Chapter 24

Robin POV

  After both metaphorical and physical masks came off that night, Slade and Robin only seemed to grow closer in rapport. The two shared a peaceful sort of tranquility like an unsaid agreement rested between the pair. Training was still occasionally grueling on and off from day to day, but something inside Dick had begun to change. He'd gone from struggling to meet Slade's energy during the match, to perfectly balancing a state of vitality throughout. Never getting sloppy, even at the end of a longer session. Instead of tiring out like before, Dick managed to keep a crisp and clear head in the course of sparring practice. It was without a doubt; the longer training hours and clear adversity were pressuring Dick to grow and flourish like never before. Although his body was often sore at the end of the day, just when Slade seemed to be driving him to madness, therapy would come around at the end of the day and make everything okay again. There were no more harsh yelling matches between them. It was simple, knowing the pattern from day to day. Never changing, it gave Dick some kind of certainty when waking up in the morning or laying down at night. 

  But something about today was different. Dick's whole body felt achy with cramps and chills. 5 AM came and went, but Dick just couldn't force himself out of bed. Every time he'd push the covers off a little bit, his chest would scream out in protest and Dick would just end up hiking the blankets back up to his chin once more. Hearing Slade's footsteps approaching his door, Dick groaned, pulling the covers above his head, attempting to block out the future lecture coming his way. "Richard, I am highly disappointed in you." Slade barged in without as much as a knock of warning. "It is unlike you to be late like this, Dickie." Dick felt Slade grab hold of his cover and gripped onto it tighter instinctively. "Now, get. up." Slade enunciated his words, adding two hard tugs to the blanket for effect. Dick only moaned, clenching the material tight in his fist. "Nooo, Slade. I can't do it. Not today." Dick could practically feel the throb in Slade's temple. "Now Dick, I'm not playing around. You've been doing so good in your studies. I'd hate to break a good cycle over some moping about." Dick huffed, shoving the blanket down enough to make eye contact with the older man in front of him. "You don't get it Slade. This is not me moping about. I really just can not do it today." Slade's eyebrows furrowed, looking him up and down as if checking for signs of deception. Evidently not finding any, Slade raised the back of his hand to Richard's forehead. Hissing, he pulled it back as if he'd been bitten. "Dickie, you're burning up!" "No shi-" 

  It was at that moment something very vile and wicked decided to make its way from Dick's tummy, out of his mouth, and all over Slade. Coughing and spewing, Dick clamped a hand over his mouth as he ran to the bathroom toilet, before letting it all loose in the empty bowl. Every muscle in his body seemed to spasm in the cold, pins and needles in his knees, his head aching with every section of vomit that came up. Brushing off the momentary shock, Slade shed his outer layer of armor that had been saturated and quickly made work of the small puddle that gathered at the edge of the bed. Throwing all of the dirty clothes in the hamper, Slade made his way to the bathroom where Dick was leaning his head against the toilet seat, catching his breath. "There, there. You got this boy. In and out." Pulling a strand of hair from his face, Slade rubbed reassuring circles on Dick's back. "I told you I didn't feel good." Dick groused. Slade could only chuckle softly at that. "I know, my boy. I'm sorry you're feeling under the weather." 

  Suddenly clenching his shoulders together, Dick heaved into the toilet once more as Slade whispered soft words of encouragement beside him. "That's it, Dickie. Let it all out. Get all that icky stuff out of your system. I got you." Once it seemed that Dick had emptied out for now, Slade grabbed a cloth from the shelf, ran it under warm water, before kneeling in front of Dick, who was currently resting his forehead against his palm. "Look at me. I'll wipe your face for you." Reaching for the cloth, the weak complaint of 'doing it himself' died in his throat after one look at Slade's stern demeanor. Retracting his hand, Dick leaned forward, allowing Slade to wash away the droplets of sickness that had been splattered onto his cheeks and chin from in his state of frenzy. "There we go. Nice and clean." Brushing the hair from his eyes, Slade internally noted how soft Dick's hair was in the morning before he had the chance to douse it back in hair gel. He inwardly wished that Dick would keep it natural like this more often, although he didn't bother to voice it right then. "Come now. Let's get you into some cooler pajamas and back into bed. I'll inform Mr. Wintergreen that the menu for the day shall be changed to something simpler on the stomach." "M'kay, sir." Wobbling in his attempt to stand, Dick made a small noise of protest when Slade hooked an arm beneath him, lifting him into the air, carrying him back to his new room. "Can do it on my own." Despite this, Dick leaned his head drowsily against Slade's chest, happy to suck in the warmth in his state of chill. 

  Setting Dick down on the bed, Slade quickly stripped the heavier blankets so only a thin sheet was left, before making his way to Dick's dresser. Pulling out a threadbare grey camisole and a pair of black and grey loose basketball shorts, Slade set them down on the bed. "Will you need help changing?" "No, but stay here in case I need you, kay?" Dick slurred slightly on his words. "Just-" He spun his finger in a circular motion. "Turn around." Not questioning his mentees lack of coherency, Slade simply complied, turning his back so the young boy could change comfortably. "All done." Facing Dick once more, Slade smiled sympathetically at the boy who was clearly struggling to stay upright. Dick's arms and legs were covered with goosebumps as his teeth chattered uselessly, his eyelids fluttering to stay awake. "Alright, kid. Time to lay down and get some rest now." Slumping over onto his pillow, Dick couldn't even be bothered to cover himself up, instead choosing to curl up in a ball for warmth. "Cover me up, S'ade." Rolling his eyes, Slade attempted to playfully scowl at Dick's groggy antics, but he couldn't seem to keep the warm familial smile from his face. "Why of course, Dickie. What else am I here for?" Tucking the covers around him, Slade felt his chest chest warm fondly seeing Dick's eyes droop as the shaking and chattering slowly began to ease. "Goodnight, little Dick." "Goodnight Tata."
