Heaven Is A Place On Earth...

'Get your dirty hands off my brother at once, you brainless sparrow!!'

Shun and Hyōga got startled by the voice and parted as an obviously furious Ikki stormed into the room. The Cygnus Saint stepped aside from Andromeda and crossed his arms, beginning to get angry as well.

'Ikki...' Shun started.

The older one payed him no attention and moved his face closer to Hyōga's, his eyes shooting daggers at the Russian's almost transparent ones.

'Looks like you really do wanna die', he grumbled. 'It's the last time I'm warning you. Don't you dare get closer to Shun than ten meters ever again!'

Hyōga's teeth ground. He was done already.

He closed his fist and his cosmo began to burn.

'When the hell are you gonna just let him be?!' he retorted. 'You don't have any right to pry into his private life nor into mine! You think I'm scared of you?!'

As he was about to hit the Phoenix, Shun laid a hand on his arm.
'Hyōga, wait.'

This had been going on for too long. The young Ice Saint was ready to fight for his lover.

But the latter's emerald eyes had him melt and he made a huge effort to calm down.
Looking clearly fed up, Andromeda turned toward Ikki.

'You calm down, both of you! Nii-san, didn't I tell you to knock before coming in? Just because you're my brother doesn't allow you to come in unannounced when we're at peace.'

Hyōga grinned. Shun: one. Ikki: zero.

'Oh, but I did knock!' the fire bird replied. 'But you didn't answer so I came in.'

'Dammit, Ikki!' the blond-haired boy shouted while getting on his feet to face him. 'You're gonna have to accept it someday, you know that! Shun and I are together and there's no way you can prevent us from seeing each other!!'

'Shun is too young for this and you ain't no ideal candidate for him!' the Phoenix shot back with flames in his eyes.

'I am not too young, Ikki! I am not a baby anymore and I have the right to love whoever I want!!'

Shun had stood up as well and spoken louder than he was used to, which happened very rarely.

Such an unusual tone worked and unsettled both his brother and  Hyōga.

The blue-haired glared at the Russian with fury while wondering if it was worth attacking him with the Phoenix's Wings Rise.

Meanwhile,  despite his efforts, ice was converging to the Cygnus Saint's fingers, yet he was afraid of hurting Shun. So he thought of his master Aquarius Camus, and tried to keep his head cold just as his mentor had told him over a zillion times.

Ikki frowned, he had hoped Hyōga would have attacked him already, so then he would have had the opportunity to put this damn duckling back into his place, after this goddamn heating scene back in that  goddamn Libra Temple. However he figured this would not improve anything if not worsen things; he would likely destroy his brother's bedroom and the latter would then move into Hyōga's.
The older Japanese boy cracked his knuckles.

'Shun, from now on you are forbidden from staying in the same room as him', he said.  'As for you,' he spat at the young Ice Saint, 'I sure hope you got it this time!'
Then he stormed out and slammed the door.

'Okay that's enough!!' Cygnus shouted with rage.

Shun sat on the bed.
'I know!' he muttered, brushing a green lock off his eye. 'When will he finally understand...?'

'It can't go on like this!! He's really gotta calm down or I'm sure gonna freeze him to death!'

Hyōga breathed in and out. Andromeda hid his face into his neck and let his fingers get lost in the golden locks.

Just when everything had been going so fine...

A month had passed since Hades was defeated.

Athena had brought back all the fallen Saints including Kanon, Shion and Aiolos. Kanon had pledged allegiance to the young goddess and moved in with his twin brother as the second Gemini Saint. Shion was the Grand Pope again, just as he used to be before Saga had killed him thirteen years ago.

And finally the joy and happiness had come back a week ago.

Seiya, who had been presumed dead ever since he had saved Athena, had unbelievably awakened right after the Gold Saints took Hades's sword out of his body. He was now almost recovered.
So yes, everything was pretty much going fine.

Shion had announced that a party would be held at the Thirteenth Temple to celebrate  the return of peace and the resurrection of the fallen. The former Aries Gold Saint had ordered the thirteen guardians — yes you heard it right, Kanon, I did say thirteen and not twelve — to clean up their temples, which were still in the same messy state since the Battle of the Sanctuary.

Shun, Hyōga and Shiryū had immediately volunteered to help.

But the fixing had seemingly taken more time than planned...

As a matter of fact, working together had brought the Gold Saints together again, a little more than expected... and many couples had been reunited/formed.

Indeed,  Hyōga nearly had a heart attack when he entered the Aquarius Temple to lend Camus a hand — and found the latter leaning on a column,  in the arms of the Scorpio Saint, who was languorously kissing his face away.
Pretty much the same happened to Shiryū as he surprised his master with Shion in the Libra Temple, just when Dohko's hand was sliding underneath the Pope's robes. The poor Dragon ran back to his fellow Bronze Saints in shock, but unfortunately for him Pegasus could not resist in exclaiming in a roar of laughter: 'Well, looks like the Libra Temple really is the place to go!'

Shun was about to say something but then he had turned toward Hyōga and both of them had blushed.

The big news was quickly known to the other Saints and there was much teasing that Dohko took the next step and moved in with his lover at the Thirteenth Temple.

Some of the other couples were rather expected such as Saga and Aiolos, who had dated thirteen years ago before the betrayal of the Gemini Saint; or Mü and Shaka who had been spending more and more time 'meditating' together...
Angelo (better known as DeathMask, but Aphrodite would never let him live down that he now knew his real name), could not help but speculate on the position those two stuck-ups would use during their sessions.

