Chapter 6

    "Well, Slade?" Wintergreen folded his arms over his chest, inspecting Slade for a reaction. Slade however, remained silent as ever. Flipping through the notes, going back and forth to the computer, typing as necessary, the air was filled with a suspenseful silence. "Well, don't leave me hanging here." Wintergreen remained unaffected by the eery quiet, seeming more annoyed than fearful. The sounds of quiet typing filled the room, the click of a mouse going from link to link. Finally, Slade smirked, running his fingers through his beard beneath the classic orange-black domino mask. "Interesting ... truly .. interesting." Slade smiled, handing Wintergreen the papers. "Thank you Wintergreen, this has been truly helpful." And without another word, Slade rose, stalking his way from the room, silent as ever, his brain thick with the information he'd received. "Yes ... truly .. helpful." 

Robin POV

    Watching Wall-E with Starfire was a very enlightening  experience. Every time she sat up right, Robin's heart would flutter a beat. Every jolt was a near heart attack. Every romantic scene was utter teenage embarrassment, but in the best kind of ways. When Eva blasted off her laser eyes, every one turned to Star, remembering how she had once came to Earth long ago. Every time a scene where Wall-E held Eva's hand, Robin would feel his own hand inch closer to hers. Eventually clasping fingers, near the middle of the movie, Robin thanked his lucky stars that Beastboy had insisted on turning off all the lights for the "maximum premium movie watching experience, man". Watching Wall-E fly with Eva, Robin grinned from ear to ear, with no one able to see the look on his face and tease him. And at the very end of the film, during the final climax, just as Wall-E looked as though he would be broken forever, Starfire gripped his hand in hers so tightly, Robin feared the bones in his fingers may soon collapse. A single tear slipped from her face at the final kiss of the movie, and Robin felt himself wanting- no- craving to wipe it away. As Cyborg flipped the lights, Robin quickly took his hand back, stuffing it in his pocket. Curse these stupid boy hormones.

    "Alright, guys. I'm headed in." Robin dramatically yawned, stretching out his arms. Secretly, the movie had significantly drained his social battery. "Aw come on, one more! Dawn Of The Body Snatcher'!" Beastboy whined. Cyborg chuckled. "I don't think so BB, Robin's right. It is getting pretty late." Beastboy flopped over on the couch. "Buuuttt Cybooorrggg." With a raised eyebrow from Cy, Beastboy reluctantly stood from the couch. "Oh, alright. But next movie night-" "Revenge Of The Body Snatcher' we know ." Raven drawled.

    Robin went to giggle but quickly clamped down on the tip of his lip, to keep his stoic facade. "Agh- er." Robin faked a cough to cover the slip up. He had to get to his room fast before he involuntarily regressed in front of his friends. "Welp, see y'all tommorow." With a quick wave, Robin scurried off to his bedroom, leaving the other Titans exchanging looks. "Do you believe Robin is alright?" Starfire was the first to speak. "He seems more ... secretive than usual" Raven agreed. "Listen guys, if there was anything wrong with Robin, he'd tell us. There is nothing to worry about. I'm sure of it." Cyborg reassured the rest of the group, taking up the position of the elderly brother figure they all knew and loved. "I'm sure he's just tired." Beastboy piped in. "Not everyone's made to be nocturnal, ya know." Beastboy turned into an owl to accentuate his point, laughing as he did so. "Get it? Get it guys?" The remaining three let out various groans and moans of cringe before walking away to their own separate rooms. "Heh. Guys? Guys?"

Slade POV

    Slade hummed, combing through his beard. He had scrolled through the majority of a strange new purple app 'Tumblr' in search for this 'age regression' Robin seemed to be so fond of. It left him puzzled. And very few things in this universe left Slade Wilson puzzled. Images of pastel blues, yellows and pinks flooded his mind. The mind of a child. How had he not seen this side of Robin earlier? Why hadn't he foreseen such child-like things from the young teen? In all of their previous fights, Slade was never witness to any of the 'agere' tendencies the internet suggested. Thumb sucking? Bed wetting? Was the apprentice he so admired, really prone to such tendencies? Part of him wondered if it had all been a mistake. If Robin had picked up the adult pacifier on the street and stuck it into his belt for safe keeping. But the wiser part of him knew such was not the case. 

