2- Ruke (first kiss)

A/n in this the boys are alive! (it's still 2020 though and they still live in Julie's garage)

Luke's pov
Me, Alex, and Reggie all decided to watch a movie on a tv that Julie and setup in the garage for us.

After an hour of the movie Alex said he was tired and left to go to bed leaving me and Reggie on the couch alone.

After about another hour of our movie Reggie had moved closer to me and eventually rested his head on my shoulder. At first i was shocked but then i just let him lay there. I just looked down and admired the cute boy laying next to me.

I think i had started developing a crush on him a year or so before we died. He always looked so cute when we were writing lyrics or practicing our songs for sunset curve.

I always loved when he would come over to my mic while we were singing and sing with me. I think I usually end up starting at his lips while we were singing together.... I just wanted to kiss them so badly.

After awhile the movie ended and me and Reggie both fell asleep on the couch Reggie's head made it to my lap and my head was right next to his.

The next morning
Reggie's pov
I had woke up to my head in Luke's lap and him right next to me still asleep. God he looked so cute. I've had a crush on him so long. He was the reason I found out I was bi. I had always wondered if he had liked me back but he is straight isn't he?

It has been a few hours and Julie's dad had just made all of us lunch. It was so good. Although most of my thoughts ended up being about Luke. I think this is the day I'm going to try to see if he likes me back.

We had just finished a practice session and Julie left to go meet with Flynn somewhere and Alex had went off to hang out with Willie. So that just leaves me and Luke all alone together.

We had decided to watch something on tv. I was trying to pay attention to the show but i just kept looking at the beautiful boy sitting right next to me and thinking about how much i want him to be my boyfriend.

Luke's pov
I think I had caught Reggie staring at me once or twice while we were watching the show. I think he might like me back so i'm just going to go for it.

I lean closer to the boy sitting next to me and our lips meet. I could feel butterflies in my stomach as I kissed him. I've wanted to do this for quite some time now.

He did what i hoped he would do and he kissed me back wrapping his arms around my neck. Oh how much I love this boy.

Our kisses slowly got more deeper like we both had wanted to do this for years. I had snaked my hands around his waist pulling him closer to myself because i wanted nothing between us in the beautiful moment.

Reggie pov
Me and Luke were just watching the show and he did something I didn't expect him to do but i'm glad he did it.

Luke kissed me!

Am i dreaming?

Ive wanted this to happen for so long and it finally happened. I melted into the kiss and snaked my arms around his neck in the process.

Luke eventually put his arms around my waist and I let him pull me closer to him. I love this boy so so much.

We eventually pulled apart and we both just said "wow".

Luke then asked me to be his boyfriend and of course I said yes!! I am so happy right now the boy i've been crushing on is now my boyfriend!

Now we just have to wait until everyone to get back and tell them about us dating. Oh I am like a happy puppy right now wrapped up in my now boyfriend's arms on the couch watching a tv show.

A/n i'm actually kinda proud of this one! hopefully it's good.. also if it's not i'm writing this at 12 am.. thanks for reading <3
