The Man Called Andrew

I glanced away. I didn't wanna talk about it. Not to him.

   "Let's go inside." Error muttered opening the door and heading in.

   I turned and went to follow him. I could hear the footsteps following me. I kept my head down. "Error I don't like this."

   "I know. But maybe we'll get some answers." He sighed. " Where are we going Faris?"

   I flinched just hearing the name. I had no doubt that Faris noticed.

   Faris passed by. "This way. She's in the office..."  He opened up a door. "Mom… there's some guys here to talk to us. It's about Andrew."

   The woman in the room looked up. "What about..? Bring them in.."

  Faris motioned for me and Error to come and sit down. The room was too bright.

   I gripped onto Error's sleeve and followed him inside. The chairs were very uncomfortable.

   "Mom. This is Error and his brother Fresh…" Faris explained quietly.

   " Look lady. Your husband or whatever. What happened between you?" Error asked.

   "Andrew was uh… he wasn't a good man… He wanted to take my son." her voice cracked.

   I glanced up and over at Faris. His head was down. He didn't want to look up.

   Faris' mother gasped and drew my attention. She was looking right at me with wide eyes. "You look just like Faris..." she whispered.

   I could see the exact moment framed on her face when she figured it out.

   "Oh God. Oh God. Andrew did something to you didn't he? Because you look like Faris."

   I picked my hands up and pressed them to my head as if trying to block the sound out. "Stop it!" My breathing quickened once again.

   "Fresh. Come on. Come on. You're sitting in an office. You're 22 years old and we're here to get some information." Error gripped onto my shoulders.

   Faris ducked out of the room after this. I don't blame him.

   "I'm so sorry. I'm so so sorry. You're so young." She murmmered.

   "No no. He said that you were dead. He said that you were dead and he thought that I was him!" I shouted pointing out the door.

    "Fresh! Fresh, Fresh, Fresh… Come on. You're okay. He's dead. He's dead." He whispered softly.

   "He's dead?" she whispered.

   "He's dead." Error confirmed.

   "He's d-dead..." I hiccuped. "He's dead..."

   "Good. Good. Shh… Just relax Fresh..." Error's scratchy voice wasn't good for soothing but it worked fine for me.

   "I'm a real mess..." I wiped at my eyes and instinctively reached to push my shades up. They weren't there. "My shades..."

   "In your pocket Fresh." He whispered.

   I reached in my pocket and slid them on my face curling my arms around myself. "I wanna go home..."

   "I know baby brother," he whispered," I know."

   "Can I ask what happened?" The woman asked softly. Neither of us knew her name.

   "Fresh do you wanna wait outside?" Error asked. "I could call Mom to come pick you up."

   "I'll be fine…" I muttered softly. " Go ahead and tell her."

   Error sighed. " Okay…

   I blocked out most of the story anyway. I had already lived it and I relived it over and over again. There's no point in listening.

   "Oh my God. Holy shed." The woman's curse snapped me out of it.

   "Don't curse in front of me." My voice came out harsher than I wanted it to. I didn't mean to snap at her. No one said anything about my tone.

   "I'm sorry..." she whispered. "I'm sorry for everything."

   "No need to be sorry you didn't even know," I muttered under my breath. I could feel Error's grip on my arm keeping me grounded.

   "So he went after you because he thought you were me?" I looked up.I hadn't even realized Faris came back in. I couldn't speak.

   He had tears badly hidden on his face. He looked majorly stressed.

   "Yeah..." Error answered for me.

   "You said Allison is in town? You should avoid her son–"

   "Don't call me that." That time I intended to snap.

   " We'll be leaving now." Error went to get up pulling me with him.

   We didn't stay to hear their excuses or anything else they could have said.