    Age regression could be involuntary or voluntary; impure or pure. Robin obviously had good control over when and where he regressed. Dick for the little times and Robin for the remaining majority. Curiosity sparkled in the older man's eyes. According to the internet, putting off regression could be dangerous and lead to involuntary or impure regression. Usually caused by a trigger of some kind. Triggers could be both positive or negative. Positive triggers included stuffed animals, child-like activities, movies and clothing. While negative ones included PTSD like triggers such as yelling, fighting or excessive stress. The real question for Slade was, how long could Robin really last without regressing. And once Slade took proper ownership of his soon to be apprentice, how long would Robin last before involuntarily regressing right in front of Slade?

Robin POV

    Dick on the other hand, was taking the opportunity to relax for the first time that day. He had already stripped of his outfit, and was changing into the care package Alfred sent. Dick decided to pick out a Disney themed outfit for the night on account of having just finished the movie Wall-E. Quickly slipping into the soft onsie, Robin turned to the mirror, buttoning the area just below his belt. It reminded him of the earlier version of his hero costume. Stimming in the soft onsie, Dick rubbed his hands back and forth on the material, enjoying both the feel and the sound the material made. "Ee." The edges of his eyes crinkled in joy, squeaking in happiness. Picking up the Stitch pacifier, Dick made a mental note to send a 'thank you' letter to Alfred for sending so much. Of course, the elderly man had plenty of money to spare, being paid handsomely by the wane estate and having invested so much in the market and the rundown areas of downtown Gotham. Still, Dick was eternally grateful to the older man. 

     Dick had actually never seen the movie Lilo and Stitch, nor did he remember many Mickey Mouse cartoons. But he hadn't the heart to tell Alfred that. Would Alfred be disappointed in him, after having the butler spend money on so many unnecessary items? Especially considering the fact, Dick had never even watched some of the shows before? If he were home, with Alfred, would he have turned on cartoons for Dick? Would father- or- would Bruce have allowed him enough free time alone to regress in secret, long enough to screen the animated film in their private movie room? Pulling up his phone, Dick made sure to pull up a private tab before timidly searching up the words "M i c k e e y M o o s e" in the google search bar.   

    "Hia, everybody! Say ah you wanna come inside my clubhouse?" Dick nodded his head up and down silently. "Well alright! Let's go!" The screen turned to a picture of an empty field. Where was the club house? With the red circle and yellow slide and puppy Pluto? "Ooh, ooh. I almost forgot, in order to make the clubhouse appear, we have to say the magick words." Dick's face lit up like fireworks. That was right! There was the super secret magick words. Dick bounced in his seat repeating the words after Mickey. "Meeska. Mooska. Mickey Mouse." He beamed, proud of himself for repeating the words correctly just like a big boy would have. "Meeska! Mooska! Mickey Mouse!" Dick proclaimed. "Just like Raven!" 

    With the magick declaration, Dick tightly shut his eyes, sloppily folding his legs criss cross style. "Azaredth Mentoes Zintoes." Dick pretended to meditate in reference to their dark friend, although missing a bit of pronunciation. He opened an eye, pausing for a moment. "No, no. Tha's not right. It's..." He wandered off, lost in thought. Closing his eyes again, the regressor took a deep breath in. "Azarath Mentrios Zinthos." Everything was silent for a moment. Dick gripped the sheets in concentration. When suddenly ... 

    "It's the Mickey Mouse Clubhouse! Come inside! It's fun inside!" Having accidentally pressed play on his phone, music suddenly exploded through the previously eerily quiet room. "Eep!" Dick nearly fell off of his bed, startled by the sudden noise. Gaining his balance, Dick looked around before realizing the situation. "Heh. Heh." He sat staring at the device for a moment before slowly cracking a smile. "Heheh hehe heh." Giggles left his mouth, not caring how silly he must have looked. "Haha ehehaha." Laughter filled the room, overpowering any remaining sound from the Mickey Mouse episode. He must have looked so goofy! The child of ultimate balance, the pro hero Robin, scared over a little cartoon! Giggles turned to cackles, as Dick gripped his stomach, bending over with laughter. "HA HAAHAHA!" Wiping the mirthful tears from his eyes, Dick grabbed his phone, before pausing the episode and plugging it in to charge. He yawned. Grabbing the Eeyore plush beside him, Robin snuggled deep beneath his blankets, rubbing the plush against his cheek.

"Good night Mister Mickey Mouse."
