Chapter 3 - Time Heals All Wounds

[Chris's POV]

I shot up from my bed as I heard a scream coming from Lily's room.

I ran in and saw her thrashing around and crying and screaming in her sleep.

I ran to her side and shook her awake.

She shot up and a fist landed on my jaw as she thrashed away in panic but I was still able to calm her down.

"Lily! Lily, its just me! Its me!" I said as she was then looking up at me with scared eyes as she calmed down. "Its just Dad, don't worry."

She looked up scared before pulling her knees to her chest and crying into them.

I pulled her into my arms and hug her as she cried.

My poor Lily. She didn't deserve this. Those monsters.... Its because of them that she can't even have children.

If only I could take this pain away from her.


"Son, this isn't your fault. Much less her fault," my dad said.

I sigh, looking up at my parents. "I just... I can't believe this happened."

My mother sighed as we looked to see Lily was in the living room with Beetlejuice, watching as he swallowed a mouse she fed him.

"Sweetheart, we wanted to ask... What are you going to do? She needs to overcome her fear or she won't get better," my mother asked worriedly.

"I don't know," I said.

"Maybe put her in a facility or something," my dad said.

"No. I can't do that to her. Having some nurse force pills down her throat and strap her to a bed if she freaks out. That's the last thing she needs," I said. "I just want her to feel safe and happy, and that takes time."

"He's right, honey. Only time can heal all wounds, remember?" my mom said.

"True. Sorry. Say, how about taking her out? Ice cream, movies... A daddy-daughter day, like you two used to do when she was younger," my dad said.

I guess... That's not a bad idea.

"Let me think of something," I said. "That's a good idea. Thanks Dad."


What is Chris planning??

Updating this on my phone, which wont be so often since I have the worst phone in existence

just bear with me. I'll hopefully get a new computer tablet battery by the middle of the month.

And forward reminder, No updates on the last few days of February, since I'll be out of town for a wedding. I'll probably manage one or two updates, but no promises.

