Chapter 5 - Daddy-Daughter Day

[Chris's POV]

We started with going to the park I always took her to as a kid.

She just wore simple black skinnies, a KUZA tshirt, and a dark grey hoodie with studs on it .

The playground was a bit abandobed and slightly rusted now, but it still looks usable and safe.

"Alright, what do you want to do first? Spinning chairs? Jungle gym?" I asked as she fumbled with her hoodie zipper.

She looked up, and around before she pointed to somewhere near the slide.

I looked over and saw she pointed at the swings.

I smiled at her. "Alright, let's go," I said, and we walked over, each of us gettinf a swing.

Of couse, being too tall, I could barely get much air on the swing.

I heard a small chuckle, and looked over to see Lily rocking back and forth on the swing, the tip of her boot dug in the dirt, looking like she was hiding a laugh.

I smiled as I swung the best I could and she started to swing with me.

Soon after a good time we left the park and went to get ice cream at the nearby parlor.

"So, do you want ice cream, a sandwich, or...?" I asked.

She simply shrugged as she looked up at me.

At least she's starting to warm up. She's not avoiding eye contact.

"Or do you want to go somewhere else?" I asked.

She gulped before....

"M-Maybe some strawberry ice cream?" she asked.

My eyes widened before I smiled. "Sure. Come on."

She had a small smile as we got in line.

"Oh, and, umm, how do you feel about going to your favorite restaurant for dinner?" I asked.

She smiled. "Sure."

I'm getting my daughter back. Slowly.... but this is progress.


So sorry for not being able to update!! Been losing ideas, but its all okay now!!

And sorry this is short, but an update is better than nothing. I promise, I will try to update more.

Leave some feedback please!! ♡
