Thorn was sitting on the sofa , since his powers were "temporarily" gone , he had nothing to do but sit on the sofa and check on the pretty plants!

"Thorn?" Called the second oldest brother , taufan

"Hello Tau!" Thorn cheered , even if he lost his powers his personality still lasts.

Taufan smiled at his brothers before asking "have you seen solar??"

"Nope! He must be outside right now!" Said thorn

"Ooooo ok!" Said taufan before jumping on the sofa and watching the TV with thorn

'Wait isn't it like 8:00 pm?' Thought taufan before brushing it off.

✯¸.•´*¨'*•✿ ✿•*'¨*'•.¸✯

The wind blew smoothly as the trees rustled , In the middle of the small open place sat a boy with silver eyes he almost looked like an angel dropped from heaven

The boy was observing the beautiful night sky , He noticed how the seemingly forest which whistled along the wind during the day , Is now very unusually quiet and he enjoyed it

The silver eyes were close to closing , But didn't close instead was turned into a serious face

Solar held the necklace on his neck . It had a leaf along with a crescent moon with a small star symbol on it , But originally it had the crescent moon only.

Solar narrowed his eyes before fiddling with the necklace itself.

'Mother...' Thought solar as he sighed and once more gazed on the night sky

Beep Beep

Solar flinched at the sudden disturbance in his peace , he noticed that the necklace was glowing , But the one making noise was his phone.

Solar sighed as he picked up the phone , noticing it was his older brother Haliintar's nomber


"Solar , hurry back home."

"Gee , ok."

"Fast ok."


Solar was cut off by the sound of the call ending



Once solar arrived all of them had already fallen asleep.

'Am I that slow?' Thought solar

He went upstairs towards his room , as he opened the door , he noticed his last oldest brother thorn wasn't there.

He was gonna essentially ignore it but then he noticed something else

'A letter?' Thought solar

"Mama gem! If you're reading this just so you know! I am going to gopal's home with blaze and taufan ofcourse! Don't worry! We'll be there at 9:00 pm!
- Thorn

Solar had a gut feeling to see his older brother but decided not to. Main reason being he forgot who gopal is


"What!? You lost your POWERS!?" Shouted fang

"Yeah! Well temporarily!.." said thorn

"How are you gonna attend Tapops missions now!?" Said Fang

"Simple! He won't." Said blaze continuing to play with gopal

"Gah! How are you so good at this game!?" Scowled gopal

The video game was turned off by fang

"Hey!?" Blaze and gopal shouted in union

"We are going to the Secret Tapops meeting centre." said fang pointing at his watch "Calling yaya and ying."


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"What is the reason of calling us this late in the night fang?" Asked yaya

"Well.. let's go to our secret base first." Said fang as he pressed some buttons on his watch and a door opened

As fang along with kokotiam gang entered the Base.

As they took a seat , Yaya once more asked the question.


"Well.. y'know the new member of the siblings?" Said fang

"I get it .. That's why you didn't bring TTM.. so what about him?" Said ying

"Well.. He's kinda suspicious.."


TTM arrived around 10 : 30 PM.

As they opened the door , They were immediately hugged by their mother (gempa)

"Mama gem!" Said TTM

"Where were you!? We were so worried!" Said Gempa hugging his brothers then dragging them inside

"Have you ate dinner already?" Asked Gempa

TTM nodded in response.

"Ok.. Go to bed. It's late already." Said Gempa

"Pst.. I thought you wrote a letter to gempa?" Whispered-asked blaze

" I am sure I did!" Whispered thorn

"Well.. what ever.. Good night thornei and blazey!" Said Taufan entering his room shared with Hali and Gempa

"Alrighty good night.." said blaze also entering his room

Before thorn entered his room , He felt a weird feeling... A feeling to not open the door. But thorn ignored it and opened the door

When he opened the door , It was normal

'Gee.. Maybe it was a wrong sense..' Thought thorn before yawning and going to his bed

Before he slept in his bed , he looked towards solar.

"Hmm.. He looks peaceful.." thought out loud thorn

"Gee.. am i becoming protective?" Said thorn before finally giving in to his sleep

Little did he know , his younger brother wasn't asleep , no. He never is. He was just worried.

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9:30 pm

'What!? What am I thinking? ... I can't worry about them! I am here on a mission! .. but what if? NO! ' Solar thought

'But.. it's already 9:30 pm.. they said they would come back at 9:00 pm..' Thought solar before sighing and trying to sleep but the worrying wouldn't leave him.


After Thorn lost his powers "Temporarily" he was to be left back at home with his youngest sibling..

"What?" Said solar looking at his Grandpa like he was crazy

"Yeah , you heard me right! You are gonna attend the school here. Starting from today!" Said tok

"But you didn't even inform me yesterday..." mumbled solar in disagreement

"Tok? What about my uniform?" Asked solar

"You don't need to wear uniform!" Said tok handing solar a hot chocolate

"Thanks tok aba.." said solar smiling warmly at his grandpa

"So~ you're gonna join with us right?" Asked Thorn cheering

"Yeah.. seems like it." Said Solar

"Which Grade are you in?" Asked blaze (They are in middle school right now)

"Uh.. 7th grade." Said Solar

"Looks like you're stuck with all of us then!" Cheered Taufan

"Yay.." groaned Solar

Solar was wearing his typical clothes. Along with his visors.

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"Alright! Class.. meet the new student!" Mama zilla announced

"Go ahead introduce yourself.." said Mama zilla

"I- I uh.. I am solar. Nice to meet you." Said solar

"Ok solar. Go sit next to.. hmm. Go sit next to gopal on the left side." Said mama zilla

"Gopal raise your hand"

Gopal raised his hand and solar sat next to him

"Hey! How're you?" Asked gopal in an attempt to earn solar's trust

But unfortunately solar ignored him like a dead fly.


How's the chapter? It's pretty short but yeah.. I trying my best to publish regularly. I also have another story called "Elemental siblings au" but it's in hiatus rn
