Dead Heros

  All across the field were dead bodies. Names? Unknown. They were just doing their job. They chose their side in the war but did they have a choice? The war ravaged the galaxy and tore families apart, sending the innocent to the slaughtering house.

But alas, that's war.

No one knew war better than the last Jedi and her dark side counterpart. The two had been fighting all their lives. An internal battle as well as external. Nothing the two couldn't handle, because after all, the most damaged tend to be the strongest.

The Jedi was at the top of the world. She was liked publicly and had a large following. She was perfect in the eyes of her followers. A Palpatine but a Jedi, fighting for the Resistance. She was pretty which made the headlines in the inner core praise her existence. She was the sun and she had come so far from the scavenger she once was. But every sun must set, and a moon must rise.

  A lost soul. He had nothing. His mother died, he killed his father, and was the cause of his uncles death. He was broken. He had no one so he masked his fear under a mask and massacred the innocent to assert his dominance. He was hated, feared, and abused. He had no one, and then he had someone.


Rey was his sunshine, his lover, and his reason to wake up in the morning. He wanted nothing but to please her and to adorn her like the goddess she was. Everyday he would look at her from a distance and yearn for her touch. The bond they shared tore him apart as he longed for those sweet moments of blissful innocence between them.

But, the war was over. Palpatine was dead. Their bond was killing them as they both longed for the others presence. Poor Rey, with her tear stained cheeks. She was in love with a criminal.

A dead criminal at that.

Images of a happy family, growing old together, restless nights filled with love and children were nothing but wishes and dreams now. For there he was, gone. One with the force.

"I love you," Rey said as she latched her body to her dead lover. Grasping his face she kissed him for the last time as his body became one with life itself. Grasping her throat, the Jedi struggled to breathe.

Why him? Why her lover? Why did it have to be right after their blissful kiss they shared. Why didn't she die? Why was she the one that was destined to live?

And the angels cried tears as they do when lovers get separated.

The world should have stopped in Rey's eyes. But it didn't. For there lay her lover, smiling at her. A ghost of her beloved. Falling to her knees she cried, her spirit was broken but even as destroyed as she was, she rose.

The last Jedi rose.

Grasping the reality of her situation she walked to her X-Wing and looked back at the dead bodies and ships that littered the ground. It was at that moment she knew what she had to do.

It was time for her to rise, both the light and dark inside of her.

Okay I'm depressed. The Rise of Skywalker damaged my emotions and I have no words to describe HOW MUCH I WANT TO SHOVE A METAL ROD DOWN JJS THROAT. But, enjoy this depressing chapter :)
