Who Needs Love Like That?

Shun's thoughts were proven true throughout the weeks that unfolded.

Ikki rarely showed up.

The only times Shun managed to see him, he had locked himself up into his shell and would avoid any attempt at making conversation.

The Phoenix did seem in a rather fine physical shape as he claimed he was spending his time training. However the bags under his eyes were growing darker and darker and his tanned skin had gone a bit paler.

But the most serious part yet was his psychological state. June had undeniably produced an important impact on him, therefore he was focusing on what was happening to him and had probably not noticed what happened to her.

Shun was getting so worried about his brother's mutism that only Hyōga could make him smile again — and still, lately it had been harder even for him. On top of that Andromeda knew very well that the Cygnus Saint was still angry with the Phoenix, even though he was trying his best to hide it. The usually so calm Japanese boy himself felt like he was about to go crazy.

A few weeks passed during which the tension grew more and more.

Then one day Hyōga had enough. On their day off he took his lover to Rodorio in order for them to relax. The idea worked; for an entire day they forgot all about Ikki and June, the Sanctuary, Athena and the rest, and enjoyed their time together. And Shun could smile again.

The sun was beginning to head down when they came back, holding hands and looking at the slowly darkening sky.

As they passed by the Gold Saints' training arena, the green-haired boy suddenly stood still. Aiolos and Aiolia were sparring.

Suddenly one of the former's attacks reached its target and the fifth guardian got ejected at the other side of the ring. The older one ran to him but the Leo Saint burst out laughing. Aiolos then started laughing too and knelt down to hug his younger brother.
This sight brought Shun a vision of Ikki and him.

Feeling down again, as he was realizing that this certainly would not happen before a long time, Andromeda clutched Hyōga's fingers tighter and they walked on.

Before the entrance of the Bronzies' quarters they spotted the Gemini twins.

Apparently in the middle of a depression, Kanon was in Saga's arms,  sobbing that no one would ever love him because of his bad deeds. His brother was rocking him in silence to comfort him. But the former Sea Dragon's cosmo was full of pain and sadness.

Shun blinked.

He had never really paid attention to the two young men since  the end of the war and he was shocked by Kanon's state, which violently reminded him of Ikki's even though their situation was different. Then Shun recalled Hyōga telling him about what he had heard at the women's training arena, and he also saw June's reflection in the second Gemini Saint's unstable state.

The Russian must have been thinking the same and was the first to turn toward his lover.
'You really need to talk to Ikki', he insisted.

The Japanese boy nodded.
'Yeah, it can't last any longer. I don't want them to get any worse. They don't deserve it.'

A spark passed in his emerald eyes.
'I'll try to loosen him up so that we can carry on the mission tomorrow at Shion's and Dohko's wedding.'


Shun left Hyōga before his room and headed for the Phoenix's quarters.

He instantly knew his brother was there as he could feel his cosmo again when he arrived at the door.

'That's a good sign', he thought. 'Maybe there's a slight chance that he hears me out?'
He knocked but did not wait for an answer — Ikki never felt the need to answer anyway since no one else would dare disturb him.

The younger one could make out the features of his older brother in the dark,  arms crossed and his back leaning on the wall.

The firebird did not even move his head to look at him.
'What do you want...?' he sighed.

'Just to know if you're fine', Andromeda replied, keeping it classic.
'I am fine, already told you. Since when have you doubted my word?'

Shun felt a lump in his throat at his brother's obvious irritation. Ordinarily he would not speak to him so harshly. Still he did not give up and went straight to the point.
He sat on the bed and gestured him to do the same.
The Phoenix grunted but obeyed anyway. Shun was relieved to see he still had the power to make him comply, and he hoped this would go on working.

'Nii-san, please don't lie to me', he demanded in a soft voice. 'I have not seen you in weeks... you claim you're always training but nobody has ever seen you at the arenas.'

'I go solo, you do know that, Shun', Ikki mumbled.

Shun could not see his eyes well but he could guess the Phoenix was staring straight at the wall in front of him. And he was now a little stooped down whereas he used to stand so erect.

'Ikki, is June the source of all this?' he suddenly dropped out in one go.

There was no need for light to see the young man shivering. He pulled himself back together at once but it was no use.

Ikki considered denying and pretending he did not know what Shun was talking about, in order to escape from this horribly humiliating  situation... but he could not find his words. The younger one was not stupid and he knew it all too well.

