rd person pov
The rest of the day was spent with a band rehearsal and then just some hanging out watching tv shows and movies. It was a good day for everyone. Julie had finally come out, and everyone was excepting of ruke being a couple.
