Never Forget

"Stop looking at me like that."

"How about you stop staring at me?"

"Well what else am I supposed to do?" I said angrily. "It's your fault we got into this mess." 

"If you hadn't tripped the alarm we would be far away from this mess," Rey said throwing her blaster at me.

"Well maybe you should stop acting childish," I said dodging the blaster. "You need to calm down, scavenger."

"I thought we were over that," Rey said huskily.

"Desert rat," I said sneering.

"Emo bitch," Rey said rolling her eyes.

"Jedi scum."

"Child killer."

"Oh don't you go there or-"

"Or what? Are you going to kill me? Hate to break it to you but we are imprisoned so killing me isn't your best option."

"My hands are still unbound."

"For now."

"Can't you just shut up for a minute scum," I said shooting Rey a nasty glare.

"I would but it's fun seeing you ticked off."

"Fuck you," I said nastily towards her.

"I bet you would."


Rey was silent. My eyes caught her gaze and I couldn't help but regret what I had just said. "It's not what-"

"Wow," was all that Rey could muster.

"Rey, I'm sorry."

"Oh look, the supreme leader is saying sorry," Rey said smirking.

"Well at least I will be the one to take the Resistance's precious savior."

"What do you mean-"

Mustering up all my strength, I crawled to Rey and rested my hand on the back of her head. Leaning down I gently kissed her lips. I smiled into her lips and pulled her close. "I'm sorry for hurting you."

"Ben," Rey said looking into my eyes.

"Come with me. Let's leave all this behind. We can escape from here and-"

"Ben, I have responsibilities," Rey said caressing my cheek.

"Please Rey," I said kissing her fingertips. "This war will kill us."

"Ben." Rey said leaning into my chest.

I felt tears form in my eyes. "Please. We can live freely."

"We cant live freely until the First Order is gone, you know this. You have to leave the First Order, Ben. You know your regime is deadly."

I looked at Rey. Her face was bloody and she had bruises down her arm. She looked tired and there were tears in her eyes.

"I'm sorry, Rey. I can't betray the order, not yet."

"Then let's escape and go our separate ways for now." Rey said kissing me gently.

"Let's just not try and kill each other in battle from now on," I said smiling softly. I grabbed Rey's hand and pulled her up. "One day we will be free to love each other."

"Don't ever forget what happened here."

"Never, my princess."