However he promptly calmed down when Shura, who had finished cleaning his temple and had come down to the Fourth to help the Italian get rid of all his rotten heads, suddenly smelt a strange perfume coming from the bedroom... The too-curious Capricorn opened the door and got immediately thrown away by a very unmanly, high-pitched scream that could only come from the Pisces Saint, and a curse from the Cancer Saint.

Shortly after this, Aiolos woke up the entire Sanctuary the night he came to the Fifth Temple to check if its guardian was sound asleep. Not only could the Sagittarius Saint see that he was indeed, but he also found out his brother was not alone... Marin was there as well, curled up to the Lion's chest.

Aiolos could not help a cry of surprise. The last time he had seen the young woman, she must have been about three years old and he remembered Aiolia often spying on her. And now the young man was hugging his beloved so, so tight in his sleep. Moved by the oh-so-beautiful picture, Aiolos burst out in tears, repeating 'Oh my Gooooood!! My little brother has a girlfrieeeeend!!!!' in a high-pitched voice, which ended up awaking the neighbors.

When the news reached Seiya's ears, everyone was puzzled as he put on a superior look and exclaimed 'About goddamn time those two took the step! It's been six years since I started wondering when the hell you guys would stop eyefucking each other and just go at it! I can't believe I learned the word 'hormone' before you!'

His comment cost him an Eagle Toe  Flash from his master and a Lightning Plasma from Aiolia.

The Bronzies then took their turn and followed their fellow Saints' example.

As the war was over, Shunrei had come to visit Shiryū — and her adoptive father, too, but the Libra Saint was apparently way too busy at the Thirteenth Temple. The stars in the eyes of both Dohko's wards when they were together cleared any doubt about their feelings, and the young Dragon told Seiya in secret that he was already planning to marry the pretty Chinese girl someday. Unfortunately for  him he had only forgotten that Pegasus could not keep a secret.

Shiryū had his revenge though, retorting that Seiya was all mouth and no trousers and that he was just jealous of their happiness. The fiery young man was hit in his pride and swore to prove the contrary as soon as he would be strong enough to leave the hospital — he already was, actually, but he preferred taking advantage of his situation as not to help clean up the Sanctuary.

Nevertheless the Pegasus Saint did not look so convincing. His three friends began teasing him, betting on which of him and Saori would take the first step... And they had the surprise of their life when they were told that, not only had Seiya never loved her in any other way than any other Saint did, but that he fancied another girl. (Proving that he was in fact perfectly capable of keeping a secret. )

And it was not all.

The Japanese boy seemed down for a few days as he would keep repeating that she was awesome but he was an idiot, for he had screwed everything up with his misbehavior with the girl, and he had missed his chance because he was blind. (Hyōga had then furrowed a brow while retorting that being blind had never been an obstacle for Shiryū to be with Shunrei, but the Dragon had nudged him and sighed 'It was figuratively speaking, you idiot...')

Therefore the trio immediately thought of  Miho, Seiya's friend from the orphanage, but to their surprise it was his sister Seika who denied it. They tried to question her, frustrated that she would know more than them although she had been back in Seiya's life for just a month. Laughing, she confessed she did not really know her brother's crush but apart from this she kept quiet. Shun was so moved to see Pegasus so sad that he decided to investigate.

It did not take long until he found out that ironically... the lucky girl was no other than Shaina. He told his friends and then, while the Dragon was motivating Seiya,  Andromeda and his companion went to spy on the proud Ophiuchus Saint. They discovered that although she had been doing all she could to stop loving Pegasus, she actually came to visit him every night when he was asleep, as soon as Saori had finally left.
Shun thought of the perfect idea; he borrowed a rose from Aphrodite and hid it in Seiya's room. Sitting on the latter's bed and unmasked as to see him better, Shaina could not avoid smelling  the enchanted perfume and she fell asleep on him, her face resting on his bare chest.
When she woke up, Seiya was still sleeping but he was smiling. He had wrapped his arm around her waist and had placed her hand right onto his heart.

Yet Shun and Hyōga could not enjoy their victory for long, because in the meantime  Ikki found out about their affair in the Libra Temple. The Phoenix was no pleased at all with hearing that his brother had laid onto the frozen Russian, had had his cosmo burn until he was almost dead just to heat him up, and when he had regained consciousness the Cygnus Saint had kissed him.

Ikki and Hyōga had never gotten along as the Japanese boy always feared he might hurt Shun, in spite of them being best friends in the whole world. On top of that, Hyōga was very popular among girls even though he did not care about them; and this, for Ikki, was incompatible with Shun.
Therefore he tried his best to split up the new couple since then.

But unfortunately for him, they would not let him and their love was growing more and more powerful.

It seemed that despite his condition of Ice Saint, Hyōga was rather hot-blooded and nothing could annoy him more than being parted by strength from his lover. Meanwhile, nothing could annoy the Phoenix more than not being able to spend a single moment with his younger brother without hearing about the Russian.

Since the beginning of the relationship the ice bird and the firebird had been making huge  efforts not to fight.
Yet Ikki had taken the unbearable habit of keeping an eye on their cosmo-energy and irrupting as soon as they were alone together.

That was why their patience, especially the blonde's, had been diminishing more and more.

Shun and Hyōga did not understand why Ikki wanted so bad to split them up, although he kept claiming he only wanted his brother the be happy.

It had to stop!
