Today , Thorn woke up in a cheerful mood not that it was unusual, But today, It was for a specific reason!

He went downstairs to notice all of his brothers already up, even ice.

"GUYSS!!" Shouted thorn as he jumped towards Blaze

"I KNOW! THORN!!!" Said Blaze with the same tone as thorn

"Eeeekkkkk" Thorn shouted like a fan girl

"This is getting a bit overboard.." said ice as he sighed

Gempa only laughed at the fifth brother's annoyed tone

"Do you know what he looks like?" Asked taufan cheerfully

Haliintar shook his head. "We were separated when we were 5 remember?"

"No, I actually don't.." said Taufan as he sunk into his thoughts of what the youngest would look like

"Well! For sure he would look like us!" Blaze joked

"Obviously. We're septuplets. Remember?" Said Haliintar as he sighed

"Gem? Remember anything?" Asked Ice with a face which reads "Gempa help me from these demons"

Gempa giggled at ice "well, all I remember is that his name was Cahaya."

"CAHAYA!" Thorn gleamed "That's his name!"

Tok aba entered the living room due to the obvious loud noises.

"What's going on here?" Said Tok aba as he smiled

"Tok aba ! When's he gonna arrive??" Gleamed Blaze with sparkles around him

"He will arrive after your school! You can meet him at home." Tok aba assured , Which was replied by a defeated sigh by Ttm as they wanted to meet him quick!

"Don't be sad, We'll meet him either way." Said gempa as he finished washing the dishes

"But gem...." said Taufan with a sad tone

"Not another word." Completed gempa as he went upstairs

Haliintar could only pity his younger siblings as they cried in sorrow


All of them had already ate breakfast and were prepared for school

"Man , I hope school ends early today!" Said blaze with a bright smile

"Ya! I wanna meet my younger brother!!!" Gleamed thorn

"Let's hurry up!!" said taufan "Last one to arrive is a loser!!"

And with that TTM Ran towards the school building, As the rest chuckled.

╭── ⋅ ⋅ ── In school ── ⋅ ⋅ ──╮

/End of school actually/

Thorn had already packed up his stuff,  Whichw as weird since he'd always hang around until the rest were finished

Out of pure curiosity gopal asked " Hey Thorn. Where are ya heading so early?"

"Yeah, tell us! You packed your things a lot early!" Said ying

"Haha! Well.. Today I am gonna meet my younger brother!" Said Thorn

The kokotiam gang were left in shock

"There's more of you!?" Shouted Fang as he pointed at Thorn

Thorn only replied with a offensive face.

"Hey! What's that supposed to mean!?" Said thorn as he made an angry face

"Huh? I thought we were best friends thorn! How could you not tell me about your younger brother!" Cried gopal

"I told you this about a week ago remember?" Said Thorn


"Hey guys, I have a younger brother." Said thorn

"Cool." Replied the kokotiam gang

(End of flashback)

"... right.. " said yaya as her sweatdropped

(At the school gates)

The septuplets were waiting for gempa along with kokotiam gang. Their friends were interested in meeting the youngest of the Septuplets.

"Ugh.. when is he gonna arrive!?" Shouted blaze in boredom

A faint figure was noticed by the eldest coming towards them

"GUYS! I am so sorry! The principle called and I-" Gempa was cut of by gopal

"Shh!! No need to explain! I wanna meet this younger brother of yours!" Said gopal

As gempa could only sigh at gopal's action

/at tok aba's coffee shop/

The kokotiam gang finally reached tok aba's coffee shop

"TOK ABA!!" Shouted Blaze

"Huh!? What's wrong!? " said Tok aba in worry

"Where's he!??!?!" Said Thorn gleaming

Followed by taufan's shout

Tok aba sighed at the the trio

"Good evening tok." Gempa greeted their grandpa

"Good evening gem." Said tok aba with a warm smile

"Has he arrived yet?" Asked Haliintar

"Oh, yes. He has he went to deliver some things." Said tok

The siblings looked at tok aba as they knew tok aba's way to maps

"Don't worry, I gave him a real map.!" said ochobot their beloved power sphere from behind

The siblings sighed in relief

The kokotiam gang was just staring at the way to get tok tok aba's shop as they were waiting for the youngest sibling to arrive.

At a distance they could see a faint figure of a boy walking towards them with a  sheet in his hands

All of them stared at him, He looked just like all of them (obviously) but wore orange visors and was slightly shorter then the rest

"Here you go, Tok.." said Cahaya as he handed the money to his beloved grand pa

Cahaya felt eyes on him so he looked towards the kokotiam gang , Only to notice complete copy of himself

The siblings were in shock they didn't know what to say until

"Hi! " said taufan cheerfully as he went to hug the youngest , But to his surprise the youngest dodged the hug

"Hello.." said Cahaya

"Oh.. Uh I am taufan! Nice to meet you!" Said taufan as he scratched his neck

"I am Cahaya.. or solar." Said Cahaya/ solar

[ it's super late already , But just so you know,  Their real names are their first tier names while the second and (maybe) third tier names are code names or names given by a special person I am just gonna call them with their 2nd tier names.]

Thorn went closer to solar and (tried) to hug him , But once again solar went a step back avoiding the hug

".. I am thorn! Your last older brother" said thorn

Solar just looked towards the siblings

"Oh, Uh. I am quake but call me gempa. I am the second oldest . And this is Thunder but call him hali or Haliintar! And these two are api and ais! Or just blaze and ice." Said gempa with a smile

"Mhm.." hummed solar as a reply he looked towards the kokotiam gang

"I am ying and this is yaya!" Said ying as she pointed towards herself and yaya

The kokotiam gang could feel the sharp glare from the youngest

'He's definitely their sibling..' Thought gopal

"I am gopal! I am going to he your best friend!" said gopal

"I am fang." Said fang

"Cool." Said solar and looked towards his grandpa

"Oh, Gempa! Why don't you take solar with you to check the rooms?" Said tok

Gempa nodded and held out his hand , only to be ignored by solar

Gempa sighed and led solar to his room

"That Littl-" said blaze fuming with rage

"Calm down api, it's his first time here. " aid tok aba smiling

The kokotiam gang looked towards the siblings

"Hey! I thought you said he was nice!?" Said gopal

"I didn't know!" Said taufan

"Don't tell me he's gonna join our school!?" Said fang irritated

Haliintar sighed as he stood up.

╭── ⋅ ⋅ ── ✩ ── ⋅ ⋅ ──╮

Heloo! Just so you know. This is heavily inspired by a oneshot book by ???.. I don't remember their name. But if you're them don't forget to tell me!

Anyways as you can see.. this is a solar centric book

About my oneshot book I am gonna close it for now as I want to make more books.