Besides he was his brother, so it would not be that serious if he were the only one to know about it.

'I knew it', Andromeda uttered softly.

'What...?' the Phoenix mentally grumbled, cut to the quick.

He knew?!

... Of course he did. Shun always knew. Why? Because you simply cannot hide anything from your little brother.

But I just can't act fucking weak before him!

Ikki remained silent but there was no need for an answer. The firebird never spoke much, especially not when feelings were involved. But Shun always respected his silence.

He wrapped his arms around the older one's waist and hugged him tight.

Ikki gave a start, as Shun had always been very tactile when he was not.

Yet to his own surprise he did feel a bit soothed by the embrace.

'I think she saw in you and you saw in her', his brother murmured.
Then he stared at him, emerald eyes shining in the moonlight. The only eyes Ikki would never be able to lie to.

'You and June are much alike, you know... She played a big part in my earning the Andromeda Cloth. She cared deeply about me, she used to support me and cheer me up when I wouldn't fight back during training sessions. She believed in me. And she is also very strong and brave and she always reaches her purpose.'

As her pretty face showed again in his mind along with his brother's words, the blue-haired shivered again and turned aside.

'She really is an awesome girl', Shun continued. 'I really like her, she's been an amazing friend.'
Guessing that talking about feelings must feel like torture for the older one, he finally stopped there, and winked at him.

'She did care about me but looks like she cares even more about you.'

Ikki frowned and blushed for the second time. He mentally slapped himself and thanked the dark for dissimulating his crimson face.
Shun stood back up and kissed him on the forehead just like the Phoenix used to when they were kids.
'Anyway, all the Saints have to be at the Thirteenth Temple at ten on the dot tomorrow. Good night Nii-san!'

After he left, Ikki let himself on his bed, boiling. He was even more lost now than he was before his brother's visit.

'... So? What now?!' he sighed.

Andromeda's words were still echoing in his mind.
'She cares even more about you'.

She did...?

So what? She now must have had enough of waiting, like most girls would — at  least it was what Kanon had claimed someday that Ikki happened to be at the same bar as some of the Gold Saints.

But then the young man felt a weird sensation coming to him at the mere idea of June turning away from him. He punched himself on the forehead while cursing such an unexpected  reaction.

'So what? Good for her if she changes her mind! She likes me, I don't care, end of story!'

But at this exact moment Shun's face showed in his mind, looking tired. 

'Come on Nii-san, you don't believe your own words yourself...'

Ikki let out a deep sigh.
His brother really was being hard on him.
Then he recalled how worried he had been making Andromeda.

Ikki hated when he was worried. He hated when sweet, ever-positive Shun was so preoccupied with something that he even stopped smiling — and he hated it even more when this 'something' was him.

'... Fine!' he grunted.

He would try to overcome the mile-long barrier that was now between him and June. June, that mysterious creature which had so easily managed to break down the self-defense system he so strongly believed was anything-proof.

The blonde Amazon, by the way, had just arrived at the room she would occupy, in the same block as Shaina's and Marin's.
(Although her colleagues had rarely spent the night now that they had a boyfriend.)

The Ethiopian took off her mask and sat on her bed. Some kind of an uncertain smile showed on her face as she recalled that tomorrow the Pope and the Libra Saint would get married.
As it was an official and core event, Ikki would sure have to be there.

June had been tracking him down for the past weeks under her friends' support. Because of them she had a little hope that she would manage to get closer to him again, and maybe take her chance.

But she had not spotted the fierce Phoenix even once after she had told Marin and Shaina.
Just as if Ikki had been avoiding her...  and this impression was growing more powerful as time was passing by.

The blonde was feeling miserable and weak and hated it. Not only had the firebird seen her face, but he had also entered her mind and he must have seen that they were alike... and the emergence of the crush she was  beginning to develop on him.
That stupid law about female Saints and their need for a mask, which she thought was a mere outdated macho decision, was actually verified.

However she had seen in Ikki too.

So how in hell could such a connection only lead to suffering?

Fortunately, June was not of the giving-up-so-easily kind and she was pretty sure neither was Ikki, so here was another reason to pick herself up again!
She had to seize her chance even though it was minimal. Of course she might get turned down, but she still had to try.

Wasn't life about fighting for what you cared about?

The blonde girl was certainly not the crybaby type, and she let out a sigh at the feeling of a frustrated tear.

'Whatever! They say nothing's better than a wedding to forge links, right?'
